After moistening the relic with water, use a pencil to score on it. The relic will not leave traces of pencil scratches: Dip the pencil lead in ink and draw lines on the relic. Look at the lines under a magnifying glass to reveal small ones. Dots.

2024/06/3012:18:33 buddhism 1245

After moistening the relic with water, use a pencil to score on it. The relic will not leave traces of pencil scratches: Dip the pencil lead in ink and draw lines on the relic. Look at the lines under a magnifying glass to reveal small ones. Dots. - DayDayNews

Yunyintang old collection of relics

After moistening the relics with water, use a pencil to score on them. The relics will not leave traces of pencil scratches: Dip the pencil lead in ink and mark the lines on the relics, and use a magnifying glass to Looking down at the line volume, small dots appear. Immediately afterwards, the relics were tested with a thermal conductivity meter, and the results showed that the thermal conductivity was 1000~2600W/(m?K). An electric pressure instrument was used to conduct a 2000T pressure test on the relic. The result was that under the pressure of 2000T, the relic remained intact. Preliminary test results show that the Vajra relic is indeed a Vajra body. "The inorganic carbon content of the chemical composition of diamond is 99.98%. It is the only substance composed of a single element in various ores in nature. "There are tens of millions of crystals existing in nature and artificially cultivated bodies, but according to the macroscopic symmetry of the bodies Generally speaking, they can be divided into seven categories: triclinic strain, monoclinic strain, orthogonal strain, square tea tasting, isometric strain, hexagonal strain and cubic tea tasting, etc. The triclinic strain is water, the isometric tea is diamond, and the hexagonal strain is meteorite diamond. Through preliminary testing, we are told that "every relic is a priceless treasure!".

After moistening the relic with water, use a pencil to score on it. The relic will not leave traces of pencil scratches: Dip the pencil lead in ink and draw lines on the relic. Look at the lines under a magnifying glass to reveal small ones. Dots. - DayDayNews

The relics in the old collection of Yunyintang

The relics contain the special energy of the universe, so people with high spiritual practice can sense it when they approach the relic tower or get close to the relics; people with more sensitive feelings can sense it. After calming down, you can also have a certain understanding of the relics. If you are destined to get the relics, from a secular level, the energy it continuously releases will have a certain obvious effect on regulating human health. In fact, not only relics, but also crystals such as crystals can release energy. Tested by relevant instruments, the energy of relics is more than twice that of crystals.

After moistening the relic with water, use a pencil to score on it. The relic will not leave traces of pencil scratches: Dip the pencil lead in ink and draw lines on the relic. Look at the lines under a magnifying glass to reveal small ones. Dots. - DayDayNews

Buddha bone relics previously stored in Yunyintang

According to Buddhist teachings, Buddhist practice focuses on cultivating the mind. Through the practice of "precepts, concentration and wisdom", the essence can be strong, enter concentration, make the mind focused, emerge from wisdom, and emerge. Wisdom and light. It is equivalent to Taoist achieving success in refining gods. When Buddhists attain Taoism and hate, they use the light of wisdom to illuminate the body, which is "the spirit refining the acquired fine form", just like using flames to re-melt iron ore, and thus the acquired fine shape is reorganized. It's like carbon being compressed violently to form a diamond. If this kind of light-melting refined form is very deep, usually the body's refined form will also be assimilated into "light" and relics in the nuclear magnetic resonance of light.

After moistening the relic with water, use a pencil to score on it. The relic will not leave traces of pencil scratches: Dip the pencil lead in ink and draw lines on the relic. Look at the lines under a magnifying glass to reveal small ones. Dots. - DayDayNews

Yunyintang's old collection of colorful relics

We must introduce the concept of " plasma " to facilitate explanation.

plasma, also called plasma , is an ionized gas-like substance composed of atoms that have been deprived of some of their electrons and positrons and negative electrons generated after the atoms are ionized. It is a substance that exists except solid, liquid, and gas. The fourth state. Plasma is a good conductor of electricity, and cleverly designed magnetic fields can be used to capture, move and accelerate plasma. Plasma can be divided into two types: high temperature and low temperature plasma . High-temperature plasma only occurs when the temperature is high enough. The sun and stars continuously emit this plasma, which makes up 99% of the universe. Low-temperature plasma is a plasma that occurs at normal temperature (although the temperature of the electrons is very high). Low-temperature plasma can be used for surface treatments such as oxidation and cross-fertilization or for precipitation coatings on organic and inorganic substances. In fact, people are not unfamiliar with the phenomenon of contour bodies. In nature, flickering flames, dazzling lightning, and gorgeous auroras are all the result of plasma. For the entire universe, almost 99.9% of the matter exists in the form of plasma , such as stars and interplanetary space, which are all composed of plasma. Plasma can be generated by artificial methods, such as nuclear fusion, nuclear fission, glow discharge and various discharges.

After moistening the relic with water, use a pencil to score on it. The relic will not leave traces of pencil scratches: Dip the pencil lead in ink and draw lines on the relic. Look at the lines under a magnifying glass to reveal small ones. Dots. - DayDayNews

Yunyintang old collection Buddha bone relics

In 1966, former Soviet scientists Kilian and his wife discovered the existence of human meridians using "Kilian photography technology". At first, they used this method to study how special powers could cure diseases.Photos taken in high-frequency fields show that people with special abilities can emit a kind of light that becomes stronger and weaker depending on the attention of the emitter, and the recipient will feel a kind of burning. They also took photos of the plant: each leaf can emit flames, and the flames still exist when 2/3 of the leaves are cut off.

In 1973, Michael, a doctor of medicine in St. Petersburg. Kusmich Gaijin saw the photos of human bodies taken by Killian and was very inspired. The human body can emit countless pairs of red, yellow and blue lights, and show many bright spots. He thought of the theory of traditional Chinese medicine: the human body has an energy that runs along the meridians and can be extracted at acupuncture points. After research, Gaijin found that these bright spots were exactly the same as the acupuncture points recorded by traditional Chinese medicine 5,000 years ago, and the trajectory of the light rays was also consistent with the meridian map. Thus, for the first time, ancient Chinese medicine was confirmed. Scientists from Kirov State University in Almaty connected a huge microscope with Kirian instruments and observed the movement of the human body in a high-frequency field. His expression is Fire and light. In 1968,

W. Yi Hongxin and other doctors discovered that this is an energy body (plasma), which is different from the natural body composed of molecules. Some people in the Russian scientific community have proposed through experiments that plasma still exists if part of a natural body is amputated (this can explain why people with amputated limbs can still feel the existence of limbs). And Harbin Robertson, chairman of the Arkansas Special Psychology Research Foundation, proposed: After the death of living things, the plasma will leave the natural body, and life will exist in a special form. Some Moscow scientists used acupuncture points and meridian conduction meters to study and found that thought sensing (telepathy) has a significant effect on the energy body, and the energy body may be the mediator of thought sensing. The photos of plants in high-frequency fields are reminiscent of the 1968 discovery of Baxter, the president of the New York School of Speech Analysis. Plants have been observed to have sense-memory and extrasensory perception using polygraph instruments. From Kilian's photo, we can see that the plant's plasma is probably the mediator of its sensory function.

The golden light released before the Buddhist combination with Lizi is actually plasma. It is enriched by the ions in the Buddhist meridian acupoints. It is obtained when the discharge phenomenon occurs and is captured when cultivating to a certain level, that is, being able to adjust one's own electromagnetic field to a level where plasma can be captured. Since the normal human body has not reached this level, although the ions in our own meridian points are enriched, discharge phenomena can occur and ions are produced, but they are generally very weak and are often consumed in external radiation, and cannot be collected. Let it go freely, so there is no possibility of relics appearing.

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