Many scientists admire Buddhism, but if we say that the end of science is Buddhism, we have already said it. A house was built, because the room was solid except for the walls, and the inside was hollow. It was because of this empty place that people could gather, and various cha

2024/05/2917:36:33 buddhism 1194

Many scientists admire Buddhism , but if we say that the end of science is Buddhism, I have said it before. Sakyamuni 's teachings are indeed great, but they do not cover the entire universe. He cannot explain many things clearly.

Many of the main views of Buddhism are not unique to Buddhism.

Dependent origination is empty. In fact, Taoism also talks about it. The "Tao Te Ching" says, "If there is nothing in the house, there is room for it; if there is nothing, there is no use." This is what it means.

Many scientists admire Buddhism, but if we say that the end of science is Buddhism, we have already said it. A house was built, because the room was solid except for the walls, and the inside was hollow. It was because of this empty place that people could gather, and various cha - DayDayNews

built a house, because the inside of the room is solid except for the walls, and the inside is hollow. It is because of this empty place that people can gather, and various changes can occur, and there is the so-called origin.

Buddhism talks about cause and effect and dependent origination, but it does not talk about the changes in dependent origination. On the contrary, Taoism also talks about the changes of dependent origination, believing that although conditions can be divided into good and evil, good and bad, they will transform into each other under different conditions. This Buddhism does not talk about stalemate the world.

Moreover, Buddhism does not explain clearly how cause and effect arise.

Many scientists admire Buddhism, but if we say that the end of science is Buddhism, we have already said it. A house was built, because the room was solid except for the walls, and the inside was hollow. It was because of this empty place that people could gather, and various cha - DayDayNews

A man shot to kill someone, but the bullet hit a pillar and bounced back, killing him. According to Buddhism, this is cause and effect.

According to physics, this is called conservation. That is to say, as much as you go in, as much as you go out, there must be a cause and an effect.

However, physicists did not understand why there is conservation. It was not until a female mathematician appeared that the problem was clarified.

▍Language cannot exhaust all human knowledge.

The biggest difference between Buddhism and Taoism is that Taoism has semiotics. Yin Yang, Five Elements , Qi Men Dun Jia, are all derivation of symbols.

In science, semiotics are particularly important. Without semiotics, there would be no mathematics and no physics.

Why Buddhism does not explain cause and effect clearly is because it has no semiotics. This thing must be explained clearly using semiotics, which cannot be expressed in words.

There is cause and effect and conservation in this world because time and space are symmetrical.

Many scientists admire Buddhism, but if we say that the end of science is Buddhism, we have already said it. A house was built, because the room was solid except for the walls, and the inside was hollow. It was because of this empty place that people could gather, and various cha - DayDayNews

Let me first talk about what is the symmetry of time. For example, the "Shrangama Sutra" was brought to China by Indian monks during the Tang Dynasty.

The content in the Shurangama Sutra appeared earlier, but until now, the content of the sutra has not changed. Up to now, the meaning of the sutra is the same. This is called the symmetry of time.

Tang Seng set out to the West to obtain scriptures. When he came back, he was still Tang Seng. He did not become another person, nor did he become Zhu Bajie. This is called the symmetry of space.

Once the symmetry is broken, cause and effect will disappear.

This symmetry is not as simple as the symmetry of our left hand and right hand, or the symmetry of the left half of the body and the right half of the body. It has a series of profound semiotic expressions.

Many scientists admire Buddhism, but if we say that the end of science is Buddhism, we have already said it. A house was built, because the room was solid except for the walls, and the inside was hollow. It was because of this empty place that people could gather, and various cha - DayDayNews

It was the German female mathematician Emmy Noether who discovered this rule.

We must understand that although the sages of the past were great, they are not the end of human intelligence. Otherwise, there is no hope for the human world.

In fact, Buddhist knowledge comes from a more ancient civilization. Sakyamuni himself said that he reincarnated in this world more than 500 times before he attained the truth.

Taoist knowledge also comes from older civilizations.

There is no hidden knowledge in Buddhism, but there is in Taoism.

This is the reason for the difference between the two. Taoism talks about the knowledge at the bottom of the universe, and this must be expressed using semiotics.

Many scientists admire Buddhism, but if we say that the end of science is Buddhism, we have already said it. A house was built, because the room was solid except for the walls, and the inside was hollow. It was because of this empty place that people could gather, and various cha - DayDayNews

It can be said that Buddhism is the application program and Taoism is the underlying operating system.

So when it comes to interaction between people, Buddhist teachings are better. But when it comes to treating diseases, Taoist teachings are definitely more powerful.

Some people have been immersed in religion all their lives and think that religious classics are everything. In fact, they have not seen any deeper knowledge.

Precisely because Sakyamuni’s Dharma is incomplete and flawed, according to Buddhism itself, Amitabha is required to guide all sentient beings, so don’t make Buddhism absolute.

According to Taoism, the Sage Ziwei will appear in the future.

These all illustrate one thing. Past knowledge is incomplete, and it also illustrates that society is moving forward.

Many scientists admire Buddhism, but if we say that the end of science is Buddhism, we have already said it. A house was built, because the room was solid except for the walls, and the inside was hollow. It was because of this empty place that people could gather, and various cha - DayDayNews

▍The world has a beginning and an end.

According to Buddhism, the universe exists forever and develops infinitely, with no starting point and no end, because if there is a starting point and an end, cause and effect will be destroyed.

But now science has discovered that the universe has a beginning. The universe originated from a big bang at a point. According to existing scientific theories, the universe will eventually die.

The relationship between cause and effect only exists in a continuously changing universe. When the universe changes from one form to another, cause and effect breaks down.

These questions that Buddhism has not answered have been answered by science.

Many scientists admire Buddhism, but if we say that the end of science is Buddhism, we have already said it. A house was built, because the room was solid except for the walls, and the inside was hollow. It was because of this empty place that people could gather, and various cha - DayDayNews

▍The normalization of world cognition.

All religions in the world believe that there is a single master behind the existence of the world. Buddhism calls it Tathagata , Taoism calls it Tao, Christianity and Islam calls it God. This shows that everyone believes that behind the laws of all things Has uniformity.

If there is no unified law of movement among substances, the world will be chaotic, irregular, disordered and ungraspable.

Moreover, physics now also believes that there is a final mathematical law for the operation of all things, which is the so-called grand unified equation, so physicists have been pursuing grand unity.

Whether it is religion or science, it is a certain understanding of the natural world by human beings. If everyone pursues the same direction and has a unique culmination, then all the results will be unified in the end.

Many scientists admire Buddhism, but if we say that the end of science is Buddhism, we have already said it. A house was built, because the room was solid except for the walls, and the inside was hollow. It was because of this empty place that people could gather, and various cha - DayDayNews

This is the uniformity of world cognition.

The biggest advantage of science is that the cognitive laws of the world are uniformly represented by semiotics, which reduces a lot of ambiguities.

Precisely because there is no ambiguity, there are few factions in science. Basically, everyone is developing in the same direction, so science is developing very fast. In just a few hundred years, physics is now close to the end of matter.

With the development of science and the progress of society, one day, the absolute truth will appear in the world. The absolute truth will contain all previous knowledge and solve all human confusions.

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