"Liao Fan's Four Instructions" says: I make my destiny and seek my own blessings. All fields of blessing are close to the square. If you look for them from the heart, you will feel everything. A person's blessings are never given by others, but are cultivated and sought by onesel

2024/05/2401:55:33 buddhism 1232

"Liao Fan's Four Instructions" says: I make my destiny and seek my own blessings. All fields of blessing are close to the square. Find them from the heart and feel everything. A person's blessings are never given by others, but are cultivated and sought by oneself. It is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. Only by cultivating and seeking from one's own thoughts, words and deeds can there be good results. .

All fields of blessing are close to each other. The human heart is a magnetic field. Good people will attract good people, and bad people will be attracted by bad people. The Buddha said that everything is created by the mind. One thought can do good and one thought can do evil. No one in this world can escape the law of cause and effect in life. , Good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. If you are kind to others and do good deeds, you will have good destiny and blessings; if you never do bad things, you will have retribution in this life.

In life, everyone hopes that everything will be smooth sailing, that all their wishes will come true, that their lives will go smoothly, that they will be the lucky person, that they will be able to live a rich life, and even be promoted and make a fortune; however, without blessings, everything will be in vain. People even try their best, opportunistically, and use any means to get everything they want, but the result is that their efforts are often in vain. In the end, they only get nothing, and they shoot themselves in the foot.

If you sow melons, you will reap melons, and if you sow beans, you will reap beans. There is a cause and a result in this world. The blessings of these four people are all cultivated by themselves. How blessed are they? Are you there?

1. People who do not care about their efforts.

It is said that suffering is a blessing. How many people are willing to suffer? Who doesn’t care about others, making their own little calculations, and scheming against others, fearing that they will suffer a loss? Some people don’t even take advantage of others, and they feel unhappy. A person who is smart can’t suffer a loss. People who can even take advantage of others and only know how to ask for it without knowing anything in return are Xiaodujichang. In fact, they have taken advantage and suffered losses, and have consumed their own blessings.

This society belongs to everyone. Whether it is a family or a society or a country, someone needs to make sacrifices and contributions; those who pay silently, regardless of personal gains and losses, seem to have suffered a loss, but in fact they have accumulated their own blessings. , God must be fair and will never treat a good and moral person badly. People’s eyes are sharp. If you have made sacrifices and contributions, the leaders will see it and will definitely give you the honor you deserve. And in return, your blessing will come.

A person who can make sacrifices without regrets, has the courage to take responsibility, does not care about his own interests, and is unfazed by favors and disgrace is the Bodhisattva spirit. Such people have extremely high cultivation and will bring good destiny and blessings to themselves. Suffering a loss is a blessing, it is not a lie, and cause and effect will not lie.

In this society, there are always some people who do charity without caring about fame and fortune, bring benefits and benefits to others, and sacrifice and contribute to society. Such people themselves are people with great blessings. If there is no blessing, they will not have their own. Material and financial resources are here to serve everyone.

2. People who work hard.

At any time, a person's subjective efforts come first. There will be no pie in the sky, and there is no free lunch in the world. You must rely on your own wisdom to solve problems, rely on your own mind to earn money, and rely on your own Eating with both hands, having enough food and clothing, small wealth depends on hard work, and big wealth depends on life. Only by being an active and hard-working person can you have your own good fortune.

God rewards hard work. Everything in life comes from hard work and hardship. Hard work, bravery, thrift and thrift have always been the fine traditions of our nation. If you sow melons, you will get melons, and if you sow beans, you will get beans. If you sow in spring, you will harvest in autumn. If you are indolent, lazy in work, and lazy in eating, you will definitely be poor all your life, and you will not have your own blessings.

Only by enduring hardship can you become a superior person. If you want to be richer than others, have a better life than others, and be better than others, you must work harder and pay more than others. The more you work, the more you will get. There is no gain for nothing in this world, only hard work. Only by sweating can you earn your own living and live a solid life.

Work hard enough to be powerless, work hard enough to impress yourself, and your efforts will definitely be rewarded. Only by being a person who works hard can you have your own blessings.

3. People with positive energy in their hearts.

There are really not many smooth lives. A life full of twists and turns, failure, and suffering is the normal state of life. Facing the injustice of life, facing the blow of fate, facing poverty, hardship and failure, from Only those who do not give up on themselves, always insist on themselves, and are full of positive energy in their hearts will not be knocked down by life, and will win their own blessings.

The time before dawn is the darkest. How many people have given up on themselves because they cannot see hope, but they do not know that they are only one step away from success. When you cannot see the future, you must light a heart lamp for yourself. When you can't hold on, you have to give yourself strength and have righteousness in your heart. Only then can you save yourself and bring yourself blessings.

Think for the best in everything, always look forward in life, believe that difficulties will pass, work hard to find an exit in life, and break through your own predicament. All your negativity, inaction, and self-destruction will only make your destiny worse and worse. The worse.

Sunshine always comes after the storm. The most difficult thing to change in life is yourself. The shadows in life are often caused by blocking the sunshine. Only by making your heart strong and full of positivity can you change yourself and bring happiness to yourself. Good luck comes.

4. People who treat their families well.

Family and everything are prosperous. A person's happiness has a great relationship with his family. A happy and harmonious family will give you support in your soul and motivation in your work and career. When you want to work hard for your family, In time, you will also achieve yourself and become a blessed person.

A family consists of parents, lovers and children. Only if you treat them well and make them happy can you be a qualified parent, wife and child. If your family is happy, you will be happy and you will be a qualified person. Blessed people.

One hundred virtues and filial piety are the first, treat your parents well, honor your parents, be grateful to your parents is the duty of a person. Parents are our roots and our best field of blessing. A family is to follow the example of the top and the bottom. The so-called upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Your words and deeds teach you The most important thing is that how you treat your parents will be how your children will treat you. If you honor your parents, you will have the blessing of having children who will honor you when you are old.

A home needs to be run. Your responsibility and dedication will make a family happy and healthy. Home is a place of love. When you give your best temper and best love to your family, then your home will be complete. Warmth and harmony, the concern and encouragement of warmth and love from your family are your best blessings.

Only when a person seeks happiness for himself can he be blessed. The above four people are blessed after all. I hope you can do the same.

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