The more you play with these toys, the stronger your child's athletic ability. Don't miss it for 2-3 year olds!

Kinesiology researchers at the University of Texas at Arlington found that toys help promote the development of baby's motor skills.

helps your baby choose the right toys, which can not only exercise the baby's muscle groups, but also make the joints of the hands, wrists and legs more flexible. For 2~3 year old babies, what kind of toys are more helpful to improve motor skills?

twisting toys

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babies of this age group are more flexible, and toys such as building blocks have long been difficult for them.

may as well choose some twisting toys for your baby, such as some toys that use a wrench to combine nuts and nuts in an innovative combination, which is not only very helpful for improving their fine movements, but also for developing intelligence.

Mom can play the bottle cap screwing game with the baby, first unscrew the bottle cap, and then let the baby close it. When playing games with your baby, you can choose more specially designed bottle caps to enhance your baby's interest.

balance toys

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babies with good body coordination, usually masters of sports.

In order to improve the coordination of the baby's body, mothers can buy car toys such as balance bikes, twist bikes, and scooters for the baby. In addition to improving the baby's sense of balance, they are also great for exercising leg muscles.

When babies drive all kinds of cars, the speed is often too fast. In addition to reminding the baby to drive as slowly as possible in advance, the mother should also wear a helmet for the baby to avoid accidents when the baby brakes suddenly or turns.

ball toys

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As babies grow up day by day, ball toys are deeply loved by babies. When playing with this kind of toys, mothers may wish to provide the baby with several new ways to play, such as catching and passing the ball. This kind of sports requires the full coordination of the limbs, which is very good for improving the baby's coordination.

mother can also teach the baby to learn to shoot the ball, which requires the baby to constantly change its position according to the position of the ball, which is also very beneficial to improve the athletic ability.

Mom should remind the baby not to have too much force when hitting the ball on the ground, so as not to bounce the ball too high, not only is it difficult to shoot, but it may also bounce on the baby.


When the baby is exercising, mothers must pay special attention to the safety of the sports field. In addition, safe dressing cannot be ignored. For example, whether the baby's shoelaces are fastened. In addition, do not wear clothes with streamers, tassels and other designs for your baby. The baby sweats a lot during exercise, mothers should pay attention to wipe the baby in time to prevent the baby from catching a cold.