Affected by many factors such as age, embryo quality, uterine cavity environment, etc., the success rate of IVF is not 100%. Therefore, sisters should pay special attention during the treatment process and do not do anything that may affect the success rate.

2024/05/1718:39:32 baby 1791

Affected by many factors such as age, embryo quality, uterine cavity environment, etc., the success rate of IVF is not 100%. Therefore, sisters should pay special attention during the treatment process and do not do anything that may affect the success rate. - DayDayNews

Affected by many factors such as age, embryo quality, uterine cavity environment, etc., the success rate of IVF is not 100%. Therefore, sisters should pay special attention during the treatment process and do not do anything that may affect the success rate.

No, the editor has carefully summarized the following 5 things for you. Come and see which ones you usually neglect~


Affected by many factors such as age, embryo quality, uterine cavity environment, etc., the success rate of IVF is not 100%. Therefore, sisters should pay special attention during the treatment process and do not do anything that may affect the success rate. - DayDayNews

Indiscriminate use of drugs

Some drugs will affect the quality of sperm and eggs, or It has teratogenic effects on the fetus in early pregnancy.

Therefore, during the test tube treatment, if you are sick or need to take medicine for other reasons, you should inform the doctor in time and take the medicine under the guidance of the doctor to avoid the impact of the medicine on the fetus.

Affected by many factors such as age, embryo quality, uterine cavity environment, etc., the success rate of IVF is not 100%. Therefore, sisters should pay special attention during the treatment process and do not do anything that may affect the success rate. - DayDayNews


Affected by many factors such as age, embryo quality, uterine cavity environment, etc., the success rate of IVF is not 100%. Therefore, sisters should pay special attention during the treatment process and do not do anything that may affect the success rate. - DayDayNews

Frequently staying up late

Staying up late is a natural enemy of women’s health. If you stay up late frequently, it can easily lead to endocrine disorders and affect ovarian function and egg quality.

During the IVF assisted pregnancy process, doctors will observe the follicles based on hormone levels and B ultrasound , and then continuously adjust ovulation induction drugs. In order to make hormone levels more accurate and to improve the quality of eggs and sperm, it is best not to stay up late during IVF and maintain a regular schedule.


Affected by many factors such as age, embryo quality, uterine cavity environment, etc., the success rate of IVF is not 100%. Therefore, sisters should pay special attention during the treatment process and do not do anything that may affect the success rate. - DayDayNews

Indiscriminate supplementation

Nutritional supplements are needed during IVF treatment, but avoid eating and drinking. Overeating can easily lead to obesity, which affects fertility. In addition to making patients less sensitive to ovulation-inducing drugs, obesity may also cause damage to the uterine lining, affect embryo quality, and increase the risk of miscarriage. Therefore, during the test tube treatment process, it is necessary to control the diet reasonably and have balanced nutrition.


Affected by many factors such as age, embryo quality, uterine cavity environment, etc., the success rate of IVF is not 100%. Therefore, sisters should pay special attention during the treatment process and do not do anything that may affect the success rate. - DayDayNews

Smoking and drinking

Smoking has a huge impact on female fertility. Smoking will accelerate the depletion of follicles and is not conducive to pregnancy. Studies have shown that female smokers have a much higher pregnancy miscarriage rate than non-smoking women. Drinking alcohol will also affect sperm and eggs to varying degrees. Therefore, during the test tube treatment process, you should try your best to quit smoking and drinking.

Affected by many factors such as age, embryo quality, uterine cavity environment, etc., the success rate of IVF is not 100%. Therefore, sisters should pay special attention during the treatment process and do not do anything that may affect the success rate. - DayDayNews


Affected by many factors such as age, embryo quality, uterine cavity environment, etc., the success rate of IVF is not 100%. Therefore, sisters should pay special attention during the treatment process and do not do anything that may affect the success rate. - DayDayNews

Sexual intercourse between couples

In the middle and late stages of ovulation induction, on the one hand, it may lead to premature ovulation of follicles. On the other hand, it may also increase the risk of ovarian torsion, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the ovaries. And if you have sex within half a month after the embryo transfer surgery, it may also affect the implantation of the embryo. Therefore, during IVF treatment, it is necessary to arrange the time for intercourse reasonably and exercise restraint when it is time to exercise restraint.

Affected by many factors such as age, embryo quality, uterine cavity environment, etc., the success rate of IVF is not 100%. Therefore, sisters should pay special attention during the treatment process and do not do anything that may affect the success rate. - DayDayNews

Affected by many factors such as age, embryo quality, uterine cavity environment, etc., the success rate of IVF is not 100%. Therefore, sisters should pay special attention during the treatment process and do not do anything that may affect the success rate. - DayDayNews

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