Text | Jing Ma Many people say that you should not tell others during the early stages of pregnancy. This is actually not a feudal superstition, but because the fetus is not stable in the early stages of pregnancy, and may cause miscarriage, or the pregnancy may have to be termin

2024/05/1715:36:33 baby 1926

text | Jing Ma

Text | Jing Ma Many people say that you should not tell others during the early stages of pregnancy. This is actually not a feudal superstition, but because the fetus is not stable in the early stages of pregnancy, and may cause miscarriage, or the pregnancy may have to be termin - DayDayNews

Many people say that you should not tell others during the early stages of pregnancy. This is not actually a feudal superstition, but because the fetus is not stable in the early stages of pregnancy and may cause miscarriage, or it may have to be terminated due to malformation. Pregnancy !

Don't tell others about your pregnancy, and others won't know. The most important reason is that in the early stages of pregnancy, the mother's belly cannot actually tell that she is pregnant. Text | Jing Ma Many people say that you should not tell others during the early stages of pregnancy. This is actually not a feudal superstition, but because the fetus is not stable in the early stages of pregnancy, and may cause miscarriage, or the pregnancy may have to be termin - DayDayNews

is ten months pregnant, how does the baby grow? Just look at this fruit comparison chart and it will be clear

The first month of pregnancy: like peanuts

If calculated according to the last menstrual period, the fetus is just a small embryo in the first month of pregnancy, and B ultrasound cannot be seen clearly. of.

The tiny embryo is about the size of a peanut.

The fetus is too small at this time, the mother's belly has not changed, and the mother herself does not know whether the fetus has arrived.


Once you don’t have contraception, you should pay attention to Don’t take medicine randomly and don’t go to decoration places.

Text | Jing Ma Many people say that you should not tell others during the early stages of pregnancy. This is actually not a feudal superstition, but because the fetus is not stable in the early stages of pregnancy, and may cause miscarriage, or the pregnancy may have to be termin - DayDayNews

Second month of pregnancy: Like a small grape

The baby has successfully implanted. During the B-ultrasound, you can already see the embryo sac, and you can also see the beating of fetal heart .

Although the belly did not increase significantly at this time, the hormones had increased a lot, and the mother began to not want to eat, causing vomiting in early pregnancy .


If your appetite is not good at this time, you can eat whatever you want. It is recommended to eat some whole wheat bread , soda crackers and other carbohydrates things to prevent the increase in urinary ketones.

Text | Jing Ma Many people say that you should not tell others during the early stages of pregnancy. This is actually not a feudal superstition, but because the fetus is not stable in the early stages of pregnancy, and may cause miscarriage, or the pregnancy may have to be termin - DayDayNews

3rd month of pregnancy: Like a Sydney pear

Pregnancy has entered the 3rd month. Although the belly is not obviously enlarged from the outside, the uterus is already slowly enlarging, compressing the bladder.

Therefore, many mothers often experience frequent urination and urgent urination at this time.


Don't hold back your urine , and don't be afraid of urinating too much or not drinking too much water, because excessive urination is caused by pressure on the bladder and has nothing to do with how much water you drink. You must drink more water after pregnancy.

Text | Jing Ma Many people say that you should not tell others during the early stages of pregnancy. This is actually not a feudal superstition, but because the fetus is not stable in the early stages of pregnancy, and may cause miscarriage, or the pregnancy may have to be termin - DayDayNews

4th month of pregnancy: like a mango

When the pregnancy enters the 4th month, it begins to enter the second trimester . The fetus has gradually stabilized, and the pregnant mother does not want to vomit and starts to have a big appetite.


Once you have a big appetite, you should pay attention to balanced nutrition . It is best to consume 12 kinds of food every day and more than 25 kinds of food every week. Try to follow the "Balanced Diet Pagoda for Chinese Pregnant Women" as much as possible. Come and eat the food on 》.

Text | Jing Ma Many people say that you should not tell others during the early stages of pregnancy. This is actually not a feudal superstition, but because the fetus is not stable in the early stages of pregnancy, and may cause miscarriage, or the pregnancy may have to be termin - DayDayNews

5th month of pregnancy: like a papaya

In the 5th month of pregnancy, the long march has passed halfway, and the mother’s belly has become obvious. At this time, it starts to feel bulky.


Weigh yourself every day, and control your weight gain from half a catty to eight taels per week.

If you have a tooth problem, try to deal with it at this time as much as possible.

This month, mother began to feel fetal movements .

The 6th month of pregnancy: The fetus begins to grow taller, and the length is like an eggplant

From the 6th month of pregnancy, the uterus begins to grow, and the mother begins to feel that her stomach will be pushed up when she eats too much.

Because the fetal bones begin to grow rapidly, a large amount of calcium is needed. Be sure to eat more foods high in calcium.


requires 1,000 mg of calcium per day, so you need to drink 400 to 600 ml of milk, or supplement 500 to 600 mg of calcium every day.

Text | Jing Ma Many people say that you should not tell others during the early stages of pregnancy. This is actually not a feudal superstition, but because the fetus is not stable in the early stages of pregnancy, and may cause miscarriage, or the pregnancy may have to be termin - DayDayNews

7th month of pregnancy: like a big pineapple

When you reach the 7th month of pregnancy, you have actually entered the third trimester . The enlargement of the belly will cause the center of gravity to move forward, pulling on the muscles of the back. Many mothers begin to have back pain feeling.


Try to keep your body as straight as possible when walking. You can buy and pregnancy pillows when sleeping to prevent your belly from hanging in the air and prevent fetal hypoxia.

The 8th month of pregnancy: Like a cantaloupe

At this time, the mother's movement has been restricted. The weight of the fetus is increasing at an average rate of 200 grams per week. , so the mother must weigh herself every day to avoid excessive weight gain.

Of course, if the doctor says the fetus is too small during the B-ultrasound, then you should eat more at this time to promote the fetus to grow faster.


Eat a light diet with less salt and less oil, eat more vegetables and more high-protein foods, and pay attention to calcium supplements.

Text | Jing Ma Many people say that you should not tell others during the early stages of pregnancy. This is actually not a feudal superstition, but because the fetus is not stable in the early stages of pregnancy, and may cause miscarriage, or the pregnancy may have to be termin - DayDayNews

9th month of pregnancy: like a watermelon

Pregnancy has entered the 9th month, not far from unloading. At this time, the weight of the fetus is already 5 pounds.

Mothers are overburdened and may not be able to eat well or sleep well.


Avoid strenuous exercise to prevent premature birth.

The 10th month of pregnancy: looks like a big watermelon

The 10th month of pregnancy, the fetus looks like a bigger watermelon.


may be born at any time, and the mother must be prepared to be hospitalized.

Text | Jing Ma Many people say that you should not tell others during the early stages of pregnancy. This is actually not a feudal superstition, but because the fetus is not stable in the early stages of pregnancy, and may cause miscarriage, or the pregnancy may have to be termin - DayDayNews

During the tenth month of pregnancy, the mother’s belly is slowly growing, and the fetus has grown from a fertilized egg to a baby weighing more than 6 pounds. All of this depends on the mother’s body’s nutritional supply and puts a huge burden on the mother’s body. .

As a human being, you must know how to be grateful to your mother!

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