It is a huge headache for mothers that babies always get sick. After the baby is born, he comes into an environment full of germs and all kinds of air pollution. In fact, the baby's illness is closely related to the baby's immunity. Let's take a look at the baby together. Develop

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It is a huge headache for mothers that babies always get sick. After a baby is born, he will enter an environment full of germs and all kinds of air pollution. In fact, the baby's illness is closely related to the baby's immunity. Below we will explain Let’s take a look at the developmental characteristics of your baby’s immunity and balance your baby’s immunity.

It is a huge headache for mothers that babies always get sick. After the baby is born, he comes into an environment full of germs and all kinds of air pollution. In fact, the baby's illness is closely related to the baby's immunity. Let's take a look at the baby together. Develop - DayDayNews

Newly born baby

Although the body of a newly born baby is not strong enough, the baby absorbs part of the antibody immunoglobulin from the mother and 1, which forms the first line of defense in the baby's growth process.

html Characteristics of immune development in babies aged 10 to 6 months

At this time, the baby still has a lot of immunoglobulin in the body, which can resist infections from a variety of viruses and some bacteria. Therefore, colds and other infectious diseases are generally less common.

html For babies after 16 months of age

, the antibodies given by the mother cannot always accompany the baby, but gradually decrease as they grow. At the same time, the baby's own immune system is also developing, building, and improving, and these two processes occur simultaneously.

html Babies after 13 years old

As the age increases, the baby's own immune system gradually matures, and the ability to produce antibodies gradually increases. Usually after 3 years old, the body's disease resistance increases significantly. The acquired immunity against bacteria and viruses reaches 90% of adults.

It is a huge headache for mothers that babies always get sick. After the baby is born, he comes into an environment full of germs and all kinds of air pollution. In fact, the baby's illness is closely related to the baby's immunity. Let's take a look at the baby together. Develop - DayDayNews

How to balance your baby’s immunity

1, A balanced diet

This is the basic condition for balancing immunity. Only when your baby eats a balanced and nutritious diet can all organs of the body function normally. Therefore, the baby should be able to eat carbohydrates (staple foods such as rice and noodles), protein (meat, fish, etc.), fiber (vegetables, fruits), dairy products and other foods every day. Do not always feed the baby a single diet. food.

2, Ensure adequate sleep

Children who sleep efficiently at night will have better weight and height growth. The secretion of growth hormone , which is necessary for human growth, gradually reaches its peak after 21 hours of deep sleep. Generally, the peak period of secretion is from 10 pm to 1 am. If sufficient sleep cannot be guaranteed, the secretion of growth hormone will decrease. Height growth will be affected. On the other hand, your energy the next day cannot be guaranteed, and your physical fitness will decline over time.

It is a huge headache for mothers that babies always get sick. After the baby is born, he comes into an environment full of germs and all kinds of air pollution. In fact, the baby's illness is closely related to the baby's immunity. Let's take a look at the baby together. Develop - DayDayNews

It is every parent’s biggest wish that their baby not get sick, be healthy, and be happy. How to balance the baby’s immunity is an eternal topic for parents. I believe that after reading this article, you will also understand the characteristics of the baby’s immune development. The editor recommends Mothers can usually supplement the baby's immunity with King's Health BelEpiCor compound powder to protect the baby's healthy growth!

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