But there are so many picture books in bookstores, where do you start? There are many international picture book competitions every year, the most famous of which are these three awards: the International Hans Christian Andersen Award, the Caldecott Medal and the Greenaway Award.

If you want to develop your baby's language skills early, reading picture books is undoubtedly a good way.

But there are so many picture books in bookstores, which one should you start with?

When talking about how to choose a good picture book, we must talk about the authoritative awards in the picture book industry.

There are many international picture book competitions every year, the most famous of which are these three awards: International Andersen Award , Caldecott Medal and Greenaway Award.

The picture books that can be recognized by these awards are second to none among children's books in terms of language, plot and picture quality.

would like to introduce these three awards to you today. Several representative children’s books are also listed under each award. Let’s take a look at them!


The International Andersen Award is probably the ultimate goal of all picture book creators.

The International Hans Christian Andersen Award was established in 1956. Initially, it only had awards for writers. After the independent award for painters was established in 1966, it has become a dream for picture book painters around the world and is known as the "Nobel Prize" in the picture book industry! The

International Andersen Award focuses on the content of picture books. It is selected every two years and is awarded as a lifetime achievement to an illustrator who has made a significant contribution to the development of picture books.

To win this award, picture book creators must not only have exquisite drawing skills, but also demonstrate outstanding literary skills.

Among them, the most famous ones suitable for children under 3 years old include the following:

Picture book names: "My Mother", "My Father"

Author: Anthony Brown (UK)

Applicable age: 0 years old +

In the eyes of children, Probably all parents are like giants, omnipotent.

My dad is not afraid of anything, not even the bad guy, the Big Bad Wolf! My mother is the strongest mother in the world and she is as gentle as a cat.

These two picture books use humorous writing and warm pictures to express children's love for their father and mother.

Picture book name: "Moonlight"

Author: Moeb Span Olsen (Denmark)

Applicable age: 2 years old+

What a wonderful book, the picture book is turned vertically, which is very unique .

In order to find another moon for the moon, the moonlight boy set off with a basket. What interesting things did he see along the way?

This is a picture book that emphasizes imagination. All the pictures have no clue or reason. Children's rich imagination can run wild here.

Picture book name: "Who is Hmm on my head "

Author: Wolf Ebruch (Germany)

Applicable age: 1 year old +

Just the title of the book is enough to arouse everyone's curiosity .

The story tells the story of an unlucky little mole and the process of finding out which bad guy is on his head. It allows children to understand easily and happily: It turns out that the shape of excrement of every animal is different. What kind of animal is "big" and what kind of "convenience".

Imagine when your baby imitates the mole in the book and asks angrily: Are you ummming on my head? It must be an interesting scene.


The Caldecott Medal was originally established by Americans to commemorate the famous British picture book painter Randolph Caldecott in the 19th century. If the International Andersen Award is the "Little Nobel Prize", then the Caldecott Medal is equivalent to the "Little Nobel Prize" in the picture book world. Oscar".

The Caldecott Medal values ​​the artistic creativity of picture books most and is committed to cultivating children's independent thinking in the reading process. The works that win the Caldecott Medal every year will become the best-selling picture books of that year.

Here are some examples of my favorite 3 books:

Picture book name: "If You Want to Be President..."

Author: Judith St. George, illustrated by David Small (USA)

Applicable age: 2 years old +

This 2001 Caldecott Medal-winning picture book introduces the past presidents of the United States to children from various interesting perspectives.

What is a President? Why elect a president? Can a president be a picky eater? Do they have pets? What does it take to become president?

If you want your children to fall in love with history, don't miss this book.

Picture book name: "This Is Not My Hat"

Author: Jon Klassen (plus)

Applicable age: 3 years old +

This book is really super cool. The little fish in the

book is just a naughty child, sneaking around and doing things. He stole Big Fish's hat, fully expecting that Big Fish wouldn't notice it, and even if Big Fish knew it was him who stole it, he wouldn't be able to catch up with him.

The ending of the story is open. The big fish gets his beloved hat back, but what about the little fish? Did he get caught and criticized by the big fish, or did he obediently return his hat to the big fish? Maybe every child has his own idea.

Picture book name: "Grandma Xi who hates the night"

Author: Ruian (USA)

Applicable age: 3 years old +

Grandma Xi actually wants to drive away the night. Isn't this whimsical?

Although there are many disturbing and scary things in the dark night, everyone has to experience it. This book by

may inspire you and your children on how to deal with unchangeable things with a correct attitude.


The Greenaway Awards have always been famous for their rigorous selection. As the highest honor for British picture books, the award has extremely high requirements for the artistic style, layout, and combination of pictures and texts of picture books.

's picture books that win the Greenaway Award every year are definitely the best among the best in terms of painting style.

Here is also a list of 3 of my favorite books for moms:

Picture book name: " I will never eat tomatoes "

Author: Lauren Child (UK)

Applicable age: 1 year old+

The biggest headache for brother Charlie is that sister Laura is a very picky child.

In order to make Laura fall in love with eating, Charlie thought of many ways. He said that mashed potatoes are the clouds floating from the top of Mount Fuji, carrots are the orange branches on Jupiter, and tomatoes are not tomatoes, but moonlight that sprays water.

Through this method, sister Laura finally fell in love with eating. If you have a picky eater at home, you might as well read this

picture book to him. Name: "Harry's Big Feet"

Author: Catherine Rena (UK)

Applicable age: 2 years old +

Harry has a pair of big feet.

Grandpa told Harry that he could jump very high with these big feet, climb to the top of a high mountain, and run very fast.

Harry not only learned about the world around him, but also understood how important these big feet are.

This is a beautiful, romantic and extraordinary story, which records the growth journey of a child learning to be independent.

Picture book name: " and Uncle Gump went swimming on the river"

Author: John Burningham (UK)

Applicable age: 1 year old+

The author conceived a very simple story: Uncle Gump went boating on the river, Two small children, rabbits, cats, dogs, pigs, sheep, chickens, cows and goats all asked to get on the boat... Finally, the boat capsized and they could only climb ashore to dry their clothes and return home to drink. Tea.

But the charm of this book lies in its simple plot. The friendly Uncle Gan set a good example for adults: even if the children did something wrong, he still enthusiastically invited everyone to drink tea.

The whole book is filled with a relaxed and relaxed atmosphere. Yes, why should we suppress the nature of children, otherwise we will lose a lot of happiness.