△Lei Can’s diagnosis proves that as a new father, the birth of triplets is a happy event. But for Guo Fenghai, there was nothing he could do. Due to the unexpected premature birth of the child, the family had to bear high expenses. In order to take good care of his three daughter

2024/07/0301:35:33 baby 1826
△Lei Can’s diagnosis proves that as a new father, the birth of triplets is a happy event. But for Guo Fenghai, there was nothing he could do. Due to the unexpected premature birth of the child, the family had to bear high expenses. In order to take good care of his three daughter - DayDayNews

△Lei Can’s diagnosis proves

As a new father, the birth of triplets is a happy event. But for Guo Fenghai, there was nothing he could do. Due to the unexpected premature birth of the child, the family had to bear high expenses. In order to take good care of his three daughters in the intensive care unit of the hospital, he drives back and forth between his home in Dazu and the hospital in Yubei District of the hospital every day to deliver breast milk on time to the babies who are not out of danger.

The smallest of the premature triplets was less than 1 kilogram

Guo Fenghai and his wife Lei Can got married at the end of last year. Soon his wife became pregnant. The family was very happy and looked forward to the arrival of their children every day. On June 28 this year, Lei Can suddenly felt severe abdominal pain, headache and nausea, and was subsequently sent to the Ranjiaba Campus of Chongqing Maternal and Child Health Hospital. The doctor said that the mother had too little amniotic fluid, which caused the fetus to be hypoxic, and that she had to undergo a caesarean section immediately, otherwise both the adult and the child would be in danger.

Soon, three baby girls were born. However, because they were born prematurely at more than 6 months old, the baby's various organs were not fully developed, so they were sent directly to the intensive care unit for rescue.

"I sat outside the intensive care unit and couldn't close my eyes for days and nights." Guo Fenghai said that his youngest daughter weighed only 780 grams when she was born, and the doctor said she might need to live in an incubator for 3 months. The second daughter weighs 1,420 grams and the eldest daughter weighs 1,480 grams. Both of them also need to live in an incubator for more than a month.

Currently, all three children are relying on ventilators to maintain life.

"In the video sent by the doctor, I saw the little child with a straw inserted, which really broke my heart..." He said with heartache. After the hospital's diagnosis, the baby was extremely low birth weight, accompanied by neonatal respiratory distress. Syndrome, severe neonatal pneumonia, brain injury , pulmonary hypertension and other diseases.

△Lei Can’s diagnosis proves that as a new father, the birth of triplets is a happy event. But for Guo Fenghai, there was nothing he could do. Due to the unexpected premature birth of the child, the family had to bear high expenses. In order to take good care of his three daughter - DayDayNews△Lei Can’s diagnosis proves that as a new father, the birth of triplets is a happy event. But for Guo Fenghai, there was nothing he could do. Due to the unexpected premature birth of the child, the family had to bear high expenses. In order to take good care of his three daughter - DayDayNews△Lei Can’s diagnosis proves that as a new father, the birth of triplets is a happy event. But for Guo Fenghai, there was nothing he could do. Due to the unexpected premature birth of the child, the family had to bear high expenses. In order to take good care of his three daughter - DayDayNews

△Currently, all three children are relying on ventilators to maintain their lives.

drives three hours a day to deliver breast milk to the children

"Although the children are small, they are very strong and greet the world with their cries." Guo Fenghai listened to the doctor and the baby even tried to open his eyes and looked at the doctor.

Only when he talked about the baby's cuteness did he smile a little - however, it was quickly replaced by a worried expression.

"Before giving birth, someone said it might be dangerous. It was suggested that you only need two and give up one." Guo Fenghai and his wife refused without thinking: "It is fate that children come into this world. No matter how difficult it is, we must do it." They are all our treasures who have been brought up, and we can't bear to part with any of them..."

However, in fact, until now, he has never seen the third child in person.

Guo Fenghai showed the payment list to upstream reporters. The baby has spent 200,000 yuan from birth to now. The hospital said that the total cost is about 400,000 yuan. The daily expenses of about 10,000 yuan have used up all the savings of this rural family, and they also owe more than 100,000 yuan in foreign debt.

"The road to treatment for our three children is still long. For the sake of our children, we are willing to devote everything we have to treating them!"

In order to take care of his wife and three children, Guo Fenghai, who works in sales, has taken leave. Since the child needs to be breastfed, he runs back and forth between the hospital and home every day, which takes an hour and a half each way. He has been doing this for two full weeks.

But in the future, the car may be sold to raise treatment expenses. He has already posted a car sale notice online.

Looking at the triplets who were suffering from pain, Guo Fenghai hoped that kind people in the society would lend a helping hand to help them tide over the difficulties. If you would like to help this family of five, you can call the upstream news hotline (023) 966966.

Upstream News reporter Ji Wenling Photo provided by interviewee

Upstream News reporting hotline, channel: 966966, Upstream News APP reporting. If you have any news, touching stories or injustices, please tell us upstream news. Once the news clues are adopted, rewards will be given as appropriate.

△Lei Can’s diagnosis proves that as a new father, the birth of triplets is a happy event. But for Guo Fenghai, there was nothing he could do. Due to the unexpected premature birth of the child, the family had to bear high expenses. In order to take good care of his three daughter - DayDayNews

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