Several readers have asked me to talk about children's education. This is not my field, and the amount of reading will not be high if I write it. An author, even if he writes by himself, hopes that more people will read his work.

2024/07/0223:02:32 baby 1415

【Transportation】Original Teacher Dafang Body self-repair researcher

Several readers have asked me to talk about children's education. This is not my field, and the amount of reading will not be high if I write it. An author, even if he writes by himself, hopes that more people will read his work. - DayDayNews

There are several readers who hope that I can talk about the issue of children's education. This is not my field, and the amount of reading will not be high if I write it. An author, even if he writes by himself, hopes that more people will read his work. But if you don’t write it, readers will also ask it privately. In this case, then write an article.

Health education is also education. Since they are all education, they must have something in common. What do they have in common? They are seeking truth. The great educator Mr. Tao Xingzhi said: Thousands of teachings teach people to seek truth; thousands of learnings teach people to be real people. This is the foundation of everything. No matter what you want to pursue, it must be based on this foundation. Health cultivation and children's growth are of course no exception.

From a truth-seeking perspective, children have an innate foundation, which is what we often call innocence. Regarding children's innocence, we must not control or suppress them, but respect, encourage, and encourage them to be true. Even if you think their behavior is ridiculous and you can't understand it, don't blindly correct it.

In fact, it is most likely you who are wrong. It's you who limits yourself. If you live in an adult world for a long time, your imagination and creativity will decrease. Children, on the other hand, retain relatively complete imaginations. If you can't understand it, you just don't have enough imagination. Imagination is completely free. And complete freedom is the truth of the universe and the truth. When seeking truth, never suppress your imagination.

We often say that every child is an angel. The word angel cannot be understood merely as a metaphor. Children are indeed sent by God to fulfill their mission. The birth of every child carries a large amount of high-dimensional information. This high-dimensional information is far richer and more creative than our three-dimensional space.

Adults without spiritual practice will not understand these high-dimensional information. If you don’t understand, you can’t communicate. Parents' respect, encouragement, companionship and patience give children a sense of security, so children are willing to express their sincerity and what is in their hearts.

But children are not good at language expression, nor are they good at various tools in three-dimensional space. One thing to remember here is that what children really want to learn are the rules of the game in three-dimensional space, forms of expression and various tools. Only by learning these can children express their inner thoughts and high-dimensional information in three-dimensional space and create in three-dimensional space.

All knowledge of three-dimensional space are tools we use to express ourselves. It's just a tool, not the essence. In order to learn to express and use various tools, we cannot throw away the inner things of children, high-dimensional information, and throw away their true abilities. This is really choosing sesame and losing watermelon. This is putting the cart before the horse. The Buddha said that all living beings are upside down, and this is also the reason.

When children come to this three-dimensional space, what they see is strange and different from their past experiences. They don't feel safe. They are reluctant to express themselves when they feel insecure. In addition, they are not good at expressing themselves in three-dimensional space, so many children suppress themselves. Almost all autistic children have this reason.

What we parents have to do is to give our children a sense of security. Patience, companionship, respect, and encouragement are all necessary. Of course, the premise of all this is your true selfless love. With these, children dare to be their true selves and seek truth. With this real foundation, the child's self-confidence, health, and parent-child relationship will all be good. What I’m talking about here is all for younger children.

As children grow older, their innocent information decreases. At this time, the core of education lies in awakening. Awaken their innocence. How to awaken it? Just like our adult practice, we guide you to pay more attention to your inner self. Don't always talk about using your brain. It’s about boosting their intuition and inspiration.

All creative information comes from higher dimensions, passes through our bodies freely, and is naturally expressed. Our bodies are just tools. Excessive forced thinking and concentrating energy in the head may seem to develop intelligence in the short term, but in the long term it will lead to energy imbalance and cause many problems.

Educating children does not require education, because at the holographic level, children know more than you. Parents just have too much three-dimensional information. Don't deliberately and deliberately preach or reprimand. Let nature take its course to influence and guide. If you can really do it, you will learn far more than your children will. Because they carry more information than you do. As for school education, it is just about learning knowledge and tools. This article was originally published by a body self-healing researcher, and the WeChat public account has the same name!

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Several readers have asked me to talk about children's education. This is not my field, and the amount of reading will not be high if I write it. An author, even if he writes by himself, hopes that more people will read his work. - DayDayNews

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