This article was originally written by Douma Aidaodao. All rights reserved. Any infringement will be investigated. As we all know, women will have various post-pregnancy reactions after pregnancy. Some people will experience terrible morning sickness, and some will feel obviously

2024/06/2908:44:33 baby 1381

This article was originally created by Douma Aitao . All rights reserved. Any infringement will be prosecuted.

As we all know, women will have various post-pregnancy reactions after pregnancy. Some people will experience terrible morning sickness , and some people will obviously feel energetic. Tired, at a certain time, expectant mothers will also feel fetal movements from the baby.

In short, when a little life begins to be conceived in our belly, the mother's body is also undergoing very obvious changes.

Of course, since everyone’s body constitution is different, the reaction to pregnancy is also very different, but have you ever heard of a pregnant woman who is 5 months pregnant and knows nothing about it?

In Jiangsu, an expectant mother told her "wonderful" pregnancy experience through a video.

This expectant mother said that she had no morning sickness at all during her pregnancy. Not only that, she could also jump up and down, climb trees, and do aerobics with fitness anchors. Occasionally she would feel a little movement in her stomach, but she regarded the fetal movement as gastrointestinal peristalsis. So I was 5 months pregnant but didn't even notice.

This article was originally written by Douma Aidaodao. All rights reserved. Any infringement will be investigated. As we all know, women will have various post-pregnancy reactions after pregnancy. Some people will experience terrible morning sickness, and some will feel obviously - DayDayNews

Logically speaking, at the 5th month of pregnancy, the belly of a pregnant woman will be very obvious. However, this pregnant mother may be prone to losing weight, so her belly looks only slightly larger than usual, which is two times the size of the average pregnant woman. Three months feels about the same.

Because of this, even the mother who lived with her did not notice that her daughter was pregnant. Later, at the reminder of her mother-in-law, the pregnant mother went to the hospital for a test. At this time, she was already 5 months pregnant.

This article was originally written by Douma Aidaodao. All rights reserved. Any infringement will be investigated. As we all know, women will have various post-pregnancy reactions after pregnancy. Some people will experience terrible morning sickness, and some will feel obviously - DayDayNews

A pregnant mother posted a picture of her 5-month pregnancy on the Internet. Many netizens said it was amazing. Some people said that people who are easy to lose weight are like this. Even if they are pregnant, they can’t see any obvious changes in their belly. , if there is no more morning sickness, then the whole person's state will be almost the same as when not pregnant.

“ It’s hard to tell that this is a belly that’s 5 months pregnant. Even when I’m full, it’s bigger than hers!”

“ My belly was about the same size as hers when I was three months pregnant. This mother may just be born unable to eat. I have a fat body, so I don’t show my belly even when I’m pregnant. But I haven’t had my period for 5 months. I can’t help but think that I’m pregnant. “

” I’m so envious that pregnant mothers like this can still exercise without morning sickness. There is a high probability that stretch marks will not appear. When I was pregnant, I vomited so much that I gained more than 30 pounds..."

This article was originally written by Douma Aidaodao. All rights reserved. Any infringement will be investigated. As we all know, women will have various post-pregnancy reactions after pregnancy. Some people will experience terrible morning sickness, and some will feel obviously - DayDayNews

Is it normal for pregnant mothers not to have any pregnancy reactions?

In many people’s minds, most pregnant women will have some pregnancy reactions in the early stages of pregnancy. These reactions are a symbol of pregnancy. Some people react very violently and vomit to the point of being unable to eat. Some people have normal reactions and feel uncomfortable but can bear it. , there are also some pregnant women who feel no discomfort from pregnancy to delivery except for feeling fetal movement.

So is it normal for pregnant mothers not to have any pregnancy reactions?

Don't worry, the answer is yes.

Since everyone has individual differences, their tolerance to pregnancy reactions is also different. As long as the pregnant mother has regular physical examinations during pregnancy, she can feel the baby's fetal movements at fixed times through counting or instrument monitoring. Make sure the baby's fetal movements are normal, then even if there is no pregnancy reaction, this is a normal phenomenon and pregnant mothers don't need to worry.

This article was originally written by Douma Aidaodao. All rights reserved. Any infringement will be investigated. As we all know, women will have various post-pregnancy reactions after pregnancy. Some people will experience terrible morning sickness, and some will feel obviously - DayDayNews

However, it should be noted that if the couple does not take contraceptive measures during intercourse, then if the woman's body undergoes the following changes, she must consider whether she is pregnant.

First, menstruation is delayed. If a woman's normal menstrual cycle is relatively regular, but suddenly it is delayed for more than 10 days, she should buy test strips in time to check whether she is pregnant, or she can go to the hospital for a blood test.

This article was originally written by Douma Aidaodao. All rights reserved. Any infringement will be investigated. As we all know, women will have various post-pregnancy reactions after pregnancy. Some people will experience terrible morning sickness, and some will feel obviously - DayDayNews

Secondly, with the delay of menstruation, some women will also feel mentally fatigued, lethargic, tired of greasiness, nausea and vomiting, etc. These are early pregnancy manifestations. In addition, some women will experience emotional instability and irritability. wait.

Finally, when you find that your breasts are swollen and painful, their size increases, and your areola becomes darker, you should also consider whether it is a sign of pregnancy.

It is very necessary for both the fetus and the mother to observe one's physical condition in time and understand one's physical changes as early as possible. Therefore, when it comes to pregnancy, we need to maintain a certain degree of sensitivity and not be "too concerned".

This article was originally written by Douma Aidaodao. All rights reserved. Any infringement will be investigated. As we all know, women will have various post-pregnancy reactions after pregnancy. Some people will experience terrible morning sickness, and some will feel obviously - DayDayNews

The topic of this issue

Did you have a major reaction during pregnancy? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area!

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(The pictures in this article are from the Internet. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete them. Thank you)

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