During the confinement period, mothers need to eat some high-protein, high-calorie supplementary foods to replenish energy. However, if they eat too much, and their life rhythm is disrupted by the arrival of the baby, they are somewhat unable to adapt, so they are prone to gettin

During the confinement period, mothers need to eat high-protein, high-calorie supplementary foods to replenish energy. However, if they eat too much, and their life rhythm is disrupted by the arrival of the baby, they are somewhat unable to adapt, so they are prone to getting angry. What to do if you get angry after giving birth? How to quickly regulate and reduce fire? What should I pay attention to in my postpartum diet? Let’s take a closer look below.

What is the difference between postpartum internal heat?

1. Heart fire: A mother with internal heat will have red tongue, inability to sleep, dreaminess , upset, yellow urine with a hot and stinging feeling, and a dull mouth. thirsty.

2. Liver-fire: Maternal mothers with liver-fire will experience eye itching, dry eyes, conjunctivitis, eye droppings, excessive secretion, irritable, impulsive, and prone to losing temper. Pregnant women should develop good eating and living habits, avoid staying up late, overeating, spicy food, and eat more celery to relieve liver-fire; exercise regularly to maintain a relaxed and happy mood.

3.Spleen fire: Maternal women with spleen fire have yellow and greasy tongue coating, sores in the mouth, bitter mouth dry mouth, and want to drink a lot of water all day long.

How to treat internal heat after childbirth

1. Postpartum mothers should get out of bed appropriately, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and keep stools smooth. Smooth stools are conducive to better excretion of body heat and relieve the symptoms of internal heat;

2. Postpartum mothers should drink more boiled water. Eat more vegetables and fruits to keep your bowels and urine unobstructed, which is very helpful in relieving internal heat;

3. You can eat foods that can clear away heat and reduce internal heat, such as bitter melon and mung bean soup. Fourth, if the mother suffers from internal heat due to constipation after delivery, it is recommended to drink an appropriate amount of honey water, eat more dragon fruit , kiwi fruit , and rub her belly clockwise, which can effectively relieve the symptoms of maternal constipation and thereby relieve the pain caused by constipation. Get rid of internal heat and keep your bowel movements smooth after childbirth.

Will getting angry after childbirth affect breastfeeding?

When a mother gets angry, her milk will be affected, and the baby will easily get angry, causing eczema , constipation, aphtha or upper respiratory tract infection . Therefore, mothers are reminded to pay more attention when eating. They should not eat spicy and other foods that are easy to cause internal heat, and they should not eat too much foods that are cold in nature.

What to eat when you have internal heat after childbirth

1. Fresh vegetables: Experts remind new mothers during the confinement period that no matter whether you have symptoms of internal heat or not, you should eat more fresh vegetables in your daily life. It can not only effectively avoid internal heat and prevent constipation, but also relieve the symptoms of internal heat in a more timely manner. Many vegetables have very effective fire-reducing effects. For example, cabbage can clear away heat, relieve troubles, and facilitate defecation; celery can remove liver fire and relieve stagnation of heat in the lungs and stomach; lettuce has the effects of clearing away heat, smoothing qi, and resolving phlegm. These vegetables are all It is very common in life, so pregnant women may wish to eat more.

2. Fresh fruits: Most of the fruits in our lives have very effective fire-reducing effects, so mothers can eat more during confinement to prevent and treat symptoms of fire. Among all fruits, oranges, mangoes, durians, etc. are all hot fruits, so you should not eat too much when you are suffering from internal heat.

3. Lotus root: During the confinement period, mothers should eat as little cold food as possible to avoid catching a cold in the stomach, and may even leave the root of the disease. However, pregnant women can eat more lotus root in moderation during confinement. Although it is also a raw and cold food, it is very different from other raw and cold foods.

Precautions for postpartum diet

1. Gradually transition from a liquid diet to a normal diet

The mother’s digestive system has not fully recovered after normal delivery . Therefore, in the first few days after delivery, you can eat some foods that are easier to digest. You can drink porridge or snacks first. Noodles etc, then transition to porridge, then rice and pasta.

2. Avoid big fish and meat within two weeks after delivery

Before the gastrointestinal function of a mother who has given birth has recovered, her diet should not be too greasy. You can boil fish and meat into soup for consumption, and then eat meat after two weeks, but greasy soups should be eaten with caution.

3. The diet should not be too light.

New mothers need to drink a lot of water after giving birth to sweat and secrete milk. These will lead to the loss of salt in the body. Therefore, you can have less salt in your meals, but it does not mean that you should not add salt. An appropriate amount of salt can supplement your intake. Iodine content.

4. Drink more warm boiled water and avoid cold drinks.

Plain boiled water is better than drinking tea. Mothers should drink more warm boiled water to replenish the water lost in the body during heavy sweating. But be careful not to drink cold drinks, as this will harm your spleen and stomach, and also affect your baby's development.

5. Eat small meals frequently, and do not be greedy.

Because new mothers spend most of their time lying in bed during confinement, eating too much food will lead to weight gain and make it more difficult to recover. Therefore, you should not eat too much at each meal. You can eat when you are hungry.