Recently, the "Yi Zhongtian Classic Chinese Stories" series of children's books for primary and secondary schools has caused huge controversy on social platforms due to illustration issues. Using the past to satirize the present, what class are scholars now? The following sentenc

2024/07/0217:19:33 baby 1712

Recently, the primary and secondary school children's book " Yi Zhongtian Chinese Classic Stories " series has caused huge controversy on social platforms due to illustration issues. Let’s start with the picture:

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Drinking and listening to girls singing, these lyrics are a portrayal of life. Is it just the behavior of the ancient aristocracy?

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Using the past to satirize the present, What class are scholars now? The following sentence deliberately emphasizes that there are no literati. If it is not a satire, why should we say more?

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"The use of useless things", This illustration can be understood not just by looking at the dialogue, but also by considering the context. The dialogue is just an example using modern vocabulary.

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book related information

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book illustrator: Hu Yongkai

Hu Yongkai, was born in Beijing in 1945. Member of the Chinese Artists Association , Researcher of the Chinese National Academy of Painting , Member of the Art Committee of the Calligraphy and Painting Academy of the Central Research Institute of Literature and History, Vice Chairman of the Art Committee of the Guoyun Wenhua Academy of Calligraphy and Painting of the Ministry of Culture, Researcher of the Art Exchange Institute of the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, Hong Kong Founding president of the New Art Society. Moved to Hong Kong in 1988. In 1992, he obtained permanent residence in the United States as an outstanding artist. 's works are collected by China Art Museum , Shanghai Art Museum , Hong Kong Museum of Art , Hong Kong Heritage Museum and many famous institutions and collectors at home and abroad. Published more than 20 personal picture albums.

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Yi Zhongtian This series of books, may not be suitable for children to read alone. It would be better if they are accompanied by an adult. Some netizens said that it vilified historical figures, and contained soft erotica. Actually, as far as today’s people are concerned, isn’t what he said true? Using the past to satirize the present, I don’t know whether the ancients did it or not, but what about today’s people? Are you afraid to face it, , or are you tearing up the pretense and becoming angry?

The fairy tale kingdom is beautiful, but no child lives in a fairy tale forever. One day, he will have to move into this complex society.

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