#parentingoffice# Hi, I’m Xiaoqing. Click “Follow” above to share parenting tips with you regularly. There are always many problems on the road to parenting. These issues make many mothers prone to anxiety. Because if there is any problem with the baby, the mother will worry abou

2024/07/0116:38:32 baby 1481

#parentingoffice# Hi, I’m Xiaoqing. Click “Follow” above to share parenting tips with you regularly. There are always many problems on the road to parenting. These issues make many mothers prone to anxiety. Because if there is any problem with the baby, the mother will worry abou - DayDayNews

Every mother will encounter this problem, but some mothers think that the baby is pregnant? Or are you constipated? Some mothers will also ask: "Can babies have belly fat?"

What is belly fat?

Breastfed babies start to have belly fat 2-6 months after the full moon.

Before the baby is one month old, the number of bowel movements of a baby changes from multiple bowel movements a day or one bowel movement to one bowel movement every day.

#parentingoffice# Hi, I’m Xiaoqing. Click “Follow” above to share parenting tips with you regularly. There are always many problems on the road to parenting. These issues make many mothers prone to anxiety. Because if there is any problem with the baby, the mother will worry abou - DayDayNews

When the baby is full, the baby is feeding, sleeping, and in a good mental state, and the color and shape of the stool are normal.

Why do babies like to have belly fat?

Abdominal tummy is a normal physiological phenomenon of the baby, and it is not a problem of intestinal disease. It is a normal manifestation that the baby's intestinal development is slowly maturing.

Babies with bloated stomachs are mostly caused by breastfeeding. Some babies begin to have bloated stomachs after one month. This is because the baby’s digestive ability gradually becomes stronger after the full month, and the baby can fully digest and absorb breast milk, resulting in more food produced every day. There is very little residue, which is not enough to stimulate the rectum to form defecation, so the frequency of defecation is less than usual.

#parentingoffice# Hi, I’m Xiaoqing. Click “Follow” above to share parenting tips with you regularly. There are always many problems on the road to parenting. These issues make many mothers prone to anxiety. Because if there is any problem with the baby, the mother will worry abou - DayDayNews

Then, "saved" stool for several days or even ten days can be enough to stimulate intestinal peristalsis and expel stool.

This also shows that the mother’s breast milk is of good quality and nutritionally balanced.

As the baby ages, the baby's primitive reflex will gradually weaken, the "gastrocolic reflex" disappears, and the baby will not be able to defecate after feeding.

What is the difference between stomachache and constipation?

Pain in the stomach is a symptom of defecation:

There is no pain or discomfort for babies during defecation. The shape of

's discharge is yellow and soft, and the amount is not large.

Constipation is a symptom of defecation:

During the process of defecation, the baby will be particularly strenuous, his face will be red, and he will cry.

#parentingoffice# Hi, I’m Xiaoqing. Click “Follow” above to share parenting tips with you regularly. There are always many problems on the road to parenting. These issues make many mothers prone to anxiety. Because if there is any problem with the baby, the mother will worry abou - DayDayNews

The shape of the stool excreted is hard, and sometimes there are even bloody strings.

What should I do if my baby has a tummy problem?

The baby has been holding his stomach for many days without defecation, so the mother does not need to worry.

Mothers can try this:

1. Massage the baby's belly more.

Mothers can put a few drops of tea oil in the palms of their hands, rub their hands to warm them, and then use their palms to massage the baby's belly clockwise with the navel as the center, about 10 times, rest for 5 minutes, and then massage 10 times.

#parentingoffice# Hi, I’m Xiaoqing. Click “Follow” above to share parenting tips with you regularly. There are always many problems on the road to parenting. These issues make many mothers prone to anxiety. Because if there is any problem with the baby, the mother will worry abou - DayDayNews

2. Let nature take its course.

If the baby is in good spirits, feeding well, sleeping well, and not fussy, then you can let nature take its course and wait for defecation.

Because the "food residue" in the baby's intestines will "accumulate" to a certain extent, the baby will naturally excrete stool.

3. Help the baby do leg flexion and extension exercises

First, let the baby lie on his back, and then the mother grabs the baby's legs with both hands to stretch and bend the baby's legs for 10 times; then bend and extend each leg 10 times, This can help the baby's gastrointestinal peristalsis, exhaust gas, and defecation.

#parentingoffice# Hi, I’m Xiaoqing. Click “Follow” above to share parenting tips with you regularly. There are always many problems on the road to parenting. These issues make many mothers prone to anxiety. Because if there is any problem with the baby, the mother will worry abou - DayDayNews

4. Breastfeeding mothers should keep their diet light and drink plenty of warm water.

5. Appropriately increase the amount of milk and feed warm water

If the baby has small stools and slow weight gain. Mothers can appropriately increase the amount of milk for their babies and feed them plain water between feedings.

6. To stimulate anal defecation

it is recommended to do it 20 minutes after the baby has finished feeding. Take an appropriate amount of tea oil and gently massage the anus through soft paper. Just push slowly 10 times twice a day. After each massage, the baby will often feel the need to defecate soon.

#parentingoffice# Hi, I’m Xiaoqing. Click “Follow” above to share parenting tips with you regularly. There are always many problems on the road to parenting. These issues make many mothers prone to anxiety. Because if there is any problem with the baby, the mother will worry abou - DayDayNews

You can also put a cotton swab dipped in tea oil into the baby's anus, which will also stimulate defecation.

I am Xiaoqing, and I am also a mother of three children born in the 1990s. Now I am learning parenting knowledge and sharing parenting experience. Every article is original and original. I look forward to your likes and forwarding. , comment, follow!

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