Many times children will forget our requests or instructions and blurt out reprimands: How many times have I told you and why have you forgotten again? are you an idiot? Can you have a longer memory? .....These words are like a sharp sword piercing the child's body with bruises,

2024/07/0305:47:33 baby 1113

Many times

children will forget

our requests or instructions

blurt out reprimands:

How many times have I told you

How come you forget it again?

Are you an idiot?

Can you have a longer memory?

Many times children will forget our requests or instructions and blurt out reprimands: How many times have I told you and why have you forgotten again? are you an idiot? Can you have a longer memory? .....These words are like a sharp sword piercing the child's body with bruises,  - DayDayNews


These words

are like a sharp sword

The children are covered with bruises

Because we were all children

These words are said to us by our parents

more or less

The injuries we have suffered

Don’t let your children


again and again. So what should we do?

Many times children will forget our requests or instructions and blurt out reprimands: How many times have I told you and why have you forgotten again? are you an idiot? Can you have a longer memory? .....These words are like a sharp sword piercing the child's body with bruises,  - DayDayNews

After studying and practicing many times,

I found that the only way is to accept

Please accept the characteristic that children love to forget things.

We only need to remind children when they should not forget.

We need skills when reminding.

Emphasize concisely and clearly.

For example, "This Do not forget to remember!

Can make children pay more attention Reprimanding

will make the child's remembered information become

When the mother/father is angry

it will leave a stronger impression in the child's mind

The child will be more likely to forget

what really needs to be remembered

so emotions Useless, concise parenting

Many times children will forget our requests or instructions and blurt out reprimands: How many times have I told you and why have you forgotten again? are you an idiot? Can you have a longer memory? .....These words are like a sharp sword piercing the child's body with bruises,  - DayDayNews

Thank you for your attention. I study parenting books such as "The Gentle Parenting", "You Are Your Child's Best Toy" and "Parent's Language" every day. Through my own practice and use, I share useful parenting knowledge and look forward to communicating together.

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