The ten series of childhood beatings got a C. Dear parents, in the process of accompanying your children to grow up, have you ever encountered a situation where you clearly want your children to study, but they want to play first?

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Childhood Beating Series 10 Got a C

Dear parents, in the process of accompanying your children to grow up, have you ever encountered a situation where you clearly want your children to study, but your children want to play first? How do parents and friends deal with this situation? What was the final processing effect like? This time I will share with you a story about how I was beaten when I was a child because I wanted to play first and then do my homework.

The ten series of childhood beatings got a C. Dear parents, in the process of accompanying your children to grow up, have you ever encountered a situation where you clearly want your children to study, but they want to play first? - DayDayNews

It was a noon when I was in elementary school. It was a Saturday. The school system in our place was that every Friday afternoon was considered a holiday, with two days off on Saturday and Sunday, and school would start again on Monday.

Last week, I made an appointment with my cousin and my cousin in advance to play together in the morning this week. So I told my mother that I wanted to play for a while and wait for my cousins ​​to come over to me. Mom said no, you have to finish your homework first. In fact, now it seems that there is nothing wrong with letting children do homework first and then play. However, after all, I was only a few years old at that time and I was still quite playful, so I told my mother that I had already agreed with my cousins. They will come to me in a while, there are only a few minutes left, I want to play first and then write. And there is still one day tomorrow to do homework.

The ten series of childhood beatings got a C. Dear parents, in the process of accompanying your children to grow up, have you ever encountered a situation where you clearly want your children to study, but they want to play first? - DayDayNews

When I was a child, our family lived in a county town, and there were no cram schools at all. As for studying, reviewing and previewing, my parents never sat down and really tutored me in my homework. Even when I encountered problems that I didn’t know, When I asked my mother, she would crack melon seeds while watching TV series and didn't bother to talk to me at all. I would rather watch TV and be so moved that I cry with snot and tears, and have no extra emotions invested in me.

It was rare that my mother was not at work that day. I also felt that with my mother at home, my father would not hit me when there was no one at home, or because my mother was at home, even if my father beat me, my mother would save me. So I just told my mother that I wanted to play for a while first. But my mother didn't want to say anything. While I was washing clothes outside, I pouted and made a very loud noise. I was even labeled as "bullying my mother for her good temper". I felt particularly aggrieved because my mother was away at work all day. Finally at home, it’s fine if you don’t want to play with me, but you won’t let me play by myself. And I had already agreed that my cousins ​​would come over, so I started to feel a little emotional.

The ten series of childhood beatings got a C. Dear parents, in the process of accompanying your children to grow up, have you ever encountered a situation where you clearly want your children to study, but they want to play first? - DayDayNews

At this time, Dad was still sleeping in the bedroom of the west house. After I was kicked out by my mother to study, within five minutes, my eldest cousin came with my little cousin. They entered the room, and I was sitting at the desk doing homework. They asked me to play, but I angrily said that my mother wouldn't let me play and asked me to do my homework. Then, my cousin noticed that my mother was washing clothes hard with a pout on her face, and she saw me sulking in the house, so she asked strangely, "Why are Auntie Lele crying?"

Then my mother said I got angry and said, "Go ahead, Lele asked me to come!"

When I heard my mother calling me, I ran to my mother in a hurry. My mother started to lecture me and told me to do my homework, but you didn't do it. You insist on playing first. Now your cousin comes to play with you. How can you do your homework?

The ten series of childhood beatings got a C. Dear parents, in the process of accompanying your children to grow up, have you ever encountered a situation where you clearly want your children to study, but they want to play first? - DayDayNews

The clothes in my mother’s hands fell with a loud clang, which woke my father up. Dad got up from the bed like a hibernating bear and said angrily, "What the fuck, I'm fucking my own mother. I'm talking about taking a nap here, but you two are out there nagging me. I'm fucking my mother-in-law." "Next door!"

Mom became more excited when she saw Dad getting up, "Ah, yes, ah, zou si!" Due to the expressive emotional guidance from her side, she casually complained that I was disobedient and didn't write. Homework, but also play crime. Before my mother finished listing my crimes, my father couldn't hold back the excitement of beating me up. He raised his hand and slapped me on the head, "What the fuck! Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me?" Next door! I'll beat you to death!"

The ten series of childhood beatings got a C. Dear parents, in the process of accompanying your children to grow up, have you ever encountered a situation where you clearly want your children to study, but they want to play first? - DayDayNews

Then my father carried me to the desk in the west room of the main room and said, "Let me take a look at this homework you wrote."Originally, my father never cared about how I was doing in my studies. He only cared about how well I did in the exams, and did not care about any difficulties I encountered during my studies. This time, I completely ignored my cousin and cousin who were nearby. I felt that my cousin and cousin were so frightened that they didn't dare to breathe and just stood there in a daze. I felt like I was almost humiliated. I was beaten in front of my classmates, I was beaten in front of my neighbors, and this time I was beaten again in front of my relatives. Everyone around me knows that I was beaten, how can I have the nerve to go out and meet people?

What made me even more embarrassed was that at the back, my father took out my homework book and started flipping forward page by page. On the first page of

, my father said, "Fuck me, look at the bad words you wrote, they are just like ants crawling." He punched twice.

Then I turned a few pages forward and found a typo. The teacher gave me an Bang Bang!" Bangbang got two more slaps on my head.

Then I turned forward again, and turned to a page that could sentence me to the ultimate crime of death.

The quality of the homework we wrote at that time was evaluated according to A, B, C and D. My father found that a "C" appeared on my homework book, which directly pronounced my death sentence and was executed immediately.

The ten series of childhood beatings got a C. Dear parents, in the process of accompanying your children to grow up, have you ever encountered a situation where you clearly want your children to study, but they want to play first? - DayDayNews

Bangbang slapped me twice again, "Damn it, my dear, I've been reading this homework for a long time and you didn't even get an A! My dear, you're so bad, but you still got a C!" Dad was furious. , the corners of his mouth were drooped downwards, his eyebrows were raised, his eyes were slitted, his fingers were shaped like pistols, he pointed at my head and started to accumulate power, just like the magnifying move on a game console.

"Fuck that dear mother!" Boom...I was kicked and took a few steps back and hit the desk. The tendon of the heel scratched the edge of the kitchen door of the desk from top to bottom, which made me feel so cold! Severe pain is tearing at my heels! The huge fear prevented me from crying out in pain. Because I have experience, if I say it hurts, it will arouse my father's emotions and I will be beaten even worse.

"Mahler Gobi, you got a C!" Then he tore my homework into pieces, like a goddess scattering flowers, no, like a dog throwing something back and forth in its mouth, and smashed it into my face. Then he kicked me hard in the groin. I felt like my testicles were about to burst, and my intestines were inside my testicles! My belly felt like it was filled with lead, and it was so heavy that it hurt.

The ten series of childhood beatings got a C. Dear parents, in the process of accompanying your children to grow up, have you ever encountered a situation where you clearly want your children to study, but they want to play first? - DayDayNews

At this time, my mother also became excited. She sat on the bed next to her and said, "Ah, Lele, are you worthy of us? We worked hard to sell iron for you to study. If you don't study hard, your homework will be like this!"

Dad listen After that, he became even more energetic, and then slapped me on the head again and said, "Fuck you, you don't want to go to school, so don't go to school. You can go wandering on the street!"

Mom started to feel aggrieved again next to her. I cried, not to mention the grievance, "Ah, Lele! Mom and Dad are so busy and tired from work just to support you in studying. Can you do this?"

Dad saw his beloved wife and cried because of me. , became even more angry, picked me up and slapped me twice, and then scolded me, "You're a bitch, you go away! We don't want you anymore, you go to the streets and become a street kid!"

The ten series of childhood beatings got a C. Dear parents, in the process of accompanying your children to grow up, have you ever encountered a situation where you clearly want your children to study, but they want to play first? - DayDayNews

Because of me I was beaten so many times in a short period of time that I was completely blinded. In addition, I had not finished crying over my original grievances, and my stomach, ankle, and neck hurt so much that I started to cry. What did I want to explain? But I can't tell, my stomach hurts , and my balls hurt too.

When my cousin and cousin saw me being beaten like this, they ran away from my house as fast as a dog. They didn’t even have time to close the door. My cousin even bumped into the corner when they were leaving. I heard my cousin say quietly, "Let's go quickly, otherwise my uncle will beat us both to death soon, and my cousin even slammed the door."

Looking at the two siblings leaving, my last hope was gone. I originally thought that my cousin and cousin were here, and my parents could give me some face and not beat me so badly. I thought that my mother was at home and I would not be beaten. Unexpectedly, I was all wrong.

The ten series of childhood beatings got a C. Dear parents, in the process of accompanying your children to grow up, have you ever encountered a situation where you clearly want your children to study, but they want to play first? - DayDayNews

Actually, there was a reason why my homework scores were low during that period. It's just that I didn't understand it at that time, but now that I think about it, I know exactly what it was like.

When I was a child, I studied in another village. The teachers in the village were not the ones with formal academic qualifications like now. They were usually private teachers. My homework in that period was not good because my parents did not give gifts to the teacher during the holidays that year. In the past, every year during holidays such as the Mid-Autumn Festival and Chinese New Year, my parents would visit the teacher’s house with some gifts and ask the teacher to supervise my studies. On the Mid-Autumn Festival that year, for some reason, my father and mother did not give gifts. So not a week after the holiday, when I was grading my homework, the teacher started to say to me in a weird way, "Lele, you haven't been studying well recently. Your parents don't care about you much. It seems that I have to talk to you when I have time." My parents talked about it. "

The ten series of childhood beatings got a C. Dear parents, in the process of accompanying your children to grow up, have you ever encountered a situation where you clearly want your children to study, but they want to play first? - DayDayNews

In my area, it was a very shameful thing to be called a parent because of poor study, because if you were disobedient in school and were beaten by the teacher, the parents would not tell them. When asked why, he would continue to beat the child, and then tell the teacher that if the child disobeys, you will beat him to death. As for children who are not studying well or have other problems, the teacher will tactfully pass it on to the parents, and then the parents will go to visit the teacher. What is in the middle, I think it is the intangible things that China has been doing for thousands of years. Cultural heritage .

My teacher thought that my parents worked in the county and their family conditions were very good, so they often said this to me. But I was too young at that time and didn’t understand what the teacher meant at all, and the teacher I was told to call my parents, but I didn’t dare to tell my family, so the matter was delayed until my homework book was filled with B and even C. After that, my parents took the opportunity to visit the teacher again. After that, A appeared again in my homework book. It's a pity that I got involved in this kind of competition between interests at such a young age. Of course, what I can’t forget this time is not because the teacher knocked on the gifts from our family, but because I was embarrassed in front of my relatives, but because my parents brought me mixed doubles. One supervisor beat the other supervisor and I was beaten by this The beatings and humiliations are really hard to forget. So many years have passed, and they remind me all the time.

The ten series of childhood beatings got a C. Dear parents, in the process of accompanying your children to grow up, have you ever encountered a situation where you clearly want your children to study, but they want to play first? - DayDayNews

First, in the process of disciplining children, you should always be with them to guide them in their studies. Do not ignore them on weekdays. My child, after the exam is over, it will be hard to judge your child’s exam results.

Secondly, you must communicate with your children in advance about the order of learning and playing. If you promise your children to play first, and there is no sudden change, you must fulfill your promise.

Third, when criticizing and teaching children, parents must not scold the children together. There must be one who sings and is the white face and , and one who sings the red face to give the child a buffer. If the parents take care of the child at the same time, the child really has no way to survive. of.

didn't get beaten or scolded for a long time this time, only about twenty minutes, and he was wearing autumn clothes, so the physical damage wasn't too much. After my cousins ​​​​left, my mother took out another homework book and asked me to rewrite everything before. But today the homework books have been torn, so I can only put the homework books together pitifully, and then write page by page. After my father finished spanking me, he seemed happy. He hummed a little tune and went out to play mahjong. Before he left, he left a cruel message saying to me, "Do your homework well or I'll beat you to death!" Mom pouted and hung up. Face went out to wash clothes again. I felt miserable like a poor puppy in a room. I was crying and rewriting my homework, and I had to cover my stomach with my hands. As for where it hurts, they haven't cared about it until now. That is, this time, when I get beaten in the future, I no longer miss my mother, because my mother is at home. Not only can she not save me, but she will add fuel to the fire and make the beating worse.

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