Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air

2024/07/0217:07:33 baby 1046

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

Original | Pregnancy

The recent news is really scary.

Before, heat stroke killed two people in a row. Later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning.

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

The temperature is approaching 40 degrees. I am afraid of heatstroke if I don’t use the air conditioner, and I am afraid of facial paralysis if I use the air conditioner. It is really embarrassing.

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

Especially parents with children. Lively and active children are most prone to sweating and are completely inseparable from air conditioners. But if the air conditioner is turned on for a long time, parents are also worried.

There are a lot of troubles caused by air conditioners.

Pregnant mother saw the news yesterday. A 4-year-old boy in Jiangsu suffered facial paralysis because his head and face were blown against the air conditioner!

When the child was sent to the hospital, the corners of his mouth were crooked, his eyes could not be closed, and food was stuck in his mouth and he could not swallow it. These were typical symptoms of facial paralysis.

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

The doctor learned from the parents that the child had been in condition for several days. At first, it was earache, but the parents did not pay attention until the condition became serious before he was sent to the hospital.

parents said that the high temperature has continued in the past few days, and the air conditioner is turned on every day, and the air blows directly when sleeping at night.

The doctor gave the diagnosis of facial paralysis. The doctor said: Facial paralysis is facial neuritis, which is likely to be a viral infection caused by wind and cold.

Doctors also remind: Don’t be greedy for cold weather during high-temperature seasons. Sudden cold and sudden heat are the main causes of facial neuritis and other diseases!

In such a hot weather, children cannot do without air conditioning, but you must pay attention to the method of blowing the air conditioner. Never blow it for a long time, let alone blow it directly on the child's head and face!

The air conditioner blew all night, and the child’s face became paralyzed!

Every summer, this kind of news is exposed, and many adults and children are affected.

In Nanjing, Jiangsu, a 1-year-old baby came home covered in sweat from outside. When he got home, his parents immediately turned on the air conditioner, which caused facial paralysis.

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

In Shenzhen, Guangdong, a 2-year-old baby was left with facial paralysis. Because of the hot weather in Shenzhen, the air conditioner was turned on at home all day long.

Because the child is very afraid of heat, he let the child stay under the air vent of the air conditioner all night! It lasted all night. When I woke up in the morning, I discovered that the child's face was abnormal. When he went to the hospital, he was diagnosed with facial paralysis.

In Nanning, Guangxi, a boy went to sleep with a hanging neck fan during his nap. When he woke up, he found that his face was blown crookedly and his face was paralyzed. The doctor explained that this was because the local body temperature was blown too low, causing Poor blood circulation.

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

There are many, many more examples to list...

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

Why does blowing the air conditioner cause facial paralysis?

In fact, this is not a fault of the air conditioner. There is a risk of facial paralysis after sweating and blowing hard against the electric fan.

Because the facial blood vessels may contract and spasm under the stimulation of hot and cold, causing blood supply disorders, resulting in damage to the nerve function on the face, and then facial paralysis, or if the air conditioner is blown directly on the child's head and face for a long time, It may also cause viral infection, which in turn affects the facial nerve , causing facial paralysis.

Therefore, when air conditioning your children in summer, you must master the correct method!

If you get air conditioner disease , it is not the fault of the air conditioner!

As soon as summer comes, all kinds of air conditioning diseases come.

Pregnant mothers often see mothers saying that after turning on the air conditioner, their children cough, sneeze, catch colds, have fever, face paralysis, etc... They are indeed suffering from air conditioning disease.

Actually, air-conditioning disease does not exist medically!

However, incorrect use of air conditioners will indeed cause discomfort to the body!

In other words: getting air conditioner disease is not the fault of the air conditioner, but caused by the wrong way to open it!

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

Improper use of air conditioners may indeed cause the following problems in children:

1, respiratory problems

Overuse of air conditioners or use of air conditioners in the wrong way will make children more susceptible to respiratory diseases, such as rhinitis , bronchitis, Pneumonia and sore throat, asthma ...

This is caused by not cleaning the air conditioner regularly. If the air conditioner is not cleaned for a long time, it will easily accumulate various bacteria. These bacteria will be dispersed into the room after the air conditioner is started. In every corner of the house, if the child's resistance is weak, it is easy to have nasal congestion, runny nose, and other problems.

2. Lack of energy, headache and dizziness

Imagine staying in a closed space for a long time with air conditioning and no fresh air. How stuffy it would feel.

Without air circulation, people will feel dizzy and bloated when they are deprived of oxygen, especially children and the elderly.

3. Dry skin and nasal cavity

Staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time will make the skin and nasal cavity extremely dry. Dry skin may return to normal after a few hours outdoors. Dry nasal cavity will cause itching or foreign body sensation in the nose. Causes sneezing.

4. Cold and diarrhea

The baby's intestines and stomach are very sensitive, so if you don't pay attention to keeping the stomach warm, it may cause cold and diarrhea. If the alternation of cold and heat is large, it is more likely to be affected.

There are 5 pitfalls in air conditioning, don’t step on any of them with your baby!

1. The air conditioner is blowing directly at the baby.

The child is sweating profusely and screaming that it is hot. In order to quickly cool down the child, let the child stand under the air conditioner and blow it directly. Do not do this. There are several examples mentioned above. It is a serious consequence of long-term direct blowing, especially children's heads and faces, which should not be exposed to cold wind for a long time.

Correct approach:

① Avoid blowing the air outlet directly to the baby. It is best to adjust the wind speed to the lowest setting.

② Let the cold air blow upward, which allows the cold air to circulate from top to bottom. The cooling effect is good and it can prevent the cold wind from blowing directly on the child.

③ Purchase an air conditioner windshield. In short, be sure to avoid direct cold wind.

Children, the elderly, pregnant women and other people with low immunity should pay attention to this.

2. If the air conditioner is not cleaned for a long time

If the air conditioner is not cleaned for a long time, it is a large bacteria ejector in the home. We all know that the air conditioner filter needs to be cleaned, but we have neglected one place - the air conditioner radiator.

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

The "heat sink" is used to exchange hot and cold air, so dust and bacteria in the air can easily get in and accumulate thicker on it. And it can’t be removed and washed like the filter, so many parents ignore it!

The Indoor Environment and Health Branch of the Chinese Society of Environmental Science jointly announced a survey of air-conditioning households in Beijing, Shenzhen and other places. 88% of the total number of bacteria in the air-conditioning radiators exceeded the standard, 60 times more than in toilets! When an air conditioner like

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

operates, it is simply a "bacteria ejector" at home!

If you have a high fever, it may be caused by " Staphylococcus aureus " or " Streptococcus ".

Even more terrifying is the " Legionella ". Once it is inhaled, you may be infected with " Legionella pneumonia " and cause acute respiratory failure.

There was a news before about a man who was admitted to ICU because of this.

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

Correct approach:

① Air conditioning maintenance should be carried out twice a year. Ask a professional to clean it, especially from spring to summer and summer to winter. The air conditioner must be cleaned before starting it.

② It is important to check the air filter at least once a month and replace it as needed.

③ Simple cleaning of the filter and outdoor unit once a month. Remove the filter and rinse it with water or air conditioner cleaning agent , and then wipe the outer casing and fan clean.

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

3. If the air conditioner is turned on for a long time without ventilation

The air in the air-conditioned room is not circulated for a long time, which is easy to breed pathogenic microorganisms. Germs are also easy to gather indoors, which will increase the risk of the spread of respiratory diseases.

Correct approach:

① Take less than 4 hours as the limit. After 4 hours of startup, you need to open the window to exhaust the indoor air, which takes about 20-30 minutes.

② After going out and returning home, turn on the air conditioner with the windows open. Wait 5-10 minutes to ensure that the dirt on the air conditioner is discharged to the outside, and then close the windows to reduce the residual harmful gases in the room.

③ Humidity is also very important. If the air conditioner is blown for a long time, the indoor air will easily dry out. You can put a humidifier in the air-conditioned room to keep the air humidity at about 50%.

④ You can open a small slit in a window away from the air conditioner to ensure indoor air circulation. It is best to ventilate once before going to bed at night.

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

4. The air conditioner temperature is too high or too low.

The air conditioner temperature is too low, and the baby will easily catch cold. If the temperature difference with the outside world is too large, the body temperature cannot be easily adjusted, and the baby will also feel uncomfortable.

Correct approach:

① Control the temperature of the house at about 24-26℃. This temperature will make the child feel comfortable.

② Remember the temperature difference, which is the temperature difference between the air-conditioned room and the outside world. It should be controlled at 7℃. If the outdoor temperature is 35 degrees, the temperature in the air-conditioned room should be 28 degrees.

5. Turn on the air conditioner immediately after sweating a lot

After taking the baby home, don’t wait to turn on the air conditioner. Let the baby sweat first, change into dry clothes, and give the baby some time to adapt. Sudden cold and sudden heat can easily cause the baby to sweat. Cold, heat stroke, or discomfort similar to "air conditioning disease"

Correct approach:

① When the baby comes home and is sweating, he should rest for 10 minutes before turning on the air conditioner. First, wipe the baby's sweat with a dry towel and put on dry clothes. clothes, don't rush to use the air conditioner to cool down.

② Before taking your baby out, turn off the air conditioner 30 minutes in advance. At the same time, open the door to allow the air to circulate so that the children can adjust to the outside temperature.

Summer is here, do these to cool down and stay healthy.

Don’t be afraid of air conditioning disease and don’t give your baby air conditioning. When the heat is intense, using air conditioning correctly is really a great tool to relieve the heat. Babies who are afraid of heat need air conditioning even more.

Babies have poor heat tolerance. When the temperature is too high, they are prone to prickly heat , restless sleep, heat stroke, dehydration, and even heat exhaustion and Muffling Syndrome .

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that temperatures above 32°C require cooling measures and recommends that parents use air conditioning to reduce SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).

Therefore, when the temperature is high, you must give your baby air conditioning.

Do the following to keep your baby cool in the summer:

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

1. The air conditioner must be opened in the correct way

① Do not blow directly. Do not blow the air conditioner directly at the baby. You can put a piece of paper on the air outlet or use a windshield.

② Ventilate the room regularly. The correct approach should be to ventilate 2 to 3 times a day for 15 to 30 minutes each time.

③ It is recommended that the indoor temperature be controlled between 24-26℃. The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor should not exceed 7℃.

④ Place a humidifier in the air-conditioned room to keep the air humidity at about 50%.

2. Replenish water.

The air-conditioned room is dry. In addition, the baby is active, sweats a lot, and loses a lot of water. You must drink more water to prevent the child from dehydration. You can observe the color of the child's urine. If the color is off, Yellow means it is dehydrated and must be replenished in time.

Recommendations for drinking water at different ages. Parents can refer to the picture below to let the baby drink a small amount and multiple times:

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

3. Bath your baby frequently

Bathing your child in summer can be more diligent. This can not only keep cool, but also prevent The occurrence of skin problems such as prickly heat should also be controlled, but the frequency should be controlled, bathing once a day, and each bath should be controlled to about 15 minutes.

4. Pay attention to adding or removing clothes

Don’t turn on the air conditioner because you are afraid that the child will be cold. If you wear thick clothes, the air conditioner will be turned on in vain. If the temperature is under control, just dress the child normally and cover him with a thin blanket when sleeping. Enough to protect your baby from cold air.

Don’t dress too hot, don’t dress too tight, and don’t dress too close to the body. Don’t cover the baby’s face with blankets. As for hats, it depends on the baby’s personal habits. Touch the baby’s back. If it’s warm, The instructions are just right and you don’t need to wear socks anymore.

5. Make good use of heatstroke protection products

① Choose the right mat. Choose mats for your baby that are smooth and balanced, with soft materials and no burrs. Choose Class A products suitable for babies. It is not recommended to use bamboo mats, straw mats, and mahjong mats for your children.

② Use the right refrigerator. The refrigerator itself is fine, but if it is not stored properly and the child eats food that has not been stored, problems will occur. The best storage method is to "minimize storage as much as possible" and "storage for the shortest possible time."

It is best to separate food into categories and store raw and cooked food separately. In particular, cooked food must be covered and sealed, which will help reduce the chance of cross-contamination.

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

③Do not blow the fan directly. Do not use a fan when you are sweating profusely. Do not blow the fan directly on your child. It is best to use a timer or oscillating fan when sleeping at night. If you want to blow it all night, you should turn it to the breeze setting and blow the air from the side.

I hope all the children will have a cool, comfortable and safe summer!

Reference article


https://mom.girlstalkinsmack.com/family/The-Ways-To-Use-Air -Conditioners-That-Are-Good-For-Babies.aspx

Original | The recent pregnancy news is really scary. In the past, heat stroke killed two people in a row, and later, many people suffered facial paralysis due to the air conditioning. With the temperature approaching 40 degrees, I am afraid of heat stroke if I don’t use the air  - DayDayNews

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