Hello everyone, I am Nuan Dad~ As a parent, every time you take your children out, you will be very careful and keep your children in your sight at all times. You are always afraid that you will not be able to find your children in the blink of an eye. The reason why we are so ne

2024/07/0214:44:32 baby 1544

Hello everyone, I am Nuan Dad ~

As a parent, every time you take your children out, you will be very careful and keep your children within your sight at all times. You are always afraid that you will not be able to find your children in the blink of an eye.

The reason why we are so nervous is because we have all seen some children who were targeted by human traffickers due to the family's negligence. As a result, the children were separated from their families, which brought irreparable pain and regret to the entire family.

Hello everyone, I am Nuan Dad~ As a parent, every time you take your children out, you will be very careful and keep your children in your sight at all times. You are always afraid that you will not be able to find your children in the blink of an eye. The reason why we are so ne - DayDayNews

Therefore, after having children, family members must understand some safety knowledge about taking care of children. They must also understand how to ask for help if they encounter a trafficker and are tricked and left alone. Only in this way can they get help from passers-by.

1. When you encounter a trafficker, don’t panic and shout “I don’t know him”

Speaking of this, I saw an incident like this. At that time, a mother was playing in the park with her two-month-old baby. When the mother bent down to pack things under the stroller, the child was suddenly picked up by a strange man and walked away.

Fortunately, the mother reacted quickly and rushed forward to hug the baby without letting go. She kept shouting: "I don't know him. He is snatching my baby. Come and help me!"

But the strange man explained He said that this was his daughter-in-law. The couple just had a minor conflict, and the daughter-in-law ran away from home with her newborn baby in her arms.

As a result, no matter how much the daughter-in-law yelled, fewer and fewer passers-by gathered nearby. Perhaps everyone felt that this was a family dispute and it was difficult for an upright official to resolve household affairs, so they stopped getting involved.

Hello everyone, I am Nuan Dad~ As a parent, every time you take your children out, you will be very careful and keep your children in your sight at all times. You are always afraid that you will not be able to find your children in the blink of an eye. The reason why we are so ne - DayDayNews

Therefore, if we accidentally encounter a human trafficker on the street, although we will be at a loss at this time, our first reaction is to shout "I don't know him" and then want to get help from passers-by.

However, don’t you know that this plays into the trap of human traffickers, because they have figured out that this is the first reaction of many people, so they have already prepared their excuses, and then they will define it as a couple’s quarrel, family dispute, etc.

Just imagine, if it were us, if we encountered such a situation in the park or on the roadside, and saw two people who looked like a couple quarreling, with the child crying and fighting to hold the child, would we feel puzzled and afraid of helping the wrong person? I felt that it was not convenient for me to intervene, so I walked away.

So, when you encounter a trafficker robbing your child, your first reaction is to shout "I don't know him". It seems to be asking for help, and it seems that you have nothing to do with the trafficker, but you are strangling yourself and the child. Opportunity for timely rescue.

2. If you meet a trafficker, change your approach, and passers-by will be more willing to help you

Therefore, when you are outside with your child and encounter a similar trafficker robbing your child, you must change your approach so that you can get real help, your child Only then can we get rid of human traffickers.

Hello everyone, I am Nuan Dad~ As a parent, every time you take your children out, you will be very careful and keep your children in your sight at all times. You are always afraid that you will not be able to find your children in the blink of an eye. The reason why we are so ne - DayDayNews

Method 1: Destroy the valuables of passersby

Speaking of this, I heard a mother in the community say that she had experienced such a situation before. At that time, she was playing next to the park alone with her 100-day-old son. , there are not many people there.

The baby fell asleep in the stroller at that time, so she took out her mobile phone and planned to watch it for a while. Who would have thought that as soon as she took out her mobile phone, a stranger quickly picked up her son. She was smart, and her first reaction was that she did not recognize this person. , I met a trafficker who snatched a child.

At that time, she first grabbed the trafficker and refused to let go, and then shouted hysterically. Her shout attracted the attention of many people. At this time, several old women with children also came to watch the excitement.

But the trafficker said that she was his daughter-in-law and there was someone else outside, so he wanted to take the child away. This was their family matter.

This mother saw the right moment. She grabbed the bottle from one of the old men and threw it to the ground. It broke into pieces. The old man didn't want to, and then he got angry and asked her to accompany him. After that, the mother pointed at the strange man and said, Just let him accompany you.

Hello everyone, I am Nuan Dad~ As a parent, every time you take your children out, you will be very careful and keep your children in your sight at all times. You are always afraid that you will not be able to find your children in the blink of an eye. The reason why we are so ne - DayDayNews

Seeing that the old man was getting more and more angry, and more and more people were watching, he grabbed the strange man and refused to let go, so as to give her grandson's milk bottle. When the man saw that the situation was not good, he let go of the child in his arms and ran to the side. He got into a car and left.

Finally, the mother finally breathed a sigh of relief, quickly apologized to the old lady, said she was willing to compensate the old lady 200 yuan, and explained the whole story.

It can be seen from this that if you encounter a trafficker snatching a child and shouting to attract everyone's attention, you should take the valuable things from the hands of passers-by and break them, so that you can drag the trafficker with you.

Method 2: If there is a stall nearby, you can overturn the stall.

If there is a stall nearby, hold the trafficker with one hand as much as possible, and use your feet to overturn the stall next to it. In this way, the owner of the stall will be unwilling.

In this case, since the traffickers must be said to be a family, they will not let the traffickers go and will support the traffickers together. You can also ask the stall owner to call the police.

Hello everyone, I am Nuan Dad~ As a parent, every time you take your children out, you will be very careful and keep your children in your sight at all times. You are always afraid that you will not be able to find your children in the blink of an eye. The reason why we are so ne - DayDayNews

Similarly, if there are cars around, smashing car windows is also an option. No matter what, try to give passers-by someone a reason to intervene and make the matter bigger, so that the traffickers can be detained, or someone can call the police to deal with it.

Method 3: Try to calm down and find someone among the passers-by who may be able to help you to call the police.

Generally, when a trafficker is robbing a child, he will disguise himself as a relative or husband of the other person, and will lead passers-by to misunderstand him. The quarrels between family members and husbands and wives are domestic disputes, so passers-by will take it for granted and not pay more attention to it.

Therefore, if you encounter a trafficker snatching a child and drag the trafficker unable to leave the scene, in addition to the valuable items mentioned above, you must find a way to find someone to help call the police.

Once the call to the police is successful, the trafficker will be afraid and run away quickly. However, if he wants to call the police successfully and passers-by are willing to help him, just shouting: "I don't know him, call the police for me" is not very effective.

This is because when you shout like this, passers-by will not understand the situation and will think of asking others to call the police. It has nothing to do with you. It is better to do less than to do more, and the responsibilities are dispersed.

Hello everyone, I am Nuan Dad~ As a parent, every time you take your children out, you will be very careful and keep your children in your sight at all times. You are always afraid that you will not be able to find your children in the blink of an eye. The reason why we are so ne - DayDayNews

The result of this is that anyone can be the person you shout at, and they can also disassociate themselves from the relationship. Therefore, the correct approach should be to designate a certain person, such as the lady carrying the red bag, or The big brother wearing glasses, wearing blue clothes, etc.

After specifying a certain person in this way, they will automatically join in the matter. As long as there are passers-by who are willing to help, their power will increase a lot, and the traffickers will inevitably be timid and guilty.

By doing this, passers-by will be willing to help you and will have a reason to step in and fight the traffickers with you.

3. Conclusion

As a parent, the last thing you want to see is your child falling into the hands of human traffickers, which will cause the whole family to fall into endless grief, so it is very important to master some safety precautions in advance.

Hello everyone, I am Nuan Dad~ As a parent, every time you take your children out, you will be very careful and keep your children in your sight at all times. You are always afraid that you will not be able to find your children in the blink of an eye. The reason why we are so ne - DayDayNews

The methods mentioned above are especially suitable for women to take care of their babies alone, such as mothers taking care of their babies, grandmothers taking care of their babies, or grandma taking care of their babies.

If you encounter a trafficker robbing a child, and you want to get help from passers-by in time, you must involve specific passers-by so that they have a sense of responsibility and reason. Only in this way will passers-by be willing to help you.

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