With the arrival of summer, hot weather and high temperatures can easily cause food to deteriorate. At the same time, high temperatures will affect people's daily life and diet. Most children like to eat ice and drink cold drinks. Parents should pay attention to the following. Ch

With the arrival of summer, hot weather and high temperatures can easily cause food to deteriorate. At the same time, high temperatures will affect people's daily life and diet. Most children like to eat ice and drink cold drinks. Parents should pay attention to the following.

Children should not drink ice water after exercising.

Recently, there was a story about a boy in Hunan who drank ice cold drinks after strenuous exercise at high temperatures. Within 5 minutes after drinking, he felt chest tightness chest pain. He eventually died of acute myocardial infarction due to ineffective rescue efforts.

The reason is that human blood vessels are in a state of expansion after strenuous exercise. If you drink ice water immediately, it may cause vasoconstriction and spasm, a sudden increase in blood pressure, an increase in blood viscosity, coagulation, blockage of blood vessels, and myocardial infarction, just like driving at high speed. It's like a car braking suddenly, so parents should be careful not to let their children drink ice water in summer, let alone blow cold wind when they are sweating.

Don’t eat food left overnight, especially iced watermelon.

In the summer, a family ate iced watermelon overnight, and the whole family was infected, and it was very serious.

This is because watermelon stored overnight is prone to bacteria and may have become corrupted. If it is kept in the refrigerator and completely wrapped in clean plastic wrap , it can be eaten overnight, but it is generally not recommended for everyone to eat overnight food.

Due to the large size of watermelon, if you can’t finish it after buying it home, you can store it in the refrigerator. Bacteria multiply quickly in summer, so cut watermelon can be stored at room temperature for up to 6 hours. After cutting, cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for longer storage time. If it is not wrapped in plastic wrap and placed in the refrigerator in time after cutting, the sugar and rich nutrients contained in watermelon will accelerate the reproduction of bacteria.

Eating these watermelons containing a large number of bacteria can cause gastroenteritis symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea in mild cases, and poisoning in severe cases. If these symptoms occur after eating watermelon, you need to go to the hospital for medical treatment in time. A treatment plan will be formulated based on the test results and the patient's condition, such as correcting electrolyte imbalance and maintaining blood volume.

Cans Please do not place them in the freezer of the refrigerator. They are prone to explosion.

A little boy in Shanghai took out a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator. When he opened it, it exploded. The pull tab cut a hole in the little boy's face. The little boy needed 38 stitches on his face.

The weather is relatively hot in summer. Many people prefer to drink iced food and drinks, especially beer. After buying it, many people will put it in the refrigerator to keep it refrigerated to lower the temperature. However, some people will say that they can store beer in cans. If placed in the refrigerator, it may explode.

Generally speaking, if cans of beer are placed in the refrigerator to be refrigerated, they will not explode because the temperature in the refrigerator compartment is generally not too low. Putting it inside can serve the purpose of refrigeration and preservation, and can also extend the shelf life. So there is no need to worry too much. If you put the can of beer in the freezer of the refrigerator for freezing, it is very likely to explode, because the temperature in the freezer is very low, and long-term storage will cause the can to bloat, bulge, or even explode. Condition.

Spray toilet water Be sure to stay away from open flames

In order to avoid mosquito bites or remove the odor of sweat, some people often smear a large amount of toilet water all over their body, so much that they themselves are almost smoked, let alone mosquitoes.

However, excessive application of toilet water may cause adverse reactions, such as itching, cold sweats, etc. Therefore, you should apply toilet water in an appropriate amount and do not use it systematically, frequently, or in large quantities. The correct way to use toilet water is to dilute a few drops in water and use it for bathing, washing your face, wiping mats, etc. This will not only have sterilizing and cooling effects, but will not cause serious harm to health.

Toilet water is a flammable item, containing 75% alcohol and 5% essence. It will ignite once it comes into contact with an open flame or is close to a fire source.Therefore, after applying toilet water, be sure not to rush to the fire immediately, otherwise it may cause irreparable tragedy! Toilet water should also be stored in a cool place as much as possible and not exposed to the sun.

Parents, please note that children are the hope of the family, and their safety is the first priority.