On July 14, Zhao Lanqi, Shijiazhuang Region Manager of Hengshui Laobaigan Marketing Co., Ltd., Zhang Shoupeng, Business Development Center Director, and Li Hao, Business Development Center Manager, visited Hebei News Network for a visit and exchange. Liu Chengqun, deputy general

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On July 14, Zhao Lanqi, Shijiazhuang Region Manager of Hengshui Laobaigan Marketing Co., Ltd., Zhang Shoupeng, Business Development Center Director, and Li Hao, Business Development Center Manager, visited Hebei News Network for a visit and exchange. Liu Chengqun, deputy general manager of Hebei News Network, director of Hebei News Network and president of Yanzhao Metropolis Newspaper, Meng Ruijun, deputy editor-in-chief of Hebei News Network, Wu Lexian, deputy president of Yanzhao Metropolis Newspaper and other leaders attended the reception.

Director Liu Chengqun first led Manager Zhao and his party to visit the news editing center, and watched "When Shadow Puppet Meets the Winter Olympics", "Hebei Comprehensive Well-off Illustrated Book", "Red "Hebei" Memory", "Me and My Motherland", "Tell the World, I'm from Hebei" and other videos and programs.

On July 14, Zhao Lanqi, Shijiazhuang Region Manager of Hengshui Laobaigan Marketing Co., Ltd., Zhang Shoupeng, Business Development Center Director, and Li Hao, Business Development Center Manager, visited Hebei News Network for a visit and exchange. Liu Chengqun, deputy general  - DayDayNews

In the subsequent discussion session, Liu Chengqun, deputy general manager of Hebei News Group Company, director of Hebei News Network, and president of Yanzhao Metropolis Newspaper, extended a warm welcome to Hengshui Laobaigan and his delegation, and introduced Hebei News Network. Hebei News Network was established in 1999 and is affiliated to Hebei Daily Newspaper Group . It is the first key news website in Hebei Province approved by the State Council Information Office. For more than 20 years, Hebei News Network has given full play to the leading role of the party network and always adhered to the correct guidance of public opinion. The communication power and influence of the website have ranked first among provincial websites in the country. Director Liu Chengqun said that he hopes to further strengthen exchanges and deepen cooperation with Hengshui Laobaigan in the future. As an important media platform in Hebei Province, Hebei News Network should promote Hengshui Laobaigan, a beautiful business card of Hebei, and vigorously promote Hebei wine represented by Hengshui Laobaigan. Enterprise promotion.

Zhao Lanqi, Shijiazhuang Region Manager of Hengshui Laobaigan Marketing Co., Ltd., gave a detailed introduction to the brand history and culture of Hengshui Laobaigan. Hengshui Laobaigan has a long history of more than 1,900 years. It also has gold medal quality and strong brand strength inherited for thousands of years. It is the founder and leading brand of domestic Laobaigan flavor liquor. It is also the first state-owned liquor company under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. factory. Since winning the "First Class Gold Medal", the highest award at the Panama International Exposition in 1915, Hengshui Laobaigan has stepped abroad and gone global step by step, interpreting the gold medal honors with its own strength, and these gold medal honors have also continuously confirmed the quality of a great country. In June this year, Hengshui Laobaigan released the brand upgrade strategic positioning of "Grade A Gold Award Great Country Quality". It is a comprehensive upgrade after announcing the strategic positioning of "drinking Laobaigan without getting drunk" in 2018. It marks that Hengshui Laobaigan has once again stepped onto the road to success. A new level.

On July 14, Zhao Lanqi, Shijiazhuang Region Manager of Hengshui Laobaigan Marketing Co., Ltd., Zhang Shoupeng, Business Development Center Director, and Li Hao, Business Development Center Manager, visited Hebei News Network for a visit and exchange. Liu Chengqun, deputy general  - DayDayNews

At the end of the event, Manager Zhao Lanqi, on behalf of Hengshui Laobaigan, expressed his gratitude to the leaders of Hebei News Network for their warm reception and their support and recognition of the Hengshui Laobaigan brand and products. In the development process of Hengshui Laobaigan, media like Hebei News Network played an immeasurable role in Hengshui Laobaigan's brand image, cultural construction and corporate publicity. Hengshui Laobaigan and Hebei News Network, as well-known units in Hebei Province, have achieved outstanding results in their respective fields. It is hoped that in the future, both parties will continue to strengthen cooperation and communication at the strategic level, promote in-depth learning exchanges, establish a long-term and stable cooperative relationship between the two parties, and achieve faster and higher-quality development. Hengshui Laobaigan has always been down-to-earth, working steadily, and forging ahead on the road to pursuit of excellence. At the same time, we sincerely invite leaders of Hebei News Network to visit Hengshui Laobaigan for guidance and provide new ideas for innovative development.

On July 14, Zhao Lanqi, Shijiazhuang Region Manager of Hengshui Laobaigan Marketing Co., Ltd., Zhang Shoupeng, Business Development Center Director, and Li Hao, Business Development Center Manager, visited Hebei News Network for a visit and exchange. Liu Chengqun, deputy general  - DayDayNews

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