Some people say that water breaking and redness are related to the gender of the fetus. Some people in the older generation say that "when water breaks, a boy will be born, and when water turns red, a girl will be born." Some people also believe that water breaking and redness ar

Seeing redness, water breaking... These phenomena are all "important signals" released by the pregnant mother's body before delivery. So what's the difference between the two?

Some people say that breaking water and seeing redness are related to the gender of the fetus. Some people in the older generation say that "when water breaks, a boy is born, and when water sees red, a girl is born." Some people also believe that water breaking and redness are related to the health of the fetus. Seeing redness first is normal, but water breaking first may indicate problems with the health of the fetus. There are rumors about water breaking and redness, which ones are true? Which ones are fake?

The female neighbor was frightened and cried because her water broke before giving birth, and she was worried about the health of the fetus.

The neighbor Ding Xiang had a seizure five days before her due date. Ding Xiang, who was lying on the sofa leisurely watching TV series, suddenly felt a warm current flowing out of her body. Realizing that something was wrong, she quickly called out to her family.

Fortunately, my mother-in-law had experience. When she saw Ding Xiang's condition, she immediately picked up a pillow and put it under her buttocks to reduce the flow of amniotic fluid. He also ordered his son to pick up his delivery bag and rush Ding Xiang to the hospital.

Along the way, the overwhelmed Ding Xiang was frightened and cried. She grabbed her mother-in-law's hand and asked anxiously: "I heard people say that before giving birth to a baby, the blood is first seen and then the water breaks. My water broke first. Is this the case? Is there something wrong with the health of the fetus?"

's mother-in-law comforted her as a person who had experienced it: "Don't lie, some people's water breaks before giving birth, and some people see redness first. When I gave birth to my child, my water broke first. Look at Xiaomi. Isn’t (Dingxiang’s husband) healthy now?”

After arriving at the hospital, Dingxiang was quickly sent to the delivery room for delivery. After several hours of hard work, Dingxiang gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.

After giving birth, Ding Xiang, who was still worried, asked the doctor whether her water breaking first would have an impact on the health of the newborn? The doctor's answer was not only similar to what my mother-in-law said, but he also carefully analyzed the three differences between the two, starting from the nature of redness and water rupture.

What is the essence of redness and water breaking?

Seeing red:

Seeing red is a popular saying, specifically referring to the bleeding symptoms of pregnant women before the expected date of delivery. The reason why prepartum bleeding occurs in and is because the fetus is already "prepared to leave the womb" at this time. The fetal membrane began to show signs of separation from the mother's uterine wall, and the capillaries ruptured, causing slight bleeding.

water rupture:

water rupture is the common name for rupture of fetal membranes . Under normal circumstances, as uterine contractions continue to increase, the intraluminal pressure of the amniotic membrane reaches a critical value, then the fetal membranes will rupture, and then Amniotic fluid comes out.

Water breaking is more urgent than redness, because if the water is not treated promptly and effectively after breaking, it may cause the risk of premature birth and fetal asphyxia.

Although redness and water rupture are both symptoms that occur before delivery, there are still some differences between them because they appear in different orders. Some mothers think that "seeing red" is more dangerous. After all, " bleeding during pregnancy is a big deal." Some mothers think that "water breaking" is embarrassing, especially in public, because "water breaking" will cause many misunderstandings.

So what is the difference between them?

See the red first VS break the water first, what is the difference? These three points are the key!

One: It is a matter of probability, and it has nothing to do with the gender of the fetus.

The older generation said that when the water breaks, a boy is born, and when the blood is red, a girl is born. It is purely a coincidence of probability. Broken water and redness are just signs of prenatal seizures. They have nothing to do with the gender of the fetus and are not supported by any scientific basis.

According to relevant labor statistics, 95% of mothers will see redness first and feel slight contraction pain before their water breaks before the official delivery. However, about 5% of pregnant women will experience premature water rupture without warning.

Second: See redness first or water breaks first. The degree of urgency is different.

Seeing redness does not mean immediate delivery. As long as there is not a large amount of bleeding, both the mother and the fetus are very safe and no special treatment is required immediately. After seeing red, the mother can make prenatal preparations step by step, and then rush to the hospital accompanied by her family to wait for delivery.

Nowadays, the situation of water breaking is relatively dangerous and must be dealt with immediately. Otherwise, the amniotic fluid that protects the fetus will be lost in large quantities, and the fetus may be in danger of uterine asphyxia.

Third: Whether the water breaks or the redness appears first depends on the condition of the fetus, and it is related to the physical constitution.

Generally speaking, redness first is more common, which means that the physical condition of the pregnant mother is better than that of the fetus. On the contrary, if the water breaks first, the physical fitness of the fetus will be better than that of the pregnant mother.

Of course, whether it is redness or water rupture, it is a sign before labor. As long as it is treated promptly and effectively, the health of the pregnant mother and the fetus will not be affected.

It is worth noting that pregnant mothers must also be mentally prepared for some emergencies and special situations. Take self-protection measures and rush to the hospital as soon as possible to seek help from professional doctors to minimize the risk of childbirth.

☆What should I do if I see red?

When pregnant mothers have signs of "redness", the first thing to do is to observe the amount of bleeding, blood color and consistency to determine whether it is true redness before delivery.

If there is only slight bleeding and a pink or brown viscous liquid appears, it is generally normal to see redness before labor. At this time, pregnant mothers can pack their delivery bags and go to the hospital accompanied by their family members to prepare for delivery with peace of mind.

If the amount of bleeding is a bit urgent, similar to the daily menstrual amount, and the blood is bright red and has strong stickiness, pregnant mothers should be alert. This may not be a simple redness before delivery, but prepartum bleeding. In this case, there is no delay at all, and you should immediately go to the hospital for emergency treatment accompanied by your family.

☆What should I do if my water breaks first?

Many times, water breaks unexpectedly. If a pregnant mother finds that her water breaks first, she must not remain standing or sitting. Immediately find a safe place to lie flat on your back, use pillows to elevate your hips, and use a clean towel to lay flat under your body to avoid a large amount of amniotic fluid flowing out and to avoid bacterial infection.

If the water breaks first, it is an emergency. You must contact the nearest hospital immediately and wait for delivery under the guidance of a doctor. Otherwise, once the amniotic fluid is lost too much, it may lead to umbilical cord prolapse , resulting in the risk of intrauterine asphyxia to the fetus.

Whether a pregnant woman sees redness first or her water breaks first, it is better not to be too nervous and anxious, which is harmful to childbirth. Just maintain the good habit of regular prenatal check-ups during pregnancy, and welcome the healthy little angel with a relaxed and expectant mood!

Interactive topic : Mom, when you give birth to a baby, do you see redness first or do your water break first?