Introduction: The COVID-19 epidemic broke out completely in early 2020, which plunged the whole world into dire straits. To this day, the COVID-19 epidemic has not only not improved, but has intensified.

2024/06/2403:50:33 hotcomm 1536

Author: Jerulu


The COVID-19 epidemic broke out completely in early 2020, which plunged the whole world into dire straits.

To this day, the COVID-19 epidemic has not only not improved, but has intensified.

Many countries in the world are caught in the severe COVID-19 epidemic, only our country is in a slightly better situation.

But we still need to be vigilant because the new coronavirus epidemic may come back at any time.

Introduction: The COVID-19 epidemic broke out completely in early 2020, which plunged the whole world into dire straits. To this day, the COVID-19 epidemic has not only not improved, but has intensified. - DayDayNews

However, in a previous interview, Bill Gates said:

The new crown is just a smoke bomb, and there are two bigger disasters brewing.

Today, the earth is riddled with holes, and various natural disasters frequently attack humans.

Whether it is a storm, a tsunami, a drought, or a flood,

none of these natural disasters can be resisted by humans.

And these natural disasters are the work of mankind.

Introduction: The COVID-19 epidemic broke out completely in early 2020, which plunged the whole world into dire straits. To this day, the COVID-19 epidemic has not only not improved, but has intensified. - DayDayNews

Bill Gates warned that mankind will face greater disasters in the future, even far more terrifying than the new coronavirus epidemic.

The host asked Bill Gates: "What do you think will be the biggest test that the earth will face in the future?"

Bill Gates replied: "The two major disasters that humans will face in the future are Climate Change and the other. Bioterrorism"

The content of this article is to explain to you what climate change and bioterrorism are all about.

Introduction: The COVID-19 epidemic broke out completely in early 2020, which plunged the whole world into dire straits. To this day, the COVID-19 epidemic has not only not improved, but has intensified. - DayDayNews

On the surface, climate does not directly affect people’s survival, nor can it directly “kill people.”

But we must not underestimate the crisis caused by climate change. Its horror is far beyond everyone’s imagination.

Climate change is like boiling a frog in warm water , causing human beings to gradually disappear silently.

It is like people will not find out that the latest data for 2020 has been updated.

The average temperature of the earth has been higher than before. It's 0.5 degrees Celsius.

Introduction: The COVID-19 epidemic broke out completely in early 2020, which plunged the whole world into dire straits. To this day, the COVID-19 epidemic has not only not improved, but has intensified. - DayDayNews

Judging from the performance in 2021, the record for the highest average temperature on earth should be broken again.

But to be honest, most people will not feel the temperature rise.

At most, they will suddenly be shocked at a certain moment, as if the temperature this year is hotter than in previous years.

However, we are surprised to learn that we who live under air conditioning do not care about this at all.

But do you know? If the temperature continues to rise at this rate, humanity will be extinct in just two hundred years.

Introduction: The COVID-19 epidemic broke out completely in early 2020, which plunged the whole world into dire straits. To this day, the COVID-19 epidemic has not only not improved, but has intensified. - DayDayNews

In addition to climate change, bioterrorism worries Bill Gates.

First, let me explain to you what bioterrorism is.

Previously, many rumors said that the origin of the new coronavirus was spread from the Fort Detrick Laboratory in the United States.

Although this rumor has not been confirmed, it is indeed somewhat possible.

If the new coronavirus was really developed in a human laboratory, then this is bioterrorism.

Introduction: The COVID-19 epidemic broke out completely in early 2020, which plunged the whole world into dire straits. To this day, the COVID-19 epidemic has not only not improved, but has intensified. - DayDayNews

Bioterrorism, as the name suggests, means that if a scientist with evil intentions releases a virus into the population,

a large number of people will inevitably be infected and die.

And the higher the level of technology in the future, the more powerful the viruses created by criminals will be.

is more harmful to ordinary people.

Bioterrorism is far more powerful than any terrorist organization in the world.

Introduction: The COVID-19 epidemic broke out completely in early 2020, which plunged the whole world into dire straits. To this day, the COVID-19 epidemic has not only not improved, but has intensified. - DayDayNews

The bombs detonated by terrorist organizations can only cause small-scale explosion damage at most.

The super viruses developed by mad scientists are enough to harm the entire human civilization.

Let's assume that if the new coronavirus is also bioterrorism,

300 million people have already been infected by it. The harm of bioterrorism is evident.

No wonder Bill Gates also reminded mankind to be wary of bioterrorism.

This is indeed a major cancer lurking among mankind.

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