With the opening up of the times, more and more young couples are choosing to live together before marriage. If both parents agree, the date of marriage can be brought forward after an unintended pregnancy. If the parents do not agree, most women will choose "artificial abortion"

With the opening up of the times, more and more young couples will choose to live together before marriage.

If both parents agree, the wedding date can be brought forward after an unexpected pregnancy. If the parents do not agree, most women will choose "artificial abortion" after an unexpected pregnancy. Although artificial abortion can solve the trouble of unwanted pregnancy, the harm to women cannot be ignored. Whether it is physical or psychological, it will cause serious damage.

I saw such a message on the Internet before, "I got pregnant unexpectedly while living with my ex-boyfriend. In order not to affect my future, I chose to have an abortion. Eventually, I broke up with my boyfriend."

"After a while, I started a new relationship with After getting together with my boyfriend, I told him about my previous abortion. I thought they would be fine if they were honest with each other, but I thought that abortion often became the trigger for their quarrels..."

Although Speaking of "abortion" has become a very common thing in today's society, but most people still look at women who have had abortions with colored eyes.

In addition to causing public opinion from the outside world, female abortion will also cause irreparable damage to the human body. Therefore, it is recommended that women try to take precautions when living together to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Because the harm caused by artificial abortion to women is unbearable,

What effects may it have on women after abortion?

1 Postoperative sequelae

After some women discover an unexpected pregnancy, they generally choose to go informal in order to "keep it secret" Small clinics perform abortions. Compared with large hospitals, the equipment of small clinics is relatively old, and there may be many safety problems, such as insufficient disinfection, uterine perforation, postoperative infection, etc. Originally, artificial abortion is relatively harmful to women. If the equipment is safe, it is equivalent to rubbing salt on the wound.

2 Causes psychological harm to girls

It is said that "ten months of pregnancy" the child is like a piece of meat falling off the mother's body. There is no mother who does not love her children. Women have no choice but to choose artificial abortion. When they lose their children, they will also cause serious psychological damage to women.

For some psychologically fragile women, they may be depressed and cause serious mental illness.

3 Affects family harmony

Although it is more open now, the vast majority of men cannot accept that their girlfriends have had abortions, so it will affect the relationship between lovers and even face breakup . In addition, abortion will affect uterine health and may cause women to be unable to get pregnant again in the future, thus affecting the relationship between husband and wife, and may even lead to divorce because of being unable to get pregnant.

The above three points are the effects that women will have after they choose to have an abortion. Some women may feel that this is not the case. Next, let’s take a look at the harm that abortion brings to women’s bodies.

What changes may occur in a woman's body after an abortion?

· She may lose the right to be a mother: Everyone's uterus situation is different. Some people may have several abortions before they become infertile, and some may After only one abortion session, I became infertile. In fact, no matter whether it is done once or multiple times, as long as the uterus is damaged, infertility may occur.

·May cause cervical adhesions: After abortion surgery, some patients may have cervical adhesions, which may lead to uterine secretions and uterine stagnation, thus affecting the health of women. Cervical surgery is required at this time.

·May cause endocrine disorders: After women choose abortion surgery, they may experience endocrine disorders. In the case of endocrine disorders, it will increase the speed of aging.

·It will increase the risk of gynecological diseases: After female abortion surgery, if scientific care is not provided, it will increase the risk of infection , thereby increasing the risk of gynecological diseases .

Therefore, it is recommended that women take precautions to avoid unwanted pregnancies. If you accidentally become pregnant, try not to have an abortion unless absolutely necessary.

Of course, if you must have an abortion, you must pay attention to your choice and take good care afterwards to minimize the harm of abortion.

Precautions before and after abortion:

① Pay attention to the choice of doctor: If you decide to have an abortion, try to choose a regular hospital, so as to ensure the safety of the equipment, reduce the risk of accidents during the operation, and reduce the risk after the operation. sequelae.

② Rest after the operation: Abortion also requires confinement, especially Try to rest in bed for the first 3 days, let the body slowly recover. In the one month after the operation, try not to overwork yourself, and pay attention to combining work and rest to avoid causing physical discomfort.

③ You need to pay attention to personal hygiene after the operation: This is mainly because after the abortion operation, the cervix has not been completely closed. If you do not pay attention to hygiene at this time, bacterial infection may occur.

In addition, the vagina will suffer certain damage during artificial abortion. In order to avoid infection, no private life is allowed within one month after the operation.

④ Pay attention to nutritional intake: Abortion surgery is equivalent to confinement. During the body recovery period, you must pay attention to nutritional intake to avoid malnutrition affecting your resistance.

In short, if you choose artificial abortion, you must pay attention to physical conditioning after surgery and try not to make the harm of abortion worse.

Summary: The harm caused by artificial abortion to women is immeasurable. Therefore, women are reminded to protect themselves and avoid unwanted pregnancies.