The father accidentally fell and crushed his young son to death. Suddenly, the man accidentally fell backwards. As a result, his whole body fell on the child and hit the child's neck.

(Poke the video first)


Some people say that the child was crushed to death?

Some people say that the child died because his cervical vertebra was crushed?

What is the truth?

TV station gave the answer!

is quite scary! Be careful!

must read! Tell more people!

(The following is a news report)


Detailed description

The father accidentally fell and crushed his young son to death.

Parents will definitely be shocked when they see this.

But be sure to pay more attention to potential dangers. What happened to


The terrifying scene happened in a supermarket, where a man dragged a child behind him. Suddenly, the man accidentally fell backwards. As a result, his whole body fell on the child and hit the child's neck. The salesperson next to him kindly helped the man up, picked up the child, and handed it back to the man. However, the poor child could no longer stand up and was dead when he was taken to the hospital.

The pediatrician explained

that the entire pressure on the child's father is all sitting on the child's chest and abdomen, including the head and neck. From the source of external force damage, it can be judged that there may be damage to the cervical spine.

Doctors remind that if the child's cervical vertebra has been dislocated and the parents still hold the child in the usual posture, it will cause secondary harm to the child, and the harm is often greater. You should find a hard support that is rolling or has points of support. Two or three people were moved onto stretchers and then sent to the hospital.


if you have not received professional first aid training.

It is best not to touch injured people.

Accidental injury excluded.

Some behaviors of parents coaxing their children.

It is easy to hurt the spine of infants and young children.

Many parents like to play "horseback riding" with their children, but this is actually a very dangerous action. If parents do not hold their child's hand firmly, the child may fall backwards, causing cervical spine injury.

In addition, if parents use a little force to coax their children by shaking them, whip injuries may occur, or they may grab the infant's hands and spin them around, which can easily cause harm to the infant.

Parents, attention!

Don't be careless!

repost to let more people know the truth!

is less harmful!