Li Meijin: Children who had these 3 "features" when they were young have low EQ after growing up

2020/12/1310:51:10 baby 2024

EQ and IQ are extremely important things for every child. Whether a person can do anything when he grows up is inseparable from his EQ and IQ.

Harvard University psychology professor Gorman once said: "If a person can succeed, IQ only accounts for 20%, and 80% depends on emotional intelligence."

Looking around, it is not difficult to find that people with high EQ will make people feel very comfortable no matter what they say or do. People with low EQ will appear out of place when they speak.

As the saying goes: "Z25z look at the younger when you are three, look at the old when you are seven. From the behavior of a child when he was young, he can see how he will grow up and even determine his future life.

"Internet celebrity professor" Li Meijin has stated in many public lectures: 3-6 years old is the critical period for the formation of a child’s character . At this stage, the child’s emotions are well controlled, and when he grows up, his personality is more gentle and his emotional intelligence is relatively good. high.

Li Meijin: Children who had these 3

At the same time, Professor Li also concluded in the lecture: children with these characteristics when they were young, most of them have low EQ after they grow up. recommends that parents compare their children’s behaviors and give their children corresponding EQ education, so that when their children grow up, they can become a person with high EQ.

Professor Li: Children who have these three characteristics since childhood have a low EQ when they grow up. Z48z

01. Like to complain and complain

Professor Li Meijin bluntly said in the lecture: loves complaining and complaining, which is the obvious sign of low EQ children. feature! Everyone has times of depression, and complaining is the best way to vent. But if the child is always used to complaining and complaining, parents should pay attention to it.

Li Meijin: Children who had these 3

When a child complains or complains, some parents will severely criticize the child to stop the child’s complaint, but this method often causes the child’s rebellious psychology; while other parents choose to ignore it, and the child complains more often .

Carefully observe these complaining and grumbling children. When they encounter setbacks, they often do not look for problems from themselves, but complain about others, and the negative energy is overflowing. Over time, such negative emotions will affect the development of the character, and I am used to looking at everything in a negative light. And this is the typical characteristic of low EQ.

Li Meijin: Children who had these 3

02. Cranky, unable to control itself

Cranky, unable to control, is another characteristic of low EQ. Children with low EQ are always unable to control their emotions and get angry and yell at others at every turn. And children with high EQ can always control their emotions well and find the right way to vent instead of losing their temper.

[Case] ​​There is a child in 's hometown. Because he played with the mobile phone and didn't do homework, his father shouted a few times and it was useless, and he threw the mobile phone out the window angrily. But this child jumped down from the window in a rage and ended his life, which is regrettable.

Li Meijin: Children who had these 3

It can be seen that the irritable mood is the culprit of this tragedy! If the father and the child can realize the truth of "tolerate the wind and waves for a while, take a step back and broaden the sky", tragedy will not happen.

In fact, children who are unable to control their emotions will often lose their temper to try to solve the problem when they encounter problems when they grow up, which will only make the problem worse.

In short, children who cannot control their emotions at will find it difficult to control their lives when they grow up.

Li Meijin: Children who had these 3

03. Selfish children who don’t know how to share

As the saying goes: "To be happy alone is not as good as others" ! Children who know how to share will not only experience happiness in sharing, but also contribute to the development of interpersonal relationships and the formation of a good character. It is also a manifestation of children's high emotional intelligence.

Today's children are the ones their parents hold in their palms. In the face of their children's needs, parents always try their best to satisfy them. Over time, in the child's subconscious, a "self-centered" consciousness will form. Not only don't you know how to share, you will take it for granted when you face the giving of your parents or others. Children like

, in the process of growing up, cannot learn to share and cannot appreciate the joy of sharing. When they grow up, it is not only difficult to obtain happiness, but most of them have low emotional intelligence, and there are only a handful of friends around them.

Children have low emotional intelligence, what should parents do?

As the saying goes: "Small holes don't make up, big holes suffer" . When the child is young, if the parents do not seriously educate the child; when the child grows up, the bad habit has been formed, and it will be more difficult to change it.

As we all know, 3-6 years old is a critical period for the formation of a child's character . If the child does not learn to manage emotions at this stage, it may affect the child's life. And looking around for children with high EQ, most of them are the result of careful parenting.

01. Help children recognize emotions and learn to control emotions

Want children to control their emotions freely, the premise is to help children correctly recognize and understand various emotions. Know what is happy? What is sadness? What is sad? What is happiness?

Li Meijin: Children who had these 3

Secondly, on the basis of a full understanding of various emotions, children can use their own words to express the current emotions.

In this process, parents can make small emotional cards and guide their children to do emotional matching through excellent. In the game, let children understand and express emotions.

Finally, teach children to control their emotions. Especially when the child has negative emotions, the negative should guide the child to pay attention. Through the [bad mood record table], to reduce the number of negative emotional outbreaks.

02. Encourage children to learn to share

Being willing to share, not only allows children to make more good friends, but also allows children to experience happiness in sharing. Parents may wish to use their own words and deeds in daily life to gradually influence their children to learn to share.

·Education since childhood: For children about 1 year old, parents can deliberately guide, for example, when playing with toys, the children can play for a while, and the parents can say "it is time for me to play." In the process of taking turns, let the baby experience the concept of sharing.

·Parent demonstration: When buying a child’s favorite candy, the parent can offer to exchange biscuits with the child and tell the child that the process of exchange between the two is to share.

·Boast your child more: When a child shares a toy with a child, parents can praise the child on the spot and increase their confidence in sharing.

03. Bring your children to read more related picture books

. When talking with my mother about "children's emotional control and character development", the common feeling is: I understand the truth, but the real practice is still at a loss and I don't know how to deal with it.

At this time, Wenwen's dad will suggest that mothers, read more related story books, after all, most children are fascinated by stories.

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