Feeling swollen and hard in your stomach after six months of pregnancy? Mostly related to these reasons

2020/10/1210:49:16 baby 975

文|Mo mother parenting experience

During the ten-month pregnancy, pregnant mothers will experience various discomforts and some normal changes in their bodies, but some pregnant mothers who are pregnant for the first time do not Experience, I don’t know too much about these changes. If you have a little discomfort, you are especially worried. For example, your belly will feel swollen and hard during pregnancy. Today we will talk about the swelling and hard belly during pregnancy~

Feeling swollen and hard in your stomach after six months of pregnancy? Mostly related to these reasons - DayDayNews

These reasons are related:

is related to cute fetal baby

pregnant mothers can feel the baby's fetal movement at about 5 months of pregnancy, and the baby's fetal movement will be much more than before, 7 The baby's fetal movement becomes very frequent and the movement range is also very large. Sometimes the mother’s belly will be pushed up, and the mother will feel that her belly is swollen. Sometimes the baby’s fetal movement will cause her mother. Kicking hurts. When Mo mom was pregnant for about 30 weeks, the baby's fetal dynamism was relatively large, and the baby's movements were also large. The belly often bulged, and it felt like the baby was arching his buttocks. Sometimes the baby can clearly feel it when turning over~

The belly swelling caused by the baby's fetal movement will not last too long, and the situation will disappear when the baby changes position, so pregnant mothers don't need to be too nervous. Z1z

Feeling swollen and hard in your stomach after six months of pregnancy? Mostly related to these reasons - DayDayNews


Tummy bloating is very common during pregnancy. Tummy bloating may occur throughout pregnancy. Z8z Tummy bloating is mostly caused by increased hormone levels after pregnancy, constipation, and indigestion. It is very uncomfortable when the stomach is bloated. Yes, Mo mom suffered from stomach bloating when she was more than 6 months pregnant. Her stomach was like a full-inflated balloon. It was swollen and hard and very painful. So during pregnancy, mother felt bloated and hard. It may also be caused by stomach bloating.

Preventing flatulence in the stomach Pregnant mothers can start with diet. Usually, you can choose to eat small meals and eat more vegetables and fruits rich in dietary fiber, and drink plenty of water.

Feeling swollen and hard in your stomach after six months of pregnancy? Mostly related to these reasons - DayDayNews

Pseudo uterine contractions

Swelling and hard belly during pregnancy may indeed be caused by other factors, but most of the swelling and hard belly are caused by pseudo uterine contractions. In the second trimester of pregnancy, pregnant mothers will have fake contractions. The phenomenon of sexual contractions, pseudo-contractions will become more frequent in the third trimester. When pseudo-contractions occur, pregnant mothers will feel that their stomachs start to become tight and hard, and the time of pseudo-contractions is uncertain. Sometimes, pregnant mothers are prone to false contractions if they maintain a position for too long.

Pseudo uterine contractions do not last long and have no regularity. As long as the number of false uterine contractions is not frequent and does not accompany pain, pregnant mothers do not need to be too nervous. Pseudo uterine contractions come suddenly, disappear quickly, and appear false Pregnant mothers with sexual uterine contractions can change their posture or stop working and take a rest.

Feeling swollen and hard in your stomach after six months of pregnancy? Mostly related to these reasons - DayDayNews

During pregnancy, fetal movement, flatulence and other factors may make the stomach swell and hard, but most of them are caused by pseudo-contractions. Pseudo-contractions are a very common phenomenon during pregnancy, and it will not be obvious. Pain does not cause the cervix to open, so pregnant mothers don’t need to be too nervous. In the third trimester, it’s fine to distinguish between false contractions and true contractions~

I am Mo Ma, the original author of the parenting platform. Focus on the creation of maternity and childcare, and have rich experience in maternity and childcare. Follow Mo Ma to share more maternity and childcare knowledge with you~ [Disclaimer: The pictures in the text are part of the Internet, if copyright Please contact me to delete the question! ] Z9z

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