The belly "groans" during pregnancy, is the child talking? The meaning of the four pregnancy states should be understood

2020/07/2620:32:03 baby 1403

The belly

There are often some "abnormalities" in the pregnant belly during pregnancy. Pregnant mothers must understand the meaning behind this.

Writer: Zhang big cat

Editor: Zhang big cat

Final draft: Ouyang Biwen

What is the biggest change after pregnancy? In addition to the fullness of the breasts, of course the biggest change is in the belly. The growing belly couldn't be more obvious.

How many pregnant mothers have changed from the smooth lower abdomen to a meat ball that "can cover your feet with your head down", of course, the bigger belly shows that the baby is also growing, every time in 肉球The changes are affecting the pregnant mother's heart.

The belly

Frequent gurgling noises in the belly, or occasional hops in the belly, will trigger the pregnant mother’s guess, is this the child talking to me? What can I say?

The belly

Pregnant belly growls, indicating that the baby is "spitting bubbles"?

Many pregnant mothers will have "grumbling" screams during the first trimester of pregnancy, but they have not eaten any cold food or have diarrhea. Why do they always scream?

Is the child swimming in his belly, and then "bubbles"? Of course not.

This gurgling sound is gastrointestinal flatulence. Due to the changes in estrogen and progesterone in pregnant women, the smooth muscle tension of the stomach and intestines will decrease, the peristalsis will become weak, and the time for gastric emptying will be prolonged. , So it is easier to induce intestinal flatulence.

At this time, pregnant mothers will find that not only the belly is grunting, but the "farts" at this stage have also become extraordinarily large.

The belly

At this time, it is recommended that pregnant mothers adopt a light diet, pay attention to small and frequent meals, and do not lie down immediately after eating. In addition, eat more foods rich in dietary fiber and wait until three When the placenta is fully formed around the next month, this situation will get better.

The belly

The stomach is always jumping when nothing happens. Is the baby hiccuping?

When the pregnant mother arrives at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, many pregnant mothers will feel "jumping" in their stomachs. What is going on? Is the baby burping in the stomach? of course not.

This "jumping" sensation is a contraction of the uterus, called Braxton-Hick's contraction, also called "painless contractions". It is a normal condition because it is just It happens occasionally, so there is a feeling of "jumping".

The belly

This kind of uterine contraction is not painful, so the pregnant mother who appears should not panic, pay attention to relax their emotions, take a good rest, and wait for it to pass.

It is worth noting that if the situation is serious, such as a long duration and a large number of occurrences, it is necessary to seek medical advice in time.

The belly

Is the baby turning around inside when the belly moves?

As the first house of the fetus, the pregnant mother will clearly feel every move of the uterus. Generally, when she comes to 18-20周, the pregnant mother will clearly feel the fetal movement. Sometimes you will see obvious irregular changes in your belly.

If the pregnant mother’s abdominal wall is relatively thin, plus she is thinner, or the fetus in the abdomen is stronger, so when the baby moves in the belly, there may be "bulging" or "concave-convex changes" in the abdomen Happening.

The belly

However, as the pregnancy time increases, the baby gets bigger and bigger, and the uterus is also much smaller for the baby, so the fetal movement is gradually reduced.

The belly

The belly "falls down", it’s what the baby wantsOut?

In the third trimester, this kind of "falling" situation will be very obvious, and it will appear more often. So many pregnant mothers began to worry, does this kind of "falling" mean that the baby is coming out? Or is it premature or even miscarriage?

Don't be too nervous. In fact, there are many other reasons for the "falling feeling" during pregnancy, besides the baby entering the basin.

Because the pregnant mother’s uterus gradually increases, it will cause a huge pull on the surrounding ligaments, and will produce pressure on the surrounding internal organs. This pressure will make the pregnant mother a little painful and also bring Some "falling feeling".

The belly

In addition, when the pregnant mother has a bad stomach, gastroenteritis, etc. due to diet, a similar "sagging feeling" will also occur.

For this, pregnant mothers must distinguish the difference between the falling feeling, judge whether it is "physiological" or "pathological", and feel whether the falling pain is continuous, whether there is redness or running water In case of abnormalities, seek medical attention in time.

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