Many children have close relationships with their parents since childhood, but by adolescence, they have tightened their ties and are no longer as close to their families as before. When their children close up, many parents feel confused, rarely communicate, and even refuse to t

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Many children have a close relationship with their parents since childhood, but when they reach adolescence, they tighten themselves and are no longer as close to their families as before.

When their children are closed, many parents are confused, rarely communicate, and even refuse to talk openly with their parents, but just answer the question.

First, parents need to realize that children no longer see their parents as the centerpiece of their lives. this is normal. Children at this stage need privacy and personal space.

Many children have close relationships with their parents since childhood, but by adolescence, they have tightened their ties and are no longer as close to their families as before. When their children close up, many parents feel confused, rarely communicate, and even refuse to t - DayDayNews

New Children's Network

How to make teenagers more willing to talk to their parents?

Listen more, talk less

When children talk to their parents, they are eager to hear their thoughts, opinions and expectations. However, many parents often use their life and intellectual capital to impose in the name of sharing.

When listening more and talking less, parents will understand their children as a friend, a companion. Parents can also use body language to show interest and sharing, not just words.

Arrange interactive activities

When a child tries to withdraw from his or her own world, you need to take the initiative to show the child that you will not let the child do it the way they want, but in a very soft way. The main solution is to arrange some parent-child interactive activities with the child. For example, you can arrange for the whole family to go to your favorite place to eat together and ask: "Where do you like to go to eat? Can Mom go to eat together on the fourth day? An environment that your child likes will make the child more open, happy, and happy." Be willing to communicate.

Never judge

Judgment and criticism are wrong behaviors of parents, because doing so will only make the child feel that both parties cannot have a common language and quickly retreat.

Even if the child's ideas and opinions are different from yours, don't be angry. Everyone has the right to express their opinion, and teenagers are no exception. Respecting your child, listening, and seeking knowledge are ways for both parties to learn more about each other.

When your child makes some decision, even if you know it may not be the wisest decision, don't. Criticism. Give them the freedom to do what they want as this will promote the child's independence. Sometimes, children may make mistakes, but think about it, who has not made mistakes? Therefore, it is necessary to stop criticizing children's decisions immediately. .

As a parent, you must stand with your children and find solutions to problems for yourself. Learn to let go and let your children do what they want.

Make full use of chat opportunities

When traveling, sometimes on the way to and from get off work, When together, parents can make the most of this time and discuss every issue. Children should be encouraged to ask questions and vice versa, rather than leaving them glued to their phone screens.

Children should be encouraged to spend more time together as a family. , encourage children to interact more with their parents and siblings instead of retreating into their own world.

Be more patient with me

Patience is the most important factor, remember, although you very much want your child to be more open. In a stage of change, when they change from an outgoing, open child to a autistic child, silent and afraid of communication, the most important thing is to wait, give them some space, they need to navigate, explore themselves, and. Parental patience is important during this time.

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