It is said that three women make a show, and 5 of the 6 people in our office are women. Counting that, I don’t know how many plays can be played, so it is extremely lively during the lunch break. Once, I don’t know who took the lead and brought up the topic of bringing the baby b

2024/05/2708:12:32 baby 1988

It is said that three women make a show, and 5 of the 6 people in our office are women. Counting that, I don’t know how many plays can be played, so it is extremely lively during the lunch break. Once, I don’t know who took the lead and brought up the topic of bringing the baby b - DayDayNews

It is said that three women make a show, and 5 of the 6 people in our office are women. Counting this, we don’t know how many shows we can play, so it is extremely lively during the lunch break. Once, I don’t know who took the lead and brought up the topic of bringing the baby back to her parents’ home. At the end of the conversation, everyone couldn’t help but sigh: After giving birth to a baby, we are all dispensable in the eyes of our parents!

If the child doesn’t come, what’s the point of you coming?

Although colleague A is not married far away, the journey back to her parents' home is not short. Before the new highway was built, she would spend almost 6 hours on the road. She usually has to go to work, so she usually only spends time during the New Year and holidays. Only then can I return to my parents’ home.

That year, she hadn't been back for a long time. When it was almost the Mid-Autumn Festival, she called her mother in advance to say she was going home. She thought her mother would happily ask her when she would be back? Do you want to prepare something to bring back to her? In fact, her mother asked her: Will the child come? She said: Come on, of course together. After saying that, she heard her mother whisper: That's fine. If the child doesn't come, what's the point of coming?

She said that her mother’s subtext was: come if the child comes, and don’t come if the child doesn’t come! In her mother's eyes and heart, she was far inferior to her son.

The dishes on the table are all my daughter’s favorites. My mother no longer remembers what I like to eat.

Colleague B is an older sister. She worked earlier and is not in her hometown after work, so she always goes back on weekends. Every time my parents She has to prepare her favorite dishes in various ways.

later got married and gave birth to a daughter. It was okay in the first few years. Every time she went back to her parents' home, her parents would prepare her favorite dishes. But as her daughter gets older, every time she goes back to her parents' home, she gradually loses sight of her favorite dish, unless her daughter also loves that dish.

We laughed and asked, has your taste changed? She retorted: No way! It’s just that my parents don’t remember what I like to eat. Everything is what my daughter likes to eat. Do you think I can be jealous?

My wife said aggrievedly: My mother no longer has me in her heart.

We were having a heated discussion, and the big brother sitting next to us couldn't help but join in the conversation. Unlike those of us who settled in other places, he is an authentic city dweller who has lived in this city for several generations. His wife's situation is the same as his, she was born and raised in the city. Big brother will retire in two years, and his son has graduated from college and started working.

He said that when his son was nine years old, his wife came back from her parents' home with her son, looking aggrieved. Under his questioning, his wife embarrassedly told the whole story.

She went to her parents' house relatively early that day, and her parents hadn't bought groceries yet, so her mother took her and her son to the vegetable market to see what they liked. While wandering around, she told her mother that she wanted to see braised vegetables and would meet up somewhere to go home later. Her mother said she would take her son to pick vegetables, so the three of them split into two groups.

After buying it, she waited at the agreed place for a long time, but no one came, so she called her mother and found out that they had all gone home. What's even more hurtful is that her mother also said: Oh, I was thinking about going home to make food for my baby, and I forgot about you... Anyway, when I got home, she didn't eat well that meal, and she felt sad and upset. of.

There is no harm without comparison. Before giving birth to children, we were also the treasures in the palms of our parents' eyes, living in the eyes and hearts of our parents. However, after giving birth to children, our parents shifted their attention more to the next generation. This I can't help but feel a little disappointed, and sometimes even feel a little sad. But in fact, this is also a manifestation of our parents' love for us. The so-called "love the house and the bird" probably means this. Therefore, apart from the occasional loss and sadness, what we feel more should be happiness!

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