Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi

2024/05/2611:48:32 baby 1427

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is~

today shares a simple and easy-to-use breakfast that will make children fall in love with breakfast in minutes. Pair it with a cup of milk or oatmeal , it is rich in nutrients ~ your child will have another energetic day!

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews


  • Toast slices 3-4 slices
  • Green beans 30 grams
  • Corn kernels 30 grams
  • Carrot kernels 20 grams
  • Egg 1
  • Ham (bacon) 1 (1 slice)


  • A small piece of butter ( About 50 grams)
  • cheese slices 1 slice

Production steps

1. Corn kernels, carrot kernels, and green beans are quick-frozen, so choose these ingredients, or buy vegetarian assorted vegetables. Of course, it is better if they are fresh ingredients. The green beans can be replaced with diced cucumbers and ham cut into cubes.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Vegetarian assorted vegetables

2. Prepare 2 square pieces of toast.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Toast slices

3. Use a serrated knife to cut out a square in the middle. Be careful not to break it. You will need it later. If you don’t have a serrated knife, use the wallpaper knife and cut slowly.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Mark out a square

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Serrated knife

4. Put corn, carrots and green beans in a bowl and beat an egg.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

You can add a little salt

5. Stir evenly and then add ham or bacon bits.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

6. Continue to stir evenly, and the egg liquid should not be too little, otherwise it will not be easy to shape and the filling will be easily exposed when turning over.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

The egg liquid should not be too little

7. Put a piece of butter in a flat-top pan or non-stick pan.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Put more butter

8. After the butter melts, add the toast. At this time, the heat must be adjusted to medium-low heat. Grease the toast with butter on both sides.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Add butter to both sides

8. Use a small spoon to add the vegetable filling. Don't pour it in directly~

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Add the vegetable cubes

9. Add the filling 7-8 minutes full, don't move it yet, let the egg liquid solidify.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

7-8 points full

10. After the egg liquid has solidified, put a piece of cheese slice.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Put the cheese slices

11. Put back the cut toast.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Don't waste

12. Use a shovel to flatten it, not brute force.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Slowly flatten

13. Pry open the bottom to see if it is golden brown. After it is set, you can turn it over and continue to fry the other side. Continue to fry until golden brown.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Fry until golden

14. Have a cup of cappuccino.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews


15. Or oatmeal~

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews


16. Or yogurt and fruit oatmeal.

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Fruit oatmeal

17. A nutritious breakfast is ready ~

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Nutritious breakfast

18. Let’s take a close-up ~

Summer is here, and children can sleep in again. As a parent, it is not okay for children to skip breakfast. As the saying goes, eat a good breakfast, a full lunch, and a small dinner. It shows how important breakfast is. Today I will share a simple and easy breakfast to make chi - DayDayNews

Isn’t it very appetizing?

Warm reminder: If you are not sure if you are doing it for the first time. You can use more egg liquid and less vegetable bits, and the filling should not be overfilled. Leave some room for the sliced ​​toast. For the first time, you can pour 70% of the filling. We try to use butter as much as possible, mainly for its aroma. Recommend Anchor butter. Because the blogger’s wife is a baker, she often uses it. If you have a strong taste, you can add a little salt to the egg liquid. Of course, you can also cut it and spread salad dressing or ketchup. When frying toast, be sure to use medium-low heat, otherwise it will be easy to burn. You can buy cheese slices on a certain website. The blogger recommends Baghdad cheese slices, which are mainly used to reduce fat. If you are a baby, please choose baby cheese cheese...~

ending: If you are a new mother or a novice in the kitchen, you can follow my steps and take your time. If you are a kitchen expert or cook frequently. You can continue to improve and upgrade~ After all, in the world of foodies, there is no best food, only better food~

Follow Mu Tangli, indulge in food, a blogger who loves to share food~

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