A video has been widely circulated on the Internet, triggering discussions among netizens on whether pretending to be poor can really cultivate the virtue of frugality in children. In the video, a very fashionable mother wearing famous brands was taking her 3 or 4-year-old daught

2024/05/2418:44:33 baby 1829

A video has been widely circulated on the Internet, triggering discussions among netizens on whether pretending to be poor can really cultivate the virtue of frugality in children. In the video, a very fashionable mother wearing brand-name was walking to the supermarket with her daughter who looked to be 3 or 4 years old. When the child saw the dazzling array of candies on the shelves, he immediately said: "Mom, I want to eat some." Can you buy it for me?"

But after hearing her request, Bao's mother replied without hesitation: " Our family is so poor , how can we buy candy for you? The volume is relatively loud , attracting other passers-by around to look at .

A video has been widely circulated on the Internet, triggering discussions among netizens on whether pretending to be poor can really cultivate the virtue of frugality in children. In the video, a very fashionable mother wearing famous brands was taking her 3 or 4-year-old daught - DayDayNews

While she was blushing , she still wanted to persist: " I only want one , can't I do that?" "Why are you so disobedient, spending money randomly is the behavior of a bad boy " Mom scolded sternly. The little girl looked around at the people looking at her. She was very sad and cried while following her mother out of the supermarket.

"It's like seeing myself when I was a child. Even though I have a lot of income now, I still don't dare to buy things easily." Girl, I will be very sad too."

"When I was a child, my parents always told me that our family was very poor. When I grew up, I found out that my family had several houses, which were completely well-off, but I still felt very inferior."

A video has been widely circulated on the Internet, triggering discussions among netizens on whether pretending to be poor can really cultivate the virtue of frugality in children. In the video, a very fashionable mother wearing famous brands was taking her 3 or 4-year-old daught - DayDayNews

Netizens left comments under the video. It is not difficult to see that many netizens have also experienced this kind of thing where their parents repeatedly told them not to spend money indiscriminately because they were poor. Although the starting point of parents is to cultivate the virtue of thrift in their children, they blindly emphasize to their children that " our family is very poor", "we are just worse than others", "spending money means having bad moral character" "Child" etc., it is often easy to harm the child and affect his physical and mental health without even realizing it!

Keep crying to your children about poverty? This kind of education method is not necessary!

In the popular anti-corruption TV series " In the Name of the People ", " Zhao Dehan", who was already at the level of director, was arrested according to law for corruption and bribery of more than 200 million , but he still lived eating instant noodles, Eating steamed buns , riding a bicycle to work, and only giving his mother 300 yuan a month for living expenses living a simple life . You know, the procuratorate officers seized a refrigerator full of 100 yuan in cash from his refrigerator.

A video has been widely circulated on the Internet, triggering discussions among netizens on whether pretending to be poor can really cultivate the virtue of frugality in children. In the video, a very fashionable mother wearing famous brands was taking her 3 or 4-year-old daught - DayDayNews

At that time, he sighed in pain: "I didn't spend a penny, I put it all here. My ancestors were farmers, and I was really poor. But after I got the money, I didn't get a penny." Don't dare to touch ! "

A video has been widely circulated on the Internet, triggering discussions among netizens on whether pretending to be poor can really cultivate the virtue of frugality in children. In the video, a very fashionable mother wearing famous brands was taking her 3 or 4-year-old daught - DayDayNews

It is not difficult to see that knowing that his family was poor since childhood made him have a great desire for money, but because he did not receive the correct money education, he not only went astray , but also developed distorted view of money and consumption . This is also the possible consequence of always educating children by crying about poverty, and it will also lead to another extreme, that is, material desires have been suppressed since childhood. As the age increases, the inner desire for material continues to increase , and eventually it becomes very difficult. They may become people who worship money and people who spend money lavishly.

Moreover, parents constantly emphasize and instill concepts such as "our family is poor" and "we are worse than others", which can easily make children fall into the "labeling effect" in psychology. That is to say, he will deeply feel that he is inferior to his peers, and eventually behave in line with this perception. At the same time, he will become low self-esteem, sensitive, and lose his self-esteem. Even when you grow up, you will still be affected by these negative psychology.

A video has been widely circulated on the Internet, triggering discussions among netizens on whether pretending to be poor can really cultivate the virtue of frugality in children. In the video, a very fashionable mother wearing famous brands was taking her 3 or 4-year-old daught - DayDayNews

Experts have found after research that many children who have experienced parents "crying for poverty" since childhood have only received the logic that " you cannot buy expensive things and cannot afford them" and "only buying cheap products is frugal ". When they grow up, they do not know how to identify the true value of items, and they have no concept of cost-effectiveness.Maybe many parents have seen it, or have been suffering from it themselves, but they still can't help but continue to implement this kind of education method.

Correct money education and poor education should achieve the following points.

Educator Merkel once proposed: "Money education is a compulsory course in life, and must also be included in children's education." And give it to children. Correct money education is also something that parents must pay attention to.

First: Correct understanding of money

In "The Pursuit of Happiness", the little boy's father teaches through words and deeds, letting him see that he should not be discouraged when dealing with failure, persist in defending his dreams, and treat money with the correct three views. There is no doubt that these are extremely valuable assets in life for little boys.

A video has been widely circulated on the Internet, triggering discussions among netizens on whether pretending to be poor can really cultivate the virtue of frugality in children. In the video, a very fashionable mother wearing famous brands was taking her 3 or 4-year-old daught - DayDayNews

Parents should not prevent their children from being exposed to money , nor should they reduce their basic material life, , so that they will be burdened with the shackles of philistinism at a young age. Rather, it guides him to have a comprehensive and correct understanding of money and wealth, and to know how to restrain himself. Everyone has to pay for what he does.

Second: Use correct methods to let children understand that making money is not easy.

Educator Tao Zhixing once said: "Life is education" . Parents want their children to understand that making money is not easy, to establish a correct concept about money, and that there are many methods that can be used in life.

A video has been widely circulated on the Internet, triggering discussions among netizens on whether pretending to be poor can really cultivate the virtue of frugality in children. In the video, a very fashionable mother wearing famous brands was taking her 3 or 4-year-old daught - DayDayNews

For example: arrange for children to do housework together, and give some monetary encouragement after completing the task. Let him get money that he can control by himself through his own labor, so that he can understand the difficulty of making money in a more vivid and intuitive way.


Edgar Bledsoe once said: "If a child has been indoctrinated with the idea that he is a poor person since he was a child, then he is likely to be a poor person throughout his life." After all, always "crying poverty" to your children will only serve It will make him feel inferior and insecure, and it will also affect his outlook on money and life pattern. Parents must not delay their children's life because of their wrong education methods!

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