"Can I turn on the air conditioner? My mother-in-law said that it's not good for children to use the air conditioner because the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is huge, so they can easily catch a cold. Is this really true?" This is a question I recently receive

2024/05/2216:42:33 baby 1102

"Can I turn on the air conditioner? My mother-in-law said that it is not good for children to use the air conditioner because the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large, and they will easily catch a cold. Is this true?" This is a question I recently received from a fan. By the way, he sent me a photo of a child sweating profusely while sleeping.

When I saw this, I really wanted to say, "Your mother-in-law is also working very hard to save money." However, it cannot be ruled out that some elderly people do it for the benefit of the baby, but they have a deep misunderstanding about air conditioning in summer, and in the end it also embarrasses the baby.

Seeing that the weather is getting hotter and hotter, some relatively feudal and ancient parenting ideas are still being performed in many families. As a result, the baby cannot eat well, sleep well, and gets sick from time to time. Parents, take a look: Have you done the following things that make things difficult for your baby’s “health” without knowing it?

The first thing: Don’t blow the air conditioner on your baby when it’s hot

“The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is large when the air conditioner is turned on, and the baby is easy to catch a cold”, “The baby is prone to cold stomach when the air conditioner is blown”, “If the air conditioner is blown too much, it is easy to get air conditioning disease ", "It's better to be hot than cold." Nowadays, many parents do not give their babies air conditioning, mainly for these reasons. However, too much emphasis on "keeping warm" in summer may lead to "bad intentions":

Too much heat can easily cause babies to sleep poorly: Adults are afraid of heat. , especially for babies. Some parents like to attribute their baby's restless sleep and excessive sweating to "calcium deficiency or physical weakness." In fact, in most cases, it is the body's natural reaction to "too much heat". If the air conditioner is not turned on on hot days, adults will not be able to sleep well, let alone children.

Babies who sweat a lot are prone to prickly heat : There is no doubt that prickly heat is mostly caused by "heat" in babies in summer. Prickly heat is caused by humidity and stuffy heat, which causes the sweat gland ducts to become blocked, resulting in the growth of prickly heat. For babies with prickly heat all over their body, hands, and head, it’s the fault of not turning on the air conditioner.

It may cause the baby's body to be dehydrated, making it difficult to defecate: The weather is too hot, and the baby sweats a lot. If water is not replenished in time, it can easily lead to the baby's body being dehydrated, making it difficult to defecate, and even increase the chance of getting sick.

It’s not that babies can’t blow on the air conditioner, but they should blow it in a “careful” manner

① “Blow” step by step: One of the more taboo aspects of blowing the air conditioner is that suddenly entering or leaving the air-conditioned room will make the baby’s body unable to adapt and prone to colds. So the best way is to dry the baby's sweat before turning on the air conditioner after entering the room; when going out, turn off the air conditioner 10 minutes in advance, and wait until the indoor and outdoor temperatures are about the same before taking the baby out.

② Don’t blow the air in the opposite direction: When turning on the air conditioner, don’t blow the air in the opposite direction. The baby’s body is too young and cannot bear it. When blowing, it is best to keep your abdomen and feet warm to avoid getting cold.

③ Ventilation is also required when using air conditioning: Don’t be too greedy for coolness when using air conditioning. If you always use air conditioning in a closed room, it will easily lead to the inability to exchange air inside and outside the room, affecting the air quality. The baby's resistance is not good, and it is easy to get sick if it is blown like this for a long time. The best way is to open the windows a little for ventilation when the air conditioner is on. Take the baby out for ventilation when it is cool in the morning and evening. Don't stay in the air-conditioned room all the time.

The second thing: Don’t let the baby go barefoot

“If the cold starts from the feet, quickly put on socks for the baby, otherwise he will get sick.” Even if the temperature is more than 30 degrees in summer, whether it is your mother, mother-in-law or Aunt Zhang next door, you will be reminded to "remember to wear small socks for your baby." If you don’t wear socks in summer, will you really feel "cold starting from your feet?"

The answer is: the baby's metabolism is stronger than that of adults, to give a very simple example: the same temperature, the same quilt, the temperature will be felt by adults It was just right, but the baby felt a little hot and sweaty, like a "little walking stove".

The baby is already afraid of heat. If you put small socks on him, it will not only interfere with the baby's heat dissipation, but also make the baby's feet wet and smelly. As a result, they cannot sleep well, develop prickly heat, and feel extremely uncomfortable. Parents who force their babies to wear socks in summer should first ask themselves why they don’t wear them.

Going barefoot in summer not only has no disadvantages, but also has many benefits:

  • Bare feet can effectively stimulate the development of peripheral nerves , making the baby smarter;
  • Bare feet help the baby's feet to better grasp the ground, and learn to walk faster and more steadily;
  • Bare feet can help the baby dissipate heat and be more conducive to sleep;
  • bare feet can allow the baby's soles to contact different floors, which is beneficial to help the baby develop tactile perception.

However, there are some things you should pay attention to when barefooting in summer.

If your baby stays in an air-conditioned room, it is best to wear thin socks to avoid direct air-conditioning blowing;

It is best to avoid going barefoot on hard surfaces such as floors and cement. Putting down mats is firstly for safety reasons; secondly, it is more hygienic.

For babies with poor health, it is best to avoid going barefoot.

The third thing: Wear open crotch pants for your baby and shave your head

Wear open crotch pants for your baby

"It's hot, don't wear diapers. They look hot. Hurry up and put on crotchless pants for your baby. It will keep cool and save money." I often hear old people say this to me in the summer. Are crotchless pants really a summer parenting artifact? In fact, it's not as good as you think:

Although wearing crotchless pants is cool and can reduce the cost of "diapers", it can easily increase the probability of the baby's butt being bitten by mosquitoes and bacterial infection, especially when living in rural areas. , the consequences may be more costly than using diapers.

If you are worried that your baby will be too hot wearing diapers in summer, you should do this instead of wearing crotchless pants:

  • Choose diapers that are thinner and more breathable;
  • Find a suitable time every day to ventilate your baby's butt;
  • Even if you are quitting diapers, try to avoid wearing crotchless pants. If your baby is afraid of heat, you can wear small underwear, which is safer and healthier.

Shaving the baby's head

Shaving the baby's head in summer may not make the baby feel cooler, but it may make the baby feel "cooler" in the eyes of the parents. You must know that your baby's hair is a natural protective umbrella. After the hair is shaved, it is easy to attract mosquitoes, and may also cause sunburns scalp when exposed to the sun, and its defense against ultraviolet rays is even worse.

There is really no need to blindly shave your baby's head to keep him cool. It can be cut short, but it is best to leave some hair for some protection. If parents really shave their baby's head, remember to wear a hat when taking the baby out to prevent the scalp from getting sunburned.

A message from CiCi’s mother: Follow CiCi’s mother’s talk about parenting, sharing knowledge about mother and child care for children aged 0-6 every day. If you like this article, give CiCi’s mother a like and share it with more people. If you have any questions about parenting, you can follow me and send me a private message. I will reply when I see it.

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