Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h

2024/05/1622:31:33 baby 1152

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old this year and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening his mouth for inspection, the teacher clearly saw a deciduous tooth which was obviously corroded in the lower alveolar area.

Qiqi can still use his fingers to move the tooth with caries , but it has become obviously loose. "Grandpa said before that I was still young and it wouldn't hurt when I changed my teeth soon." The child told the class teacher with a slight grievance.

It is grandpa's "rule of thumb" not to treat bad teeth, because as soon as the child's teeth come in, the permanent teeth will take their place, so there is no need to make a big deal about treating the teeth.

After listening to Qiqi's story, the class teacher felt speechless for this grandpa. Trying to save trouble and ignoring the child's feelings will delay the child's treatment and affect tooth development. After buying milk, rice cereal and other non-chewable liquid foods for Qiqi to fill his stomach, he took him to the hospital for treatment during his lunch break.

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

one. If you have problems with your baby teeth, you need to go to the hospital! Otherwise, it will delay the child's tooth replacement. How important is the tooth replacement period for young children?

It is not uncommon in modern society for the elderly not to take their children for dental treatment due to old-fashioned experience. In fact, this will not only cause unnecessary pain to the children due to tooth damage, but also greatly delay the important period of the child's dental development.

There are folk customs about teeth in rural areas, such as dropping deciduous teeth and throwing them on the roof or under the bed to help children grow teeth. In fact, there is no scientific basis at all. They are all nonsense and purely psychological. Sticking to tradition is not necessarily a good thing. In the process of inheritance, we must get rid of the bad and keep the good, abandon those backward ideas, combine with modern science, and always maintain dialectical thinking .

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

The reason why the teeth changing period in young children is important is that in a person's life, there are only two opportunities to grow teeth , that is, the development of deciduous teeth and permanent teeth. There are twenty deciduous teeth, which erupt when the child is half a year old, and can all grow when the child is two to three years old. There are about thirty permanent teeth. Children usually start to lose teeth when they are about six years old. The former teeth fall out physiologically, and the latter teeth take their place. Stopped at age twelve.

Both deciduous teeth and permanent teeth should be our "key protection objects". Nursing and health care during the tooth replacement period are directly related to whether the child's teeth will be straight and beautiful in the future, and whether the maxillofacial growth will be regular.

Caries of deciduous teeth will not only destroy the tooth nerve and cause apical disease , but more seriously, it will affect the eruption of the baby's permanent teeth. Once the caries are damaged, they also need treatment.

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

If left untreated, it often causes the child's chewing power to weaken , bite misalignment to occur, and even subsequent enunciation of words that cannot be pronounced , resulting in psychological disorders such as lowered self-esteem .

In addition to caries, another type of damage to deciduous teeth is bruises and bruises. When children are two or three years old, they are active. When an accidental fall occurs, the front teeth bear the brunt of damage. If the teeth become loose and fall out at this time, if not taken seriously, it will also cause oral damage, resulting in the child possibly suffering from secondary eruption of permanent teeth with insufficient space and uneven dentition .

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

Damage to deciduous teeth is still most common in caries , followed by loose teeth and falling out. However, no matter which situation occurs, parents must take action to prevent adverse consequences. The importance of the tooth replacement period should be deeply rooted in every parent's heart. So in pediatrics, what methods do we usually use to treat it?

2. The baby's deciduous teeth are broken, the correct way to deal with it is very simple!

In fact, relatively speaking, dental caries in children is relatively common in pediatrics. Almost every day, people inquire about tooth-related diseases. The difficulty of treatment is not that high.

Most children's symptoms are mild, and if they are with shallow caries , you can first choose medication to treat . In the case of removing carious tissue, apply drugs such as silver nitrate to prevent the condition from getting worse.

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

Some children have serious dental caries and have cavities, which require inlays to repair .Choose a metal body that is close to the size of the tooth cavity and stick it in the socket to restore the shape and chewing function and reduce the child's discomfort.

In some cases, experienced pediatricians will choose to use filling to treat . It is roughly similar to inlay restoration. The bad tooth tissue is first removed, and then a cavity with retention force is prepared and filled with dental materials to restore the original appearance and function of the tooth.

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

In the most serious case, if the deciduous teeth are decayed to a certain extent, they will have to be repaired. While removing decay and protecting the pulp, a finished metal crown is used for restorative treatment. The size of the crown cannot be too large, which is very demanding on the doctor's skills. It needs to be covered on the tooth. If it is too large, it will affect the adjacent teeth.

In addition to caries on deciduous teeth, parents do not need to panic if deciduous teeth become loose or fall out. If the tooth is loose, does not change color, and does not bleed, you can leave it alone temporarily and observe it for a few days to avoid biting hard objects; if it is seriously loose or falls off, you need to go to the dentist to get dentures or space maintainers . Ensure normal eruption of subsequent permanent teeth.

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

After the baby teeth are damaged, timely treatment is the top priority for the child. You might as well think about it first, why do children develop bad teeth? We need to reflect on every detail.

In daily life, many small and inadvertent details can cause injuries to children's teeth. How should we protect children's teeth?

three. List of daily behaviors that damage teeth, parents should stop these behaviors in time...

Many parents always mention two points when teaching their children to protect their teeth, one: brush their teeth frequently, and two: don't eat sweets. These two points make sense to a certain extent, but they cannot completely summarize the two concepts of tooth protection and tooth damage. In life, there are really too many behaviors that invisibly destroy dental health.

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

Some parents don’t care about oral hygiene even before their babies have teeth. At this time, bacterial infection caused by food residue will lead to inflammation of the gums, with serious consequences, and tooth development will be delayed or even damaged. After the child eats or before going to bed at night, parents wrap their fingers with clean gauze to scrub the gums and palate to remove food residue and massage the gums. Cleaning can promote the eruption of deciduous teeth.

When deciduous teeth have just sprouted, many parents like to let their children bite a pacifier to sleep. This will cause children to develop dependence habits, lead to underdevelopment of the upper jaw bone, cause the teeth to be mottled and damaged, and the face to fail to develop normally.

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

After babies grow teeth, they begin to use the "biting" movement to explore the world. If children often chew on unclean toys , furniture or other objects, teeth may break and fall if the force is not controlled properly, and the risk of bacterial infection may also increase. Be careful what you put into your mouth, wipe and disinfect it before allowing children to play.

Many parents know that eating sugar for their children is risky and can lead to dental caries. Just use to drink fruit juice instead, but fructose is also a "sugar", and it will also cause irritation if it adheres to the tooth surface, so you need to feed it appropriately. Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth promptly before going to bed or after meals to reduce the risk of sugar-induced caries.

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

In terms of food selection, children should eat more foods that are high in fiber, contain calcium, and have a certain hardness during the period of tooth replacement, such as carrots , corn, beans, etc., which have a good stimulating effect on deciduous teeth. On the other hand, it also helps accelerate blood circulation through chewing movements, affects facial movements, and promotes oral development.

If the child is too young and does not understand the importance of protecting teeth, we can teach him patiently and in a persuasive manner. In addition to setting an example and cleaning teeth in front of children every day, there are also more interesting ways to make children interested in protecting teeth, such as learning to sing "Toothbrush Song", reading animated dental picture books, watching teeth-related books or animations, etc. .

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

Some of the dental injuries caused to children in daily life are avoidable, and we can control them through timely correction. At the same time, it is very necessary for parents to eliminate the fallacies about children's oral cavity.

IV. The answers to these oral care issues that parents are most concerned about are arranged for you! After understanding the daily behaviors that damage teeth and the measures to protect teeth,

still has some unresolved questions about tooth care. We have sorted out some common problems for everyone.

First of all, many parents will have questions, How to choose toothpaste for their children? Should I use fluoride toothpaste instead of for ?

Regarding the question of whether to use fluoride toothpaste, if the baby can spit water normally, you can use toothpaste containing 0.05%-0.1% fluoride. Otherwise, it may be swallowed, which is not good for the child's health.

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

High-risk preservatives such as propyl hydroxyphenyl ester , benzalkonium chloride , etc. If they appear on the ingredient list, do not choose them. In addition, it is not recommended to use mint flavor, because some adults with poor tolerance will find mint flavor "spicy", let alone young children.

Secondly, some parents also want to save trouble and want to use mouthwash for their children. My child doesn’t like brushing his teeth. Can I just use mouthwash?

Parents need to be clear that mouthwash cannot replace brushing teeth. Mouthwash can only rinse teeth, but cannot remove plaque. It cannot even completely remove food residues, and its cleaning power is far less than brushing.

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

Most parents are well aware of the dangers of eating sugar. Can we completely avoid tooth decay in our children by completely eliminating sugary foods and fruits?

The answer is no. There are many factors that lead to dental caries. Moderate consumption of sugar will not cause dental caries. Allowing children to rinse their mouth and brush their teeth after eating sweets can reduce the probability of dental caries.

Carbohydrates are also one of the sources of energy for the human body. It is incorrect to completely withdraw from them. Children have well-developed taste buds and can perceive sweet tastes more clearly than adults. It is recommended to use sugar or fruits rich in fructose as rewards. Reward children when they perform correctly to enhance self-confidence and promote a positive cycle.

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

In addition to these life-related problems, some parents will "make the decision" for the doctor when taking their children for treatment and examination, and do not want to do oral X-rays. said that radiation will harm the child's body. Is this true?

In fact, its risk is very low and will not harm the child's body! Generally, protective aprons and shields are worn to protect children to the greatest extent. Today's equipment can also improve efficiency, filter out useless X rays and set a range of exposure to ensure that the risk is minimized.

These questions that once took root in the minds of many parents have now been listed and solved one by one. I believe everyone has a more comprehensive understanding of dental care.

Qiqi is 5 and a half years old and is already in kindergarten. In the cafeteria in recent days, he, who always had a good appetite, ate very little. The attentive head teacher noticed the clue. After asking, I found out that Qiqi couldn't eat because of toothache. After opening h - DayDayNews

At the end of the article: the true story at the beginning of

is the personal experience of a class teacher. After grandpa arrived after hearing the news, we carried out popular science: Children's damaged deciduous teeth need treatment. We must not take the easy way out and think that the permanent teeth will push up and delay the treatment. This will lead to endless troubles.

After this "trapped baby" incident, grandpa obviously felt a little guilty and said that he would seriously learn lessons and accept the doctor's "criticism and education."

After receiving corresponding treatment from the pediatrician, the child Qiqi’s bad tooth has been basically cured and eating no longer hurts. Thanks to the teacher’s timely discovery and taking him to the doctor.

Teeth are of great importance to children, as they have aesthetic function, chewing function, and auxiliary pronunciation. The tooth replacement period is even more critical. At this time, parents and children need to work together to protect dental health!


[1] "Analysis of risk factors related to caries in preschool children's deciduous teeth", Chen Yuan, Fu Zhuohui, et al., 2018.

[2] "Analysis of treatment of deciduous teeth in children with non-invasive restoration technology", Chen Yan, 2017.

[3] "Some Thoughts on Tooth Care for Young Children during Teeth Changing Period", Lin Yu, 2013.

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