The premature baby returns to its mother's arms. The body is as big as an adult's hand, the arms are no thicker than an adult's thumb, and the skin is transparent... Ms. Baoying Wang, who was only 186 days pregnant, gave birth to a baby girl prematurely, weighing only 875 grams.

2024/05/2720:21:33 baby 1833
The premature baby returns to its mother's arms. The body is as big as an adult's hand, the arms are no thicker than an adult's thumb, and the skin is transparent... Ms. Baoying Wang, who was only 186 days pregnant, gave birth to a baby girl prematurely, weighing only 875 grams. - DayDayNews

The premature baby returns to his mother's arms.

Her body is as big as an adult's hand, her arms are no thicker than an adult's thumb, and her skin is transparent... Ms. Baoying Wang, who was only 186 days pregnant, gave birth to a baby girl prematurely, weighing only 875 grams. After more than 60 days of careful care by the medical staff of Yangzhou Maternal and Child Health Hospital and Yangzhou Critical Neonatal Treatment Center, this tenacious little life has now passed the critical period and been discharged home, and his weight has grown to 2,130 grams.

She gave birth to a baby girl prematurely at 186 days into her pregnancy.

Due to her own reasons, Ms. Wang from Baoying had to stay in the hospital to protect her fetus from the beginning of her pregnancy. "We are always very careful because we are worried about accidents to the baby in the belly." During the examination, the local hospital found that Ms. Wang had "fetal membrane hematoma" and there was no good treatment. They could only try to preserve the fetus and delay the occurrence of fetal miscarriage.

"On the evening of April 9, uterine contractions and suddenly appeared, indicating that the baby would be born early." On the morning of April 10, Ms. Wang gave birth to a baby girl. Normal people are pregnant for ten months, but she was only pregnant for 186 days. The baby girl was born weighing only 875 grams and her body was as big as an adult's hand. "I couldn't even take a glance before the doctor took me to rescue him." Because the child's vital signs were very weak, he needed immediate treatment.

html After more than 160 days of careful care, the baby was successfully discharged from the hospital

"A mother who was 26+4 weeks pregnant with 'premature rupture of amniotic fluid' and ' subclinical hypothyroidism ' gave birth to a baby girl and requested Yangzhou Critical Neonatal Treatment Center Go for treatment." In the early morning of April 10, after receiving a call for help from Baoying Maternal and Child Health Hospital, a member of the Maternity and Infant Consortium, Wu Xinping, director of the Municipal Critical Neonatal Treatment Center, immediately made arrangements to prepare advanced incubators and newborn ventilators. Wait for first aid supplies, and send medical staff with rich rescue experience to carry out neonatal treatment and transfer.

weighs 875 grams and is only as big as a palm. His skin is so transparent that you can almost see blood vessels... Looking at this frail little life in front of her, Wu Xinping is very worried. In the next period of time, her team and this little life will face many things. Life and death level. For example: respiratory support, feeding and nutritional management, treatment of infection and prevention and control of hospital infection, prevention of cerebral hemorrhage, prevention and screening of retinopathy, treatment of bronchopulmonary dysplasia...

Fortunately, after more than 60 days and nights, With careful treatment and careful care, the baby's weight increased from 875 grams to 2130 grams. The evaluation of various indicators such as skull B-ultrasound, cardiac color ultrasound , GMS, imaging , etc., showed no intracranial hemorrhage or arterial duct failure. Common complications such as closed and extrauterine growth retardation.

Recently, the baby finally left the incubator and returned to his mother's arms.

Why are there more and more premature babies?

In recent years, there has been an increase in premature babies. Wu Xinping explained that this is related to many factors. "Including the increase in the number of elderly pregnant women, the increase in in vitro fertilization, the increase in environmental pollution, etc." In addition, many pregnant women are under great work pressure and mental stress during pregnancy, which are also important influencing factors. Some women who are under work pressure are busy with their careers during their childbearing years. When they want to have children, they are often older and become high-risk mothers. Increased age, egg aging, chromosomal abnormalities and other high-risk factors also increase the incidence of premature birth.

At the same time, premature birth is also common among young women. Some young people lack the awareness of self-protection and often have a history of frequent miscarriages, and some even have multiple miscarriages. These directly lead to poor intrauterine environment, fetal growth retardation, and premature birth. The expectant mother's lifestyle and emotional changes also affect the growth and development of the fetus.

In addition, the increase in the birth rate of multiple births has also led to an increase in premature babies. Multiple births have increased due to the rise in in vitro fertilization and the misuse of ovulation-stimulating drugs. The premature birth rate of multiple pregnancies is as high as 40%-50%, which is 20% higher than that of normal pregnancy. In addition, the improvement of medical technology and the use of advanced equipment have enabled premature infants who were powerless in the past to be treated. Especially with the improvement of the cultural quality of some parents, people's emphasis on life and their attitude of not giving up, giving premature babies the opportunity to receive treatment, which is one of the reasons for the increase in premature babies.

Correspondent Liu Haixia Reporter Li Xiaoming


● What is extremely premature infants?

Live-born infants with a gestational age of less than 37 weeks are usually called premature infants. Those with a gestational age of less than 32 weeks are extremely premature infants, and those with a gestational age of less than 28 weeks are ultra-premature infants, also known as extremely premature infants.

●What are the difficulties in treating extremely premature infants?

The treatment process for extremely premature infants can be described as “passing five hurdles and defeating six generals”. Since all system organs are immature, it is just like the fruit on the tree: there is a big difference between the green fruit picked in advance and the ripe melon with its stem falling off. For example, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, apnea, severe infection, poor circulation, intracranial hemorrhage, jaundice, etc. are prone to occur in the early stage. In the mid-term, it is prone to nosocomial infection, feeding intolerance and even necrotizing enterocolitis, Extrauterine growth retardation, etc., may later be complicated by anemia, endocrine dysfunction, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, retinopathy , etc.

(Yangzhou Daily-Yangzhou Net)

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