The child can't sit still? The 6-month-old baby still sits unsteadily, which may be related to these reasons

2019/10/1812:45:21 baby 2179

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In the eyes of mothers, their children are always the best, and they are God’s gift best gift. Babies are cute or well-behaved, just like the born sun, which makes people especially love. However, some children cannot complete the actions that should be completed at that stage when they reach a certain stage.

For example, the baby cannot sit independently after 7 months, and cannot crawl after 9 months, etc. Some mothers may be very anxious, why the children will not do these actions when they reach a certain stage.

Here to tell everyone, in fact, mothers don’t have to worry. Recall if there are any of the phenomena we are going to talk about in the process of bringing children. Maybe the child can’t sit still and won’t crawl. Let’s take a look. See.

Mother Chen and Mother Li’s children are about the same age, one is 6 and a half months and the other is 7 months. When the two mothers are together, they talk about their children the most.

The child can't sit still? The 6-month-old baby still sits unsteadily, which may be related to these reasons - DayDayNews

Mother Chen’s child is more than 6 months old and can sit on his own and even crawl. Mama Li's child, although it has been 7 months, still sits unsteadily, let alone crawling, which makes Mama Li very anxious.

In the traditional concept, a child can see the old when he is three years old and seven years old. Children are slower than others from birth, which is even more difficult to handle when they grow up.

Mother Li is a very anxious person. She is afraid of any physical problems with her baby, so she can't wait to take her to the hospital for examination. As a good friend, Mama Chen advised Mama Li to say that this is a normal phenomenon, and observe first.

Actually, mothers don’t have to worry too much about the baby’s growth, because every child has his own development law. There may be children who did not enter this process at first, but most children will grow up following this rule. Let's take a look at what is the development process of children learning to "sit"?

The child can't sit still? The 6-month-old baby still sits unsteadily, which may be related to these reasons - DayDayNews

When will the baby "sit" is normal

The baby just born about one month ago, his head can’t be raised, his legs They can't straighten it out, they try to look up, but the effect is not very obvious.

Two months old baby , at this time they can gradually raise their heads, and when they raise their heads, they can maintain a 45 angle. Although it is not particularly obvious, this phenomenon is already very good.

Baby about three months old. At this time, their bodies are gradually changing, their legs begin to straighten, and their heads can be lifted. This is a very big turning point in growth.

When babies reach 4 months, , they already have enough strength to support the lower body part. We often see this situation when we are taking children. 4 months old babies like to hold their hands. Playing on the legs proves that their upper limbs have enough strength to support their lower limbs, their bodies are constantly straightening, and their heads will not be too tired.

The child can't sit still? The 6-month-old baby still sits unsteadily, which may be related to these reasons - DayDayNews

5 Months Baby , at this time their growth, there is an amazing change, such as putting them on their stomachs or lying down after bathing, you just You will find that the babies can lift their heads up and look at the ceiling. When your baby has this behavior, mothers can take some toys to train the flexibility of the baby's head up.

6-month-old baby , at this time mothers can properly train the child's "sitting" behavior. At this time, the baby can actually stand upright to achieve the purpose of sitting firmly.

I believe mothers, after seeing the growth patterns of the babies in the previous 6 months, they have a general understanding of their growth.

It can only be said that most children areSuch development, but there are some exceptions, just like the previous mother Li's child, who is still unstable by 7 months, what are the reasons for the child's instability?

The child can't sit still? The 6-month-old baby still sits unsteadily, which may be related to these reasons - DayDayNews

Parents pay attention, the baby sits unsteadily, which may be related to these

Each child's physical condition is different, and the development situation is also different Just like when we see the children around us, some talk early, some walk early, some talk late, and some walk late and wait. These are normal conditions. Every child is unique in the world, so their growth has its own rules.

Some babies have reached a certain stage, but they are sluggish and unstable. This is closely related to their own growth. If the mothers find that their baby has passed the stage of sitting, but not yet sitting.

Don’t worry at this time. You can observe for a month or two. If the baby will not sit still after two or three months, it’s not too late for the parents to take the baby for an examination.

The baby can't sit still for a long time, maybe because of calcium deficiency. When mothers feed their children, they can add calcium supplements to their food. If you are afraid of doing it well, you can also go to a professional hospital to seek medical help.

The child can't sit still? The 6-month-old baby still sits unsteadily, which may be related to these reasons - DayDayNews

The baby is sitting unsteadily, and there is another possibility that the body muscles are not developed enough. We all know that if a child wants to sit on his own independently, he must have enough strength. A child who sits unsteadily is softer because his body muscles are not developed enough and there is not enough strength to support the waist.

In response to this situation, mothers can train their children’s muscles first to make their waist and neck stronger, so that the babies have enough strength to sit firmly.

When the child reaches a certain stage, he is still unstable, unable to do it, and unable to climb, which may affect his future growth. As a parent, you should pay attention. So what should parents do at this time?

The child can't sit still? The 6-month-old baby still sits unsteadily, which may be related to these reasons - DayDayNews

Parents practice the baby this way, so that they can sit firmly

Actually we have already mentioned before, if you want your baby to sit firmly, you must practice him Neck muscles, waist muscles. The lack of strength in these places can't support them to sit up.

So start from the source. First train him to raise his head on his stomach. With the increase in the number of times the child raises his head, the time increases, so that their neck muscles can be consolidated. If this continues, he will have excess strength for training.

There is another way to train children to sit firmly, and that is to use some props.

Some parents feel distressed when they see their child sitting unsteadily, and then find a comfortable position for him to lie down or hug him directly, which is not conducive to training.

When the child is found to be unstable, parents can put a small pillow, small cushion, etc. behind his back to help him back. Wait for him to sit firmly, then remove these cushions and pillows, practice a few more times, and the child will sit firmly.

In addition, parents can also take other methods to help children practice sitting firmly. For example, by playing games, let him practice from lying to sitting, these are good training methods.

The child can't sit still? The 6-month-old baby still sits unsteadily, which may be related to these reasons - DayDayNews

Here is to remind parents to pay attention to that, when training the baby to sit firmly, do not be too eager for quick success, also pay attention to frequency, pay attention to the protection of the baby's brain.

We can understand the feelings of parents expecting their children to become a dragon, but we must also pay attention to guiding their children in the right way and helping them grow. This is the right way to solve the problem.

Finally, parents and friends, you are educating children to learnWhat problems did you encounter while sitting still? How did you train your baby back then? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.


I am Xiaoling’s mother, here you are You can find some useful and meaningful articles. If you encounter any questions in the process of raising children, please feel free to ask. If you want to know more about parenting, please pay attention to me. If you like this article, you can Share with more people, and hope that through our efforts, we can make the baby grow up healthily

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