My mother forced her daughter to skip 3,000 ropes every day. Not only did she fail to make the child grow taller, but she made a big mistake instead.

2021/09/1020:13:11 baby 444

We all know that with regard to the growth of children, one of the most concerned issues for parents is the child's "height". In order to make the child grow taller, parents really dare to try any method!

My mother forced her daughter to skip 3,000 ropes every day. Not only did she fail to make the child grow taller, but she made a big mistake instead. - DayDayNews

There is a topic that has attracted much attention these days: a mother, in order to let her 13-year-old daughter seize the last chance to grow taller, force her daughter to skip 3,000 ropes every day. The child broke his body...

Many netizens criticized the mother after seeing it, thinking that this kind of "pulling seedlings" extreme encouragement method is undesirable! Many netizens can't help but "show up" about the various ways of growing taller and taller they were experimenting with in those years.

@Never want to eat eggs anymore:

I was shorter than my peers when I was young. In order to make me taller, my mother once fed me a dozen raw eggs! (Ps: mother)


In the summer vacation, my mother cooks bone soup for me every day, all kinds of beef bone soup, pork bone soup ~ finally, I finally succeeded-gain weight!


My mother heard that the sun can grow taller, so she caught me in the sun every morning, which caused me to never come back.


There is an old Chinese doctor in my hometown who said that stimulating the acupoints on the soles of the feet can grow taller. My mother puts various beans in my shoes every day to let me walk to school...

Let the children grow taller, parents really do not want to let go of any possibility. However, the editor of Soulful believes that "rationality and science" are necessary to deal with the matter of growing taller.

My mother forced her daughter to skip 3,000 ropes every day. Not only did she fail to make the child grow taller, but she made a big mistake instead. - DayDayNews

Research by the World Health Organization shows that the height of a child is completed by heredity and acquired self-hair together.The genetic influence accounts for 70%, and the remaining 30% depends on the child's acquired diet, sleep and exercise.

Although the height of a child is greatly affected by innate factors, it can still be compensated in a scientific way!

1. In terms of diet and nutrition

According to statistics, more than 80% of children have nutritional imbalances due to picky eaters, partial eclipses or anorexia. The body lacks calcium, iron and zinc and other trace elements required for growth, so naturally they cannot grow taller. Therefore, mothers must consciously work hard on their children's diet, let the children eat a balanced diet, and take in all kinds of nutrients in an all-round way. If the children are picky eaters, they must also be correctly guided and corrected.

My mother forced her daughter to skip 3,000 ropes every day. Not only did she fail to make the child grow taller, but she made a big mistake instead. - DayDayNews

2. In terms of sleep If the child stays up at night and sleeps well, these will affect the secretion of growth hormone and make the child unable to grow taller. Therefore, not only should children develop the habit of going to bed early on a regular basis, but also pay attention to the quality of their sleep.

3. Sports Pay attention to the intensity of the child's exercise to avoid excessive exercise and injury.

My mother forced her daughter to skip 3,000 ropes every day. Not only did she fail to make the child grow taller, but she made a big mistake instead. - DayDayNews

Adolescence is the second growth peak of children. At this stage, they consume a lot of daily life, and their nutrition and energy must be kept up at all times to meet their nutritional needs for growth and development. They should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. , Fish, meat, nuts. If they grasp this stage well, they can grow taller. However, as a parent, we must adopt a scientific method, not a method of "extracting seedlings to encourage growth"!


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