Nutritional points and precautions for pregnant women

2021/08/1713:41:09 baby 2888

Pregnancy in October is a hard and happy experience for every expectant mother. In this process, a scientific and reasonable diet is not only related to the health of the expectant mother, but also related to the health of the baby. Therefore, the reasonable nutrition of pregnant women and fetuses has received special attention from the family.

Nutrition is an important environmental factor, which has a vital impact on the health of mother and child. Therefore, we must pay attention to the diversity of food choices and long-term intake of appropriate, different, and diverse nutrients from the beginning of pregnancy to ensure that the baby gets balanced nutrition.

As the saying goes: One person eats, two people make up. The placenta is the place for material exchange between the mother and the fetus. Its function is to transport nutrients from the mother to the fetus. Maternal nutrition affects the structure and function of the placenta. Proper nutrition and living arrangements during pregnancy are very important. In order to ensure the growth of the maternal reproductive organs and the growth and development of the fetus during pregnancy, as well as the needs of postpartum lactation, it is necessary to take in more energy and various nutrients than before pregnancy, which must be taken by pregnant women from their diet.

There are different nutritional supplement points for each stage of pregnancy:

1. Early pregnancy: The growth and development of the fetus in the first 3 months is relatively slow, and the nutritional requirements are not much different from those before pregnancy. In the first month of pregnancy, many mothers-to-be don't have any obvious feelings. Some sensitive mothers-to-be will feel lazy around the end of the month, or even drowsy all day long. In such a situation, the best way is to sleep when you want to sleep, and eat when you want to eat. Many pregnant mothers have morning sickness in the first trimester. They can take small meals and eat some foods that can resolve morning sickness. Do not stop eating because they have no appetite, so as not to affect the baby's development. Folic acid should be supplemented in the early stage, because the fetal neural tube differentiation and development starts from the second week of pregnancy. Early pregnancy diet includes: daily staple food (rice noodles, whole grains or beans) at least 200g, soybean products 25g, vegetables 300-400g, fruit 100-200g, milk 200-250g, fish, meat, poultry, eggs 100-150g.

Nutritional points and precautions for pregnant women - DayDayNews

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Nutritional points and precautions for pregnant women - DayDayNews

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Nutritional points and precautions for pregnant women - DayDayNews

2. 20 weeks),At this time, the growth and development of the fetus is accelerated, and the mother's uterus, placenta, breasts, etc. are gradually growing, and the nutritional needs of pregnant women are increasing day by day. Adequate energy and intake of various nutrients are very important. Pay special attention to iron supplementation. Due to the rapid increase in blood volume and red blood cells of pregnant women, iron deficiency can cause anemia, which affects the growth and development of the fetus, and even causes the development of the fetal brain and nerve center. Therefore, appropriate dietary adjustments should be made.

Provide sufficient animal food such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, milk, high-quality protein, calcium, iron, fat-soluble vitamins and essential fatty acids; ensure that cereals and beans are the main source of energy, but also to consume Import fresh vegetables and fruits for vitamins and minerals. Proper control of salt is necessary to avoid edema.

The daily supply of cereals is about 350-450g, soybean products 50-150g, fish, meat, and poultry alternately about 150g a day, 1 egg, 500g fresh vegetables (300g green leafy vegetables), 150-200g fruits, milk or yogurt 250g. Seafood should be supplemented with iodine and zinc at least once a week; poultry liver and blood should be supplemented with vitamin A and iron. It is very important to provide pregnant women with a balanced and safe diet. In addition to three meals a day, a small amount of extra meals can be given in the morning, afternoon and evening, mainly with milk, fruits, bread snacks and nuts.

Nutritional points and precautions for pregnant women - DayDayNews

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Nutritional points and precautions for pregnant women - DayDayNews

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Nutritional points and precautions for pregnant women - DayDayNews

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Late stage: 7-9 months of pregnancy. At this time, fetal development is accelerated, cell tissues in the body grow rapidly, organs grow faster, bone calcification is strengthened, and the central nervous system develops faster. The placenta, uterus, and mammary glands in pregnant women are further developed and perfected. Therefore, pregnant women's requirements for energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals are greatly increased, and it is very important to meet the nutritional requirements of mothers and children.At this time, generally healthy pregnant women have very good appetites and eat more food. As the proliferation and differentiation of fetal brain cells accelerate from 20 weeks, special attention should be paid to supplementing long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids to cope with the increased demand for phospholipids. The calcium requirement has also increased significantly.

To ensure that the weight gain of pregnant women meets the requirements, the weight should be measured every week from the second trimester, and the dietary intake of pregnant women should be adjusted according to the weight gain. At the last critical juncture, mothers-to-be need to pay more attention to nutritional supplements.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, in addition to ensuring adequate intake of cereals, beans, vegetables, and fruits, animal foods such as lean meat, fish, poultry, and eggs total 250g a day, and eat fish 3 times a week, one of which It is marine fish and seafood to ensure enough protein, DHA ; 1 egg a day, liver and blood once a week, dairy products and milk at least 250g a day, if it can supplement calcium 300mg a day .

These points must be kept in mind for mothers-to-be:

1. During pregnancy, the requirements for energy, protein, calcium, iron, iodine, and folic acid are increased and should be supplemented appropriately.

2. Iron deficiency can lead to a variety of adverse pregnancy outcomes; severe iodine deficiency can damage the brain and intellectual development of fetal babies.

3. Insufficient carbohydrate intake in the first trimester can damage the brain and nervous system development of the fetus due to ketonemia .

4. Appropriate weight gain during pregnancy helps to obtain a good pregnancy outcome.

5. Tobacco and alcohol endanger the development of the fetus, and a good mood is conducive to good pregnancy and childbirth.

In addition, exercise during pregnancy is also very necessary. If there is no clear contraindication as stated by the doctor, most activities and sports are safe for pregnant mothers.

30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every day during the second and third trimester. For example, brisk walking, swimming, playing ball, dancing, pregnant women yoga , various housework and so on.

should choose the type of activity according to your physical condition and pre-pregnancy exercise habits, combined with your own feelings.

Pregnant women’s dietary taboos

1. Avoid raw cold

Pregnant women should avoid eating raw and cold foods, raw foods are prone to bacterial infections, cold foods can cause gastrointestinal discomfort, fruits should be peeled Eat again, eat fruits at room temperature.

2. Avoid high-calorie foods

Don't eat foods that are too high in calories, try not to eat fried foods, try to reduce eating out, eat less fast food, buy less cooked foods and processed foods in the supermarket. These foods are nutritious but high in calories.

3. Avoid eating high-sugar foods

Reduce the intake of cakes and butter, which are high in sugar, and there are many types of additives bought outside, and many contain trans fatty acids .

4. Avoid eating too salty food

Salt intake must be less than 6 grams per day, try not to eat pickled and smoked food.

5. Avoid eating too spicy food

Eat a light diet, and eat less spicy and irritating foods such as chili and Chinese pepper.

6. It is not advisable to take supplements excessively

Try to protect your body during pregnancy. It is not suitable to take various drugs. When you must take it, you must take it under the guidance of a doctor.

7. It is not advisable to eat leftovers and leftovers

The ingredients should be fresh, like peanuts that are prone to mildew, be sure to check carefully.

8. Drink less or no beverages.

Beverages contain very few nutrients, but are high in sugar and have a variety of additives.

9. Do not drink strong tea and coffee

Strong tea and coffee have a certain stimulating effect, and pregnant women should not drink it.

10. Avoid tobacco and alcohol

Tobacco and alcohol have certain toxic and side effects, which may cause premature birth and malformation to the fetus.

Finally, I wish all mothers a good pregnancy!

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