Will morning sickness affect fetal growth?

2021/04/2022:56:41 baby 422

Since morning sickness started, many pregnant mothers’ daily routines have become an infinite cycle of "eating and vomiting, vomiting and vomiting". Originally, they have poor appetite and eat less, but this vomiting is more than eating. ... lost weight?

It makes mothers-to-be suspicious of life: If I vomit every day, will the baby be undernourished?

Calm down, this is really not too worrying, early pregnancy, the fetus needs less nutrition than you think.

Will morning sickness affect fetal growth? - DayDayNews

In the early stages of development, the size of the fetus is still small, and the nutrients needed such as protein and fat are not much different from those before pregnancy.

If the mother pays attention to diet and nutrition when preparing for pregnancy, and if the nutritional status is good, the fetus will take the initiative to obtain the nutrients he needs from the mother, but even if there is no appetite, how much food should be eaten~

During morning sickness, the food to maintain is this

Because the most important food in the first trimester is the staple food of carbohydrates , not big fish and meat. So, if you feel like vomiting when you smell fish, and you can’t eat the meat, don’t worry.

However, the staple food should still be eaten as much as possible. Even if you don't eat too much, you can eat less and more meals.

Foods such as rice, sweet potatoes, bread, etc. usually have a relatively high starch content. According to the recommendation of "The Pagoda of Balanced Diet for Pregnant Women in China", pregnant mothers must consume at least 130g of carbohydrates a day.

If the pregnant mother does not eat any starchy staple food, it will cause insufficient carbohydrates and fat decomposition too quickly, which will easily lead to ketosis and affect fetal development.

Will morning sickness affect fetal growth? - DayDayNews

But if morning sickness is really uncomfortable, what can


tastes light, avoid fried and greasy foods

Because pregnant mothers in the first trimester are instinctive protection of the fetus , they are very sensitive to various chemical pollution and virus damage, so they are fried Smoked food is prone to produce toxic carcinogens, so pregnant mothers will be particularly disgusted.

This usually requires us to avoid things that are easy to cause morning sickness, such as spicy and greasy foods, and avoid the smell of oily smoke and smoke during frying, which pollute the environment.

Eat smaller meals and eat as much as you can

Don’t be too obsessed with the “balanced diet” at this time. Don’t let go of foods that have appetite, are light and palatable, and are easy to digest. .

You can also try Eat small meals more often , and you can also try easy-to-digest and carbohydrate-rich yogurt when you have no appetite.

Eat some dry foods such as bread and biscuits in the morning, and supplement vitamins appropriately

When you wake up in the morning, eat some dry foods may make it easier for you to eat. At the same time, supplements vitamin B1 , B2, B6 and C can also alleviate the symptoms of early pregnancy reactions.

Will morning sickness affect fetal growth? - DayDayNews

However, if you have morning sickness more than 3 times a day, you vomit everything you eat, and you lose more than 5% of your weight, you should see a doctor quickly!

Morning sickness is not terrible, it is them that really hurt the fetus


Containing nicotine, carbon monoxide, benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde and other toxic gases, harms the fetus equal to first hand smoke.

If you stay indoors with your relatives and friends, when he is about to smoke a cigarette, you must say no decisively and suggest him to go to the smoking area.

Will morning sickness affect fetal growth? - DayDayNews


It is recommended that pregnant mothers do not drink alcohol. Because alcohol has a great impact on the fetus, especially in the first 3 months, it may slow down the development of the fetus, and may also cause abnormalities and defects in certain organs.


Hormones in pregnant and nursing women fluctuate greatly. If you use some cosmetics with higher activity and higher concentration, it is easy to cause allergies, and then it is difficult for doctors to take medicine.

Therefore, when choosing cosmetics and skin care products, pregnant mothers must read the ingredients clearly~

It is best to avoid using products containing salicylic acid and vitamin A alcohol; those containing benzophenone ultraviolet absorbers Sunscreen products,And high-concentration fruit acid, whitening, antioxidant products.

Hair coloring:

Pregnant mothers try not to perm, and it is best not to dye their hair in the first 3 months of pregnancy. Because the chemicals used in perming and dyeing hair easily enter the body through the scalp pores, it may affect the normal development of the fetus.

Will morning sickness affect fetal growth? - DayDayNews

Be careful during pregnancy, but don't be too nervous, the most important thing is to keep a good mood! If you eat well and sleep well, the fetus will develop better~


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