There is finally a hint of coolness in the air. Sitting in the embrace of green, our reading club is discussing the "meaning of reading" enthusiastically. We lower our heads to the fireworks of life and raise our heads to the sun, moon and stars. In the middle, books open the doo

2024/07/0300:09:32 article 1231

There is finally a hint of coolness in the air. Sitting in the embrace of green, our reading club is enthusiastically discussing " the meaning of reading ". We lower our heads to the fireworks of life and raise our heads to the sun, moon and stars. In the middle, books open the door to the soul. , let the sun and rain and dew shine in, sprinkle in...

There is finally a hint of coolness in the air. Sitting in the embrace of green, our reading club is discussing the

It is said that "People's Daily" summarized the eight meanings of reading:

  1. Where words cannot be measured by footsteps
  2. The meaning of reading is to make people open-minded and more understanding. Don't be stubborn, don't be paranoid.
  3. There may not be a house of gold in the book, but there must be a better version of yourself.
  4. Reading allows you to look up at the stars even if you are stuck in the mud.
  5. The book may not solve the current problems, but it will help you break through them. The power of reading
  6. Reading is the process of making yourself vast
  7. When you fall in love with books, being alone becomes a person's carnival
  8. Don't complain about the pain of reading, that is your way to see the world
  9. There is finally a hint of coolness in the air. Sitting in the embrace of green, our reading club is discussing the

    The discussion in the group is quite heated. Teacher Zhu, whom I have never met and only met through the platform of reading, seemed to have known me from my soul. She typed out her firm answer with red hearts. The distance between the present and the future depends on you walking on the road of reading and cognition step by step. Then It’s really the way you see the world.

    There is finally a hint of coolness in the air. Sitting in the embrace of green, our reading club is discussing the

    Wherever you can’t go, words can take you there.

    Books will help you meet the life you cannot experience.

    The books you have read will enrich your heart one by one and make the boring and monotonous world colorful.

    Somehow, it reminds me of the three women from the Republic of China period we read about. They are all women I respect, without exception.

    The goddess-like Lin Weiyin has read countless sages’ books with her heart, and has not only measured the British romance of “Farewell Cambridge” with her feet, but also walked through the “crossing south to the north” without asking anything about the east or west. She finally fell on the curtain of "Mr. Lin", and she spent her whole life looking up at the vastness of the starry sky... Light at the bottom of the cold mountain spring,

    In the dark night, in the pine forest,

    As vague as a sigh,

    You still have to preserve the truth!

    The same is the moonlight,

    The same is the lights across the mountain,

    The sky is full of stars,

    Only No one is seen,

    Hanging like a dream,

    You ask the night to return

    - you still have to believe

    There is still that echo in the valley

    There is that echo!

    There is finally a hint of coolness in the air. Sitting in the embrace of green, our reading club is discussing the

    The lazy Lu Xiaoman in the eyes of the world is also a lady. . I always believe that she lives for love, and the education she received since childhood finally made her boring and monotonous world colorful.

    Just like what is said in "The Art of Living": People must read books all the time, otherwise they will be stingy and stubborn, and they will be full of stubborn opinions. A person's backwardness and pedantry is caused by his unwillingness to read books all the time.

    In the years after the plane crash, those poems, books and brushes were the best antidote in her life.

    Hu Shi once said: Lu Xiaoman is also a must-see scenery.

    There is finally a hint of coolness in the air. Sitting in the embrace of green, our reading club is discussing the

    Every book is like an arbitrary door. Where you want to go is up to you.

    The most admirable person is undoubtedly Zhang Youyi who made a counterattack in life.

    Charlie Munger said: There is not a single smart person from all walks of life I have met in my life who does not read every day - none, not one.

    This sentence confirms Zhang Youyi’s life. In a strange and abandoned foreign country, she used knowledge and culture to bless herself. She learned German and finance, kept reading, constantly improved herself, and transformed herself into the best in life. The steering wheel is firmly in his hands.

    There is finally a hint of coolness in the air. Sitting in the embrace of green, our reading club is discussing the

    Reading can really give you the confidence to break the boundaries of life and accumulate the capital to constantly surpass yourself.

    The more a person wants to improve, the more he needs the accumulation of books and the blessing of culture.

    As the great writer Herzen said:

    "Books are the most patient and pleasant companions. They will never abandon you in any difficult and difficult time."

    There is finally a hint of coolness in the air. Sitting in the embrace of green, our reading club is discussing the

    Books are the world's best Nutritional products, life without books is like the earth without sunshine; wisdom without books is like a bird without wings.

    —— Shakespeare

    read and expand yourself while looking up at the stars.

    Dear rose women , you must study, only then will you be happy!

    Finally, I give you this passage from Sanmao:

    Many times, I may think that many of the books I have read have become fleeting smoke and can no longer be remembered.

    In fact, they are still latent, in temperament, conversation, and boundless mind. Of course, they may also be revealed in life and writing.

    There is finally a hint of coolness in the air. Sitting in the embrace of green, our reading club is discussing the

    #meaning of reading# # talented woman in the republic of China#

    Follow "Sister Rose", a rose woman who loves freedom and reading, and will use words to express a beautiful life with you and spread positive energy in the world.

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