Last week, a former colleague retired, but unfortunately I was unable to attend the farewell party. She is said to be a former colleague, but in fact, she has been a friend for more than ten years, and I cannot help but feel happy for her. Today, a group of women met for dinner t

2024/06/3012:23:32 article 1314

A former colleague retired last week, but unfortunately I was unable to attend the farewell party. She is said to be a former colleague, but in fact, she has been a friend for more than ten years, and I cannot help but feel happy for her.

Today a group of women met for dinner to celebrate her retirement, and naturally some of them thought of me. A phone call summoned me, and I rushed there. The senior citizens gathered together, and I was very happy.

asked her what she did during the two days after her retirement. She must sleep until she woke up naturally, stroll around the market slowly, and enjoy morning tea leisurely, which made a group of people drool while listening.

Time flies by with laughter, and I was still immersed in this longing state long after I said goodbye. Just like today nearly a thousand years ago, Huang Tingjian sighed with emotion during his nap, hoping for a retirement life in Cangzhou .

Taking a siesta on June 17th

Song Dynasty Huang Tingjian

In the red dust mat hat and black boots, I want to see a pair of white birds in Cangzhou.

Horses and withered leaves noisy on the pillow at noon, dreams become stormy waves rolling over the river.

A lonely traveler in the mortal world, wearing a mat hat and court boots, wanders around the world, but he longs to retreat to the waterside and watch the white birds flying together. While taking a nap, the sound of horses chewing hay outside the window was heard on my pillow. Unconsciously, in my dream, the wind and rain were rolling, and there were huge waves on the river.

This poem was written approximately between the fourth and sixth years of Yuanyou (1089). At that time, Su Shi went out to guard Hangzhou, leaving the center of power and staying away from Huang Tingjian. It is estimated that Huang felt that the world was changing and the officialdom was turbulent, so he began to envy the life of retreating to the mountains and forests.

We are all talking and laughing and looking forward to the day of retirement, hoping that by then, the water will be clear. And we returned to our carefree appearance, full of laughter.

Last week, a former colleague retired, but unfortunately I was unable to attend the farewell party. She is said to be a former colleague, but in fact, she has been a friend for more than ten years, and I cannot help but feel happy for her. Today, a group of women met for dinner t - DayDayNews

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