Since becoming a fan, I feel more and more that hundreds of fans, thousands of fans, and ten thousand fans are nothing more than numbers. A friend asked, "After thousands of fans, I haven't seen many works written by you. Some people said that you have written many original works

2024/06/2906:39:33 article 1093

Since becoming a fan, I feel more and more that hundreds of fans, thousands of fans, and ten thousand fans are no longer numbers. A friend asked, "After thousands of fans, I haven't seen many works written by you. Some people said that you have written many original works but there is not much exposure, and you want to give up... At this time, I can only be indifferent A smile, noncommittal.

After all, how many professionals can make money in headlines? What have they been through behind the scenes? How many years of dedication, accumulation, and we know?

And as most of us ordinary people, how much have we invested? How long did it take to accumulate? Just be grateful and be a down-to-earth person.

I know that I can’t make a fortune from headlines, and I haven’t made a fortune in decades in my life, so that’s it. Compared with money, health is savings, happiness is interest, take care of yourself, have both savings and interest, and the world belongs to you! Friends are so right!

How can I make money?

Since becoming a fan, I feel more and more that hundreds of fans, thousands of fans, and ten thousand fans are nothing more than numbers. A friend asked,

I just keep updating every day and become better at observing everything and every scene in life. I also prefer to be alone. Whenever I am alone, I always think about how I have spent most of my life like this, as if I had nothing and yet I seemed to lack nothing.

Because money really cannot be brought to you in life, nor can you take it with you in death. Although there is not much, but a healthy body and mind, sensible children, a harmonious family... just be the most ordinary person in ordinary days. knows the meaning of his efforts, and also knows the scope of his abilities. I don’t know if it counts as Ah Q?

Our country’s late Qing politician, military strategist, Humen Smoking initiator, and national hero Lin Zexu once used a thought-provoking words as a My family's educational creed: If my descendants are like me, they will do nothing with their money. If they are wise and have more wealth, it will harm their ambitions;

Since becoming a fan, I feel more and more that hundreds of fans, thousands of fans, and ten thousand fans are nothing more than numbers. A friend asked,

Although Lin Zexu's words are short, they are incisive and transcendent. The general idea is that if the descendants are as outstanding as me, then there is no need for me to leave money to them. If a talented person has too much money, it will kill his fighting spirit; if the descendants are mediocre, then there is no need for me to leave money to them. He, being stupid, has too much money, which increases his faults.

The implication is that he wants his descendants to continuously improve themselves through their own efforts and achieve great success. But today, how many people can truly understand and practice Lin Zexu’s famous saying?

Nowadays, everything seems to have changed. Everyone is eager for success, wishing that their children would have everything as soon as they were born, without having to work hard on their own. This is the only way to love and do the best for their children. Just like today's Toutiao and other APPs, everyone always wants to eat a big fat one in , often ignoring the process and only caring about the results.

Since becoming a fan, I feel more and more that hundreds of fans, thousands of fans, and ten thousand fans are nothing more than numbers. A friend asked,

Society has really changed? Or are people too utilitarian and want to violate the laws of nature?

Let me ask myself first, why can I make money? What value output can I bring to everyone? She is just an old white woman in the workplace, a middle-aged quasi-retired old aunt...but her desire to grow has never stopped, just .

I have met too many outstanding people on Toutiao, including grandparents, who live and learn until they are old, especially a retired teacher from Shaanxi who accidentally fell and was hospitalized for writing and taking pictures for Toutiao; There are mothers who, in order to take care of the children at home, how to fulfill their busy days, but are full of enthusiasm to continue learning and making videos to improve their wonderful lives; there are also single mothers living abroad who create, take exams, and improve their academic qualifications while taking care of their children. ..... Too many people's wonderful lives make me sigh and let me learn! Reflect on yourself, isn’t this enough?

Since becoming a fan, I feel more and more that hundreds of fans, thousands of fans, and ten thousand fans are nothing more than numbers. A friend asked,

Youth cannot endure good times, middle age cannot endure leisure, and old age cannot endure adversity. Zeng GuofanThree Realms of Life. Let us be grateful and live the three realms of life well!

Do your main business well and try to run a side business well. Middle-aged people can't stand leisure, so just treat it as a hobby and continue to cultivate yourself. What do your friends say?

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