When people reach middle age and encounter loneliness, if they cannot learn to get along with it, life will become boring. 01Some people say that life is a lonely journey. No matter what we have experienced, success or failure, until the end, loneliness still exists in the corner

2024/06/2710:49:33 article 1944

When people reach middle age, they encounter loneliness. If they cannot learn to get along with it, life will become boring.


Some people say that life is a lonely journey. No matter what we have experienced, success or failure, until the end, loneliness still exists in the corner of life like a shadow.

From the time we were born, we began to try to get along with loneliness.

When I was a child, I was at home and going to school alone., stumbled on the road of growing up.

After growing up, I made friends and had lovers, but occasionally I still felt lonely.

Maybe it’s youthful rebellion, the pain of being understood by no one; maybe it’s the loneliness of being in a foreign country, with no one around; maybe it’s the confusion of being tossing and turning in the silent night; maybe it’s being in the bustling world, but not being able to blend in...

Even sometimes , surrounded by a group of people, drinking and drinking, but when the banquet was over, only his own shadow was with him.

When encountering loneliness, some people are afraid, some are addicted, and some people think that as long as they are surrounded by excitement and have someone to accompany them, there will be no escape from loneliness.

Some people are wrapped up in loneliness and struggle to get rid of it. They are buried in their mobile phones all day long, socializing hard, attending various gatherings, and constantly looking for emotional sustenance in the vast sea of ​​people... It is not until the end that they realize that the harder they try to get rid of The shackles of loneliness make the feeling of loneliness stronger.

Life will not always be lively, nor will it always be lonely.

Instead of blindly chasing excitement and desperately trying to grasp another straw to escape loneliness, it is better to try to make peace with loneliness.

Take it, settle it, enjoy it.

Only in this way can we be high-spirited and move forward vigorously.

When people reach middle age and encounter loneliness, if they cannot learn to get along with it, life will become boring. 01Some people say that life is a lonely journey. No matter what we have experienced, success or failure, until the end, loneliness still exists in the corner - DayDayNews


There is a popular saying on the Internet: Living alone is the norm, enjoying loneliness is a gesture.

People who escape loneliness, the more they try their best to integrate into the excitement, the stronger the loneliness in their hearts;

People who indulge in loneliness, their hearts are dyed gray by loneliness, so the world in their eyes is sad;

People who enjoy loneliness, even in the whole world Even if he is the only one left, he still feels that the world is full of beautiful scenery.

When you feel lonely, why not have a date with the great rivers and mountains. Grass, flowers, mountains, and rivers are the most precious gifts from nature, and they are also the most easily accessible beauty in the world. Every flower and leaf is engraved with the miracle of life; every mountain and every river can feel the vastness of nature; a ray of golden sun and a ray of breeze can brush away the dust in the soul.

When you feel lonely, you might as well walk into the kitchen and feel the ordinary and warm smoke. Maybe it's a bowl of Yangchun noodles with light soup, maybe it's a simple plate of scrambled eggs with tomatoes, , maybe it's the appetizing spicy chicken . The warm kitchen, the sizzling soup in the pot, and the swirling fireworks can soothe every lonely soul.

When you feel lonely, why not start reading. Reading is the simplest leisure in the world, but it is also the cultivation of one's soul. The fragrance of books can soothe impetuousness in the world, and words can heal the pain in the world. The books we have read will be integrated into our blood and bone marrow bit by bit, word by word. Let our character be sublimated and our inspiration burst out. When you are lonely, you might as well calm down and feed your soul with books.

If you still feel that it is not enough, then find something you like to do, such as growing flowers, drinking tea, writing, and exercising; or open your phone book and say hello to your parents and friends who are far away; or in your free time, Sit and watch the clouds roll and relax, and have a dialogue with your soul.

There are many things you can do when you are lonely, but you don't need to indulge in sadness.

Enjoy solitude, and you will find that pale days can also be colorful, and your empty soul will be more abundant.

Even if you are walking in the lonely wasteland, you can still bloom your own splendor.

When people reach middle age and encounter loneliness, if they cannot learn to get along with it, life will become boring. 01Some people say that life is a lonely journey. No matter what we have experienced, success or failure, until the end, loneliness still exists in the corner - DayDayNews


Huxley has a saying: The greater and more original people are, the more they like to be alone.

In the face of loneliness, the mediocre people lament and sink; the great people walk with it.

The poet Qu Yuan spent his life worrying about the country, but suffered repeated disasters. King Huai of Chu abandoned him, and villains excluded him. He spent half his life in exile and his whole life alone. There was nowhere to display his talent. In his lonely wanderings, he poured his love and anger into his poems. "When the whole world is turbid, I am alone pure; when everyone is drunk, I am alone awake." Qu Yuan's sober loneliness has created a brilliant chapter in Chinese poetry.

Writer Qian Zhongshu is indifferent by nature, does not like to socialize with others, and refuses to participate in social banquets. Others urged and invited him, but he shook his head and refused. When famous people come to visit, he always says: "I have no time!" In the eyes of others, he is somewhat inhumane. But it is precisely because he is far away from the hustle and bustle of the world that he can spare time to think, settle, and create, and he has the world-famous " tube cone editor ".

Architect Wang Shu also said when talking about the secret of success: "I have to thank those years of loneliness. Because of loneliness when I was young, I developed an interest in painting and an ignorant concept of architecture; after graduation Later, because of loneliness, I was able to calm down and think. Many future design inspirations came from that period. "

When people are lonely, their hearts and minds become clearer.

This kind of clarity guides people to reflect and realize, constantly improve themselves, and create a broad and firm inner world; this kind of clarity helps people settle their thoughts, enrich their hearts, refine their souls, and guide people to climb to higher mountains.

When people reach middle age and encounter loneliness, if they cannot learn to get along with it, life will become boring. 01Some people say that life is a lonely journey. No matter what we have experienced, success or failure, until the end, loneliness still exists in the corner - DayDayNews


likes a poem by Syrian writer Adonis : The world has left me bruised and bruised, but what grows out of the wounds are wings. The darkness that came over me made me shine brighter.

Loneliness is the pair of wings in the dark night, taking us to fly towards the light.

May your loneliness accompany you through more wonderful experiences and climb higher mountains.

About the author: A tired guest from the end of the world, traveling around the world with a pen.

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