【Daily update day 1250】Grow seriously in one way and become what you like. What is the meaning of writing like this every day? someone asked me. Actually no, it’s just these things. After all, a person’s thinking cannot change drastically every day, so the words between the lines

2024/06/2623:03:32 article 1665

[Daily Update Day 1250]

Grow seriously in one way

Grow into what you like

【Daily update day 1250】Grow seriously in one way and become what you like. What is the meaning of writing like this every day? someone asked me. Actually no, it’s just these things. After all, a person’s thinking cannot change drastically every day, so the words between the lines - DayDayNews

What is the meaning of writing like this every day? someone asked me.

Actually no, it’s just these things. After all, a person’s thinking cannot change drastically every day, so the words between the lines will inevitably appear trivial and wordy. If you read it every day, you will see me repeating one thing over and over again.

But I feel that there are changes. Some things are lingering in my heart and I can’t distinguish them. Who can I argue with? No one had time to spare, so I enjoyed myself, asking and answering questions. I had feelings while reading, argued about them, looked at things, argued about them, and argued over and over again, and finally I basically figured out the matter.

and then start tossing about the next thing and the next idea. In other words, there are actually countless thoughts circulating in my heart, and writing is like untying a knot, pulling out a certain thought from a mess of thoughts, stroking it, and enriching its content, and editing it again. Once you enter, your heart will become clear and your life will become more relaxed and comfortable.

So there is something wonderful about writing every day. This beauty needs to be experienced by yourself. Although it seems verbose and trivial, the benefits are endless.

One is not lonely. If a person is good at entertaining himself, talking to himself, asking and answering questions, how can he be lonely? Everything has a mystery, and everything is full of curiosity, just like a cat playing with a ball. The ball rolls around and can be played for a long time. It is boring for others to see the cat, and the cat will feel that others do not understand the beauty of enjoying themselves. .

The second thing is that you are not alone. You don’t need anyone to accompany you, and you don’t need someone to chat with often. Just occasionally. The reason why you are lonely is because there is no one to listen to you. Even if you are a partner, you still have your own troubles and worries, so why force it? Does the other party have to be considerate? You will always get more from others than you ask for, so if you don’t ask for anything, you will be able to be independent and sober, come and go freely, and others can get along with you easily and happily.

If a person is satisfied, he will not always ask for it. Others can also benefit from it, or appreciate their attitude towards life, or enjoy themselves, or have the longing for peace and quiet that they want to talk to. I feel that there is a kind of independence. Attitude is the fullness of the heart.

I like it when I see it, I like to be such a person.


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