1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things

2024/07/0117:38:32 article 1276

1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things  - DayDayNews. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning!

1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things  - DayDayNews

1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things  - DayDayNews. Three virtues in life: being able to hold your breath, being able to bend down, and being able to hold your head up. Being able to remain calm is a manifestation of wisdom, the precipitation of reason, and a sign of maturity. To be able to bend down means to be low-key and humble, tolerant of all rivers, and able to bend and stretch. Keep your head high and maintain an optimistic and enterprising attitude no matter in adversity or good times. Good morning!

1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things  - DayDayNews

3. When people are alive, there is no need to understand everything. If the water is clear, there will be no fish, and if the people are clear, there will be no friends. Black is black, white is white, let time prove it. Let go of your own stubbornness, live a gentle life, and be willing to do things, and you will win the whole life; with more peace and warmth, life will have sunshine.

1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things  - DayDayNews

4. If the heart is clear, everything you see is sunshine; if the heart is kind, all you meet are good people; if the heart is beautiful, everything you hear is music. If you smile, the world will be filled with smiles; if you are kind, life will reward you with good results; if you are optimistic, the future will be full of hope! Also, if everything is fine with you, your friends will feel at ease! Good morning, my dear!

1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things  - DayDayNews

5. The text message arrived, good morning! I know your sweet dream is not over yet, so don’t complain if it wakes you up. Rub your confused eyes, wash your sleepy face, and have a delicious breakfast to start your beautiful day. Good morning, dear friend!

6. Now every day when I wake up and open my eyes, what I see is your sun-like smile on the wall. I really hope that one day when I wake up, the first thing I touch is your real, sweet, flower-like sleeping face. . Good morning!

1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things  - DayDayNews

7. No matter how good friends are, there should be distance. Friendships that are too lively are often empty. The most beautiful relationship between friends is the icing on the cake; the most valuable thing is providing help when it is time for it; the best among friends is like good tea, light but not astringent, fragrant but not overpowering.

1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things  - DayDayNews

8. The sun shines on you in the morning, I wish you happiness and peace; the breeze blows on your face in the morning, I wish your dreams will come true soon; I send you text messages in the morning to wish you happiness every day! Good morning!

1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things  - DayDayNews

9. All unwillingness is due to having dreams in your heart. Before you give up, work hard. You are only afraid of old heart, not afraid of long road. Life is so short, you must have some time to live for yourself! Good morning!

1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things  - DayDayNews

1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things  - DayDayNews0. The taste of warmth is sweet and nutritious in the arms of the morning. The taste of romance is sweet and nutritious in the blessings of dawn. The taste of happiness is happily upgraded in the earliest blessings. Good morning, my dear.

1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things  - DayDayNews

1. You get up earlier than the sun, and the first ray of morning light embraces you; you get up earlier than the colorful clouds, and the first ray of breeze kisses you; you get up earlier than the birds, and the first birdsong greets you: Dear Yes, good morning! 2. Three things  - DayDayNews1. When I am loved by you, I become a dancer who can rotate on every dot; when I miss you, I become a sailor, thinking that with two oars I can travel through day and night; love you When I was young, I became a forest ranger, guarding every proud tree in my heart. Good morning!

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