Life is a journey across time and space. When life is gradually lost in time, the memory becomes more and more blurred. When looking back, the past is vague, as if the shadow sinking in the mind is oneself, and it seems like a character in the movie. The bridge section is suddenl

2024/06/3001:36:32 article 1196

Life is a journey across time and space. When life gradually disappears in time, the memory becomes more and more blurred. When looking back, the past is vague, as if the shadow sinking in the mind is oneself, and it seems like a character in a movie. A bridge suddenly becomes blurry, but when life is written down on paper, no matter how many years have passed, it is still clearly visible.

Life is a journey across time and space. When life is gradually lost in time, the memory becomes more and more blurred. When looking back, the past is vague, as if the shadow sinking in the mind is oneself, and it seems like a character in the movie. The bridge section is suddenl - DayDayNews

Some people spend their entire lives only to discover when they are old that apart from their memories, they have left no trace in this world, which makes them feel melancholy. And some people are willing to use this text to write down every bit of life. Even if one day, when time erases all memories, he can still feel the process of life through this text and live without regrets. Of course, not everyone is willing to record his life in this way, but this method is really good. During these beats, not only every detail of life is recorded, but also the joys and sorrows of the world are filled with healing. Love and Hatred.

Life is a journey across time and space. When life is gradually lost in time, the memory becomes more and more blurred. When looking back, the past is vague, as if the shadow sinking in the mind is oneself, and it seems like a character in the movie. The bridge section is suddenl - DayDayNews

This life on paper is as white as snow. When you put down the pen, you will find that this is really a pure land. With a stroke of pen, all the troubles in the world are separated, all defenses and disguises are removed, and only the purest self is left, the self that only exists in the heart. You can write the joys and sorrows of life on this white paper to your heart's content. Put your emotions on this paper through words, and write a beautiful, majestic, or even dark picture. No force will block this moment. , the dialogue between you and your soul is really real. Under the fog shrouded by the annoyance of reality, you can find yourself bit by bit, and find your body and mind as white as snow.

Life is a journey across time and space. When life is gradually lost in time, the memory becomes more and more blurred. When looking back, the past is vague, as if the shadow sinking in the mind is oneself, and it seems like a character in the movie. The bridge section is suddenl - DayDayNews

Life is a process of connecting fragments of life. No one's life is perfect without any flaws, and no one's life is broken and repaired, repaired and broken, and it takes a lifetime to piece together the wonderful life. Between the cracks are fragments of life, but the cracks have become the most unforgettable memories. Just like the strokes falling on the paper, across the fragments, they all fall heavily between the cracks and condense into your life. The glue of fragments connects your complete life journey.

Life is a journey across time and space. When life is gradually lost in time, the memory becomes more and more blurred. When looking back, the past is vague, as if the shadow sinking in the mind is oneself, and it seems like a character in the movie. The bridge section is suddenl - DayDayNews

Life without paper is also a practice of overcoming sorrow and joy. When people reach a certain age, they will slowly understand that no one can comfort or share the joys and sorrows of life except themselves, and they can only overcome their desire to vent their emotions by themselves. This is an extremely painful and difficult mental journey, and only when you learn to overcome it can you truly mature mentally. There are many ways to self-transmit. Some people like to find a secluded place to lick food alone. Some people like to fall into books and seek self-healing. They can grow and pursue their own pursuits. But I think this tip is the only one. It is the most effective healing potion. Every stroke and every word that is written touches the deepest part of the body and mind, and every sentence touches the heart. When the time comes, it crushes the sorrow and joy and becomes calm. When sorrow and joy are scattered between the lines and fall on this paper, and you look back and read it, you will find that joy and sorrow are just a surge of blood. After the surge, life is still beating steadily.

Life is a journey across time and space. When life is gradually lost in time, the memory becomes more and more blurred. When looking back, the past is vague, as if the shadow sinking in the mind is oneself, and it seems like a character in the movie. The bridge section is suddenl - DayDayNews

Life falls on this piece of paper. When you step into the ethereal space created by these wonderful words, you will find a paradise that is hard to find. Here, let go of everything, let go, wipe away worries, sorrows and joys. Isn’t it a kind of life? , a journey, a practice.

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