On such a night, such a mood is wrapped in darkness. Only one last breath is left. I close my lips and just want to listen to the trembling heartbeat. I forget my breath and let life grow lonely. The huge mountain shadow towers into the clouds, blocking the route and blocking the

2024/07/0120:37:33 article 1731

Such a night, such a mood

Wrapped in darkness with only one last breath left

Close your lips and just want to listen to the trembling heartbeat

Forget the breath and let life grow lonely

On such a night, such a mood is wrapped in darkness. Only one last breath is left. I close my lips and just want to listen to the trembling heartbeat. I forget my breath and let life grow lonely. The huge mountain shadow towers into the clouds, blocking the route and blocking the - DayDayNews

The huge mountain shadow towers into the clouds

Blocking the route and covering it Where to escape after losing sight of

? All I see is confusion

On such a night, such a mood is wrapped in darkness. Only one last breath is left. I close my lips and just want to listen to the trembling heartbeat. I forget my breath and let life grow lonely. The huge mountain shadow towers into the clouds, blocking the route and blocking the - DayDayNews

The eyes are dark, only the brain is awake

A person who is awake can see clearly the rough inside of the earth

It passes by numbly, even if I close my eyes, I know everything

On such a night, such a mood is wrapped in darkness. Only one last breath is left. I close my lips and just want to listen to the trembling heartbeat. I forget my breath and let life grow lonely. The huge mountain shadow towers into the clouds, blocking the route and blocking the - DayDayNews

I finally want to escape and change my life The way out

The sky is brightly lit, and there are moonlight and stars

I am the only one around me, and I can't think of others

On such a night, such a mood is wrapped in darkness. Only one last breath is left. I close my lips and just want to listen to the trembling heartbeat. I forget my breath and let life grow lonely. The huge mountain shadow towers into the clouds, blocking the route and blocking the - DayDayNews

A commendable and tenacious person

Stubborn than the earth, more stubborn than the sun

The earth is still windy, snowy, and the moon is weak, and it cannot help the wind

Set off in the afterglow of the setting sun Looking at the lonely figure

On such a night, such a mood is wrapped in darkness. Only one last breath is left. I close my lips and just want to listen to the trembling heartbeat. I forget my breath and let life grow lonely. The huge mountain shadow towers into the clouds, blocking the route and blocking the - DayDayNews

Just do it when you think of it, pick up the bag and leave

Few things in the world can be so heroic and calm

I am the only one who is lucky, lucky to be able to embrace the sky

On such a night, such a mood is wrapped in darkness. Only one last breath is left. I close my lips and just want to listen to the trembling heartbeat. I forget my breath and let life grow lonely. The huge mountain shadow towers into the clouds, blocking the route and blocking the - DayDayNews

Himalayas , I have never seen it

In fact, I have already climbed in my heart Flying over

Mariana, it is broad and far-reaching

When you calm down, you can hear waves of waves

Waving away, it is just a cloud of smoke on the horizon

On such a night, such a mood is wrapped in darkness. Only one last breath is left. I close my lips and just want to listen to the trembling heartbeat. I forget my breath and let life grow lonely. The huge mountain shadow towers into the clouds, blocking the route and blocking the - DayDayNews

The mountain is no longer a mountain, and the sea is not a sea

The crazy noise drowns countless forgetfulness

The plump body has been hollowed out, and it is as light as a feather.

Wherever you go, it floats. Hold on tightly to the rope.

Fortunately, there is no danger. Continue to move forward.

On such a night, such a mood is wrapped in darkness. Only one last breath is left. I close my lips and just want to listen to the trembling heartbeat. I forget my breath and let life grow lonely. The huge mountain shadow towers into the clouds, blocking the route and blocking the - DayDayNews

(Picture from the Internet, deleted for infringement)

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