The Simplest Necessities of Life Text/Fu Yifan Do you know what the philosophy of salt is? It is said that there are seven things to open the door: firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. These words are closely related to secular life, involving many past events a

2024/07/0117:34:32 article 1052

The Simplest Necessities of Life Text/Fu Yifan Do you know what the philosophy of salt is? It is said that there are seven things to open the door: firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. These words are closely related to secular life, involving many past events a - DayDayNews

The simplest necessities of life

Written by Fu Yifan

Do you know what the philosophy of salt is?

It is said that there are seven things to open the door: firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. These words are closely related to secular life, involving many past events and ordinary thoughts. I always think that Chinese proverbs are too vulgar, and the seven things they talk about are just for the sake of the word "eat". The necessities in life, even if there are no spring flowers and autumn moon, there must be music, chess, calligraphy and painting. It took me a long time to realize that everyone has to run around in search of food, and the artistic conception of "eating" goes beyond just satisfying one's hunger.

I think back to our ancestors, who may have felt a sense of saltiness when drinking water, and then tried soaking meat in sea water before cooking it. The taste was surprisingly good. So it went from liquid to solid, from gray to white, from flakes to granules. Thousands of years have changed everything, but it cannot change people's habit of adding a pinch of salt to their dishes.

It is something magical but so ordinary that there is no trace. How many of you have ever noticed that bag of salt in the kitchen? The salt from my hometown is placed in a black clay pot, fine and snow-white, piled high on top. The clay pot has been used for at least thirty years, and the whole body has been rubbed smooth and translucent. After moving, I brought it to my new home and it looked out of place in the smooth kitchen. Salt is hidden in water, flowing in life, and penetrating into the rings of time. We accept it, get used to it, and rely on it. The shape of life is nothing more than a jar of salt, and you are immersed in it without realizing it.

If it is less, it will be bland, if it is more, it will be bitter and salty; if it is too early, it will be overcooked, and if it is late, it will be superficial. This is the mentality of salt. People who are good at cooking are also good at living, because knowing how to add salt can also grasp the essence of life. Xishi 's hope is to grow old together with Fan Li , Tao Yuanming 's dream is to live forever in a paradise. Although life in the mortal world is ordinary and full of worries, it is the most gratifying ending after a life of wandering and wandering. Earthly life is like a glass of salt water, ordinary but not ordinary. Abandon all glitz and hypocrisy, the slight saltiness tells you about the ups and downs of life.

How many people can be as simple as a glass of salt water? Maybe too many ingredients and too many labels have been added, and the taste of life has been changed. There are so many inspirational words that everyone fantasizes about success. The temptation of fame is so great that they forget the bottom line and strive for success. Social networking and social circles are too important, so they force themselves to smile and cater to other people's preferences. More and more people are complaining about the unhappiness of life and the cruelty of society, but they don’t know that this unhappiness and cruelty are caused by their own hands. Looking back, it suddenly seemed like a dream, and a simple life had always been within reach. When chefs cook the best ingredients, they add nothing but salt and water. Too many ingredients will mask the original taste.

The simplest necessities of life are an attitude towards life as ordinary as salt.

Comments: Huang Jian

Why did love arise? Only when emotions are moved within can they be expressed outside. It is hypocrisy to express emotions when your heart is indifferent. Where does reason come from? A theory is a generalization of rules derived from observation and analysis. Its purpose is to enlighten people and enable them to draw inferences from one instance to another through deduction. Where does cultural flavor come from? Although cultural taste can be created through rich knowledge, it is more meaningful to pay attention to and preserve the cultural phenomena around us.

Then, in order for middle school students to write good prose, in addition to honing their words, they must also experience life with their heart, capture their inner throbbing, understand the philosophy of life, and pay attention to the rich culture.


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The Simplest Necessities of Life Text/Fu Yifan Do you know what the philosophy of salt is? It is said that there are seven things to open the door: firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. These words are closely related to secular life, involving many past events a - DayDayNews

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