1. God is fair. When you gain something, you will also lose something. On the one hand, those who are near the water get the moon first; on the other hand, people under the eaves have to bow their heads. 2. Marriage is for happiness, divorce is also for happiness. Feeling that ha

2024/06/2903:16:32 article 1164

1. God is fair, when you gain something, you will also lose something. On the one hand, those who are near the water get the moon first; on the other hand, people under the eaves have to bow their heads.

2. Marriage is for happiness, divorce is also for happiness. I feel that happiness has become a third party, but in fact happiness is the real owner.

3. Human growth in society begins with the heart and lungs: from treating others with heart and lungs, to heart-wrenching pain, to heartlessness, and finally becoming a wolf-hearted person...

4. The most painful thing in life There is nothing better than punishing others for your own mistakes; the most painful thing in life is punishing yourself for other people's mistakes.

5. If you don’t have diamond , don’t take the porcelain job, otherwise it will be messed up. This is true for doing things, and it is also true for being an official.

1. God is fair. When you gain something, you will also lose something. On the one hand, those who are near the water get the moon first; on the other hand, people under the eaves have to bow their heads. 2. Marriage is for happiness, divorce is also for happiness. Feeling that ha - DayDayNews

6. Good medicine is bitter in the mouth and good for the disease; honest advice is hard on the ears and good for the action. The person who yells at you in front of you is your noble person, maybe he is just a bit impatient; the person who insults you behind your back must have a problem with his character.

7. Talk to people and talk to ghosts. In fact, to live well in this society, you have to be half human and half ghost.

8. If the sky is not in season, the sun and moon will have no light; if the earth is not in season, no vegetation will grow; if the truth is not in season, there will be suffering. When the right stands up and calls a deer a horse, the truth will become submissive.

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