Some great words: History is not what we are willing to remember, but what we must remember. More than 300,000 compatriots are never cold numbers, but living lives. They should not die tragically. Under the butcher's knife, like the piles of corpses in a "mass grave", it is never

2024/07/0313:04:32 article 1030

Some great words:

History is not about what we want to remember, but what we must remember. More than 300,000 compatriots are never cold numbers, but living lives. They should not be miserable. Those who died under the butcher's knife, like the piles of corpses in a "mass grave", were never just a flowing cry of the dead, but a naked display of the crime of aggression, with irrefutable evidence that cannot be denied.

We must remember that the death of our compatriots is a disaster of war, and it is also the loss of conscience of the aggressor. We should be alert that the attitudes of those who ignore the history of aggressive wars and those remarks that beautify the nature of aggressive wars are all harmful to peace and peace. The perils of justice.

Some great words: History is not what we are willing to remember, but what we must remember. More than 300,000 compatriots are never cold numbers, but living lives. They should not die tragically. Under the butcher's knife, like the piles of corpses in a

Looking back at history, in the face of extremely barbaric invaders, the Chinese people never surrendered, but strengthened their belief in victory in resisting Japan and saving the nation. What a majestic power of unity, and what a fearless heroism! Nowadays, we must unite the strength of all Chinese people to unite and forge ahead, work hard to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, welcome the dawn and victory in the future, and we will surely create one development miracle after another.

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