Text/Time has passed As the saying goes, "A good person will be bullied by others, and a good horse will be ridden by others." There is nothing wrong with being kind, but what is wrong is tolerance and concession without a bottom line. Being kind to others is a good thing, but go

2024/07/0313:03:33 article 1153

text/Time has passed

Text/Time has passed As the saying goes,

As the saying goes, "A good person will be bullied by others, and a good horse will be ridden by others." There is nothing wrong with kindness, but what is wrong is tolerance and concession without a bottom line.

Being kind to others is a good thing, but good intentions may not always be rewarded. A good intention used in the right place is true kindness, otherwise it is weak and incompetent hypocrisy.

What is kindness?

does not accept all requests from others and never rejects them.

is not a self-righteous move that moves the world, but is actually a useless self-movement.

is not the evil that is nurtured by knowing that it is impossible to do but not knowing how to refuse.

True kindness is to provide help in times of need, to provide umbrellas in the rain, to refuse appropriately, to lead people on the right path, and to walk together in the sunshine.

Text/Time has passed As the saying goes,

When getting along with others, excessive kindness becomes weakness. When you don't know how to refuse, you have become "prey" in the eyes of many people.

People look for those who are honest to bully, and pick on those who are weak. Being kind without principles or bottom line will only make you the target of being bullied.

Kindness is a friendly behavior based on safeguarding one's own rights and interests, rather than letting oneself become a doll at the mercy of others.

People are divided into good people and bad people, and kindness is also divided into whether it is worthy or not. When faced with unreasonable requests, you must know how to refuse and be kind, but this does not mean that you have no bottom line.

Let people understand that when others really need you, you can lend a helping hand, but if it is to hurt you or tease you, you can also become strong and protect yourself.

Text/Time has passed As the saying goes,

Excessive kindness to others is cruelty to yourself. The more people think you are easy to bully, the more unfair treatment you will suffer.

When you should be kind, please don't be stingy with your enthusiasm, but when you need to take up arms and protect your own rights, don't be timid.

Distinguish kindness from weakness, know what to do and what not to do, be able to help others, and know how to refuse, only kindness can play its greatest role.

Don’t let the kindness you give turn into a knife in the hands of others. In the end, the spearhead will turn towards yourself.

As a human being, you should put yourself first and others second. When the so-called kindness will backfire on you, and your sincerity will make you feel wronged and sad in the end, then you don’t need this so-called “kindness”.

Text/Time has passed As the saying goes,

Don't be too kind as a person, because there are always some people who have a human face and a beastly heart, and there are always people who will take advantage of your kindness to do inappropriate things.

The more tolerant you are, the more unscrupulous others will be; the more you give in, the more others will push you; the more soft-hearted you are, the more aggressive others will be.

Moderate kindness is like the warm sunshine in spring, bringing light and warmth to people. But if you are too kind and lose your original intention, good things will turn into bad things.

Kindness is a choice, not a shackle.

Don’t wrong yourself just because you can’t bear the rejection.

The premise of kindness is voluntariness, not responsibility or obligation. Faced with any request that makes you feel unhappy, you can say "no" calmly. Don't let the so-called kindness label become the culprit of your being restrained and losing yourself.

Text/Time has passed As the saying goes,

Don't be too kind, otherwise it will only make others take it for granted and forget your kindness.

If you are kind once or twice, others may be grateful; if you help three or four times, others may be grateful; but if it happens again and again, others will become accustomed to it and take your efforts as a matter of course.

In the end, not only do they not know how to be grateful, they also insist on asking for things from you. Once they refuse, they will label you as being unkind and disrespectful.

As the saying goes, "things are rare and valuable", once anything becomes widespread, it will not be cherished by people, and the same is true for kindness.

You have to let people understand that you are good to others because you are kind, but you can also ignore others because your kindness is only reserved for those who need it.

I don’t know the so-called giving without asking for anything in return, just because of the kindness in my heart, but in the end, truly kind people always feel cold.

Text/Time has passed As the saying goes,

Be a kind person, not a person who is driven by others and only knows how to obey orders. Note: Being too kind can lead to ignorance.

Think about others in everything and forget to care about yourself, but you don't get the slightest care and concern from others.

The better you treat others, the more confident they will be. Treating them well is your personal freedom, not a force on you. If things go on like this, people will just blindly ask for things from you, forgetting that you also need the same feedback.

After being nourished by kindness for a long time, others will not know how to cherish it. He looked like he was taking it for granted and didn't know how to be grateful at all. And your contribution is like water poured out, never getting any response.

Moderate kindness can bring people closer to each other and make friends. However, you must always pay attention to a scale in everything, and pour your sincerity and enthusiasm within a reasonable range. But once there are signs of bad things, You must know how to restrain yourself.

is kind, but not weak. He can be a person with good intentions and a person with a rock-like heart. Pay and reward are never completely equal. As a person, you should always consider yourself first and don't be overly kind.

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